
changeset 225
parent 222
--- a/ui/winui/list.cpp	Fri Oct 20 16:34:33 2023 +0200
+++ b/ui/winui/list.cpp	Sun Nov 26 15:44:28 2023 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 using namespace Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Media;
 using namespace winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives;
 UIWIDGET ui_listview_create(UiObject* obj, UiListArgs args) {
     UiObject* current = uic_current_obj(obj);
@@ -211,114 +212,6 @@
     return widget;
-extern "C" static void destroy_ui_pathbar(void* ptr) {
-    UiPathBar* pb = (UiPathBar*)ptr;
-    delete pb;
-static void ui_context_add_pathbar_destructor(UiContext* ctx, UiPathBar* pb) {
-    cxMempoolRegister(ctx->mp, pb, destroy_ui_pathbar);
-UIEXPORT UIWIDGET ui_pathbar_create(UiObject* obj, UiPathBarArgs args) {
-    UiObject* current = uic_current_obj(obj);
-    // create view and toolkit wrapper
-    Border pathbar = Border();
-    IInspectable bgRes = Application::Current().Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"TextControlBackground"));
-    IInspectable borderThicknessRes = Application::Current().Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"TextControlBorderThemeThickness"));
-    IInspectable borderBrushRes = Application::Current().Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"TextControlBorderBrush"));
-    // IInspectable cornerRes = Application::Current().Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"TextControlCornerRadius"));
-    Brush bgBrush = unbox_value<Brush>(bgRes);
-    Thickness border = unbox_value<Thickness>(borderThicknessRes);
-    Brush borderBrush = unbox_value<Brush>(borderBrushRes);
-    CornerRadius cornerRadius = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }; //unbox_value<CornerRadius>(cornerRes);
-    pathbar.Background(bgBrush);
-    pathbar.BorderBrush(borderBrush);
-    pathbar.BorderThickness(border);
-    pathbar.CornerRadius(cornerRadius);
-    Grid content = Grid();
-    pathbar.Child(content);
-    GridLength gl;
-    gl.Value = 1;
-    gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Star;
-    ColumnDefinition coldef = ColumnDefinition();
-    coldef.Width(gl);
-    content.ColumnDefinitions().Append(coldef);
-    TextBox pathTextBox = TextBox();
-    Thickness t = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    CornerRadius c = { 0 ,0, 0, 0 };
-    pathTextBox.BorderThickness(t);
-    //pathTextBox.CornerRadius(c);
-    pathTextBox.HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Stretch);
-    content.SetColumn(pathTextBox, 0);
-    content.Children().Append(pathTextBox);
-    // stackpanel for buttons
-    StackPanel buttons = StackPanel();
-    buttons.Orientation(Orientation::Horizontal);
-    buttons.Visibility(Visibility::Collapsed);
-    content.SetColumn(buttons, 0);
-    content.Children().Append(buttons);
-    if (args.ontextinput) {
-        // TODO
-    }
-    //pathTextBox.Visibility(Visibility::Collapsed);
-    UiPathBar* uipathbar = new UiPathBar;
-    ui_context_add_pathbar_destructor(current->ctx, uipathbar);
-    uipathbar->grid = content;
-    uipathbar->buttons = buttons;
-    uipathbar->textbox = pathTextBox;
-    uipathbar->obj = obj;
-    uipathbar->enabledrag = args.enabledrag;
-    uipathbar->enabledrop = args.enabledrop;
-    uipathbar->getvalue = args.getvalue;
-    uipathbar->model = args.model;
-    uipathbar->onactivate = args.onactivate;
-    uipathbar->onactivatedata = args.onactivatedata;
-    uipathbar->ondragstart = args.ondragstart;
-    uipathbar->ondragstartdata = args.ondragstartdata;
-    uipathbar->ondragcomplete = args.ondragcomplete;
-    uipathbar->ondragcompletedata = args.ondragcompletedata;
-    uipathbar->ondrop = args.ondrop;
-    uipathbar->ondropdata = args.ondropsdata;
-    UIElement elm = pathbar;
-    UiWidget* widget = new UiWidget(elm);
-    widget->data1 = uipathbar;
-    ui_context_add_widget_destructor(current->ctx, widget);
-    // bind var
-    UiVar* var = uic_widget_var(obj->ctx, current->ctx, args.list, args.varname, UI_VAR_LIST);
-    if (var) {
-        UiList* list = (UiList*)var->value;
-        list->update = ui_pathbar_update;
-        list->obj = widget;
-        ui_pathbar_update(list, 0);
-    }
-    // add listview to current container
-    UI_APPLY_LAYOUT1(current, args);
-    current->container->Add(pathbar, false);
-    return widget;
 static void* getstrvalue(void* elm, int ignore) {
     return elm;
@@ -383,71 +276,6 @@
-static void ui_pathbar_clear(StackPanel &buttons) {
-    for (int i = buttons.Children().Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        buttons.Children().RemoveAt(i);
-    }
-extern "C" void ui_pathbar_update(UiList * list, int i) {
-    UiWidget* widget = (UiWidget*)list->obj;
-    UiPathBar* pb = (UiPathBar*)widget->data1;
-    Grid grid = pb->grid;
-    UiModel* model = pb->model;
-    ui_getvaluefunc getvalue = pb->getvalue;
-    // priority: getvalue, model.getvalue, getstrvalue (fallback)
-    if (getvalue == nullptr) {
-        if (model && model->getvalue) {
-            getvalue = model->getvalue;
-        }
-        else {
-            getvalue = getstrvalue;
-        }
-    }
-    // hide textbox, show button panel
-    pb->textbox.Visibility(Visibility::Collapsed);
-    pb->buttons.Visibility(Visibility::Visible);
-    // clear old buttons
-    ui_pathbar_clear(pb->buttons);
-    // add new buttons
-    void* elm = list->first(list);
-    int j = 0;
-    while (elm) {
-        char* value = (char*)getvalue(elm, 0);
-        wchar_t* wstr = str2wstr(value, nullptr);
-        Button button = Button();
-        button.Content(box_value(wstr));
-        free(wstr);
-        if (pb->onactivate) {
-            button.Click([pb, j](IInspectable const& sender, RoutedEventArgs) {
-                UiEvent evt;
-                evt.obj = pb->obj;
-                evt.window = evt.obj->window;
-                evt.document = evt.obj->ctx->document;
-                evt.eventdata = nullptr;
-                evt.intval = j;
-                pb->onactivate(&evt, pb->onactivatedata);
-                });
-        }
-        Thickness t = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
-        CornerRadius c = { 0 ,0, 0, 0 };
-        button.BorderThickness(t);
-        button.CornerRadius(c);
-        pb->buttons.Children().Append(button);
-        j++;
-        elm = list->next(list);
-    }
 std::vector<int> ui_create_listview_selection(ListView listview) {
     std::vector<int> selection;
