2 weeks ago
fix build (WINUI3)
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2023 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "pch.h" #include "window.h" #include "appmenu.h" #include "commandbar.h" #include "container.h" #include "util.h" #include "button.h" #include "../common/context.h" #include "../common/object.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <cx/mempool.h> #include "MainWindow.xaml.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <shobjidl.h> #include <iostream> using namespace winrt; using namespace Microsoft::UI::Xaml; using namespace Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls; using namespace Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives; using namespace Microsoft::UI::Xaml::XamlTypeInfo; using namespace Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Markup; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Interop; using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; using namespace winrt::Windows::Storage::Pickers; UiWindow::UiWindow(winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Window& win) : window(win) {} UiObject* ui_window(const char* title, void* window_data) { UiObject* obj = ui_simple_window(title, window_data); /* if (uic_get_menu_list()) { // create/add menubar MenuBar mb = ui_create_menubar(obj); mb.VerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment::Top); obj->container->Add(mb, false); } */ if (uic_toolbar_isenabled()) { // create a grid for the toolbar: ColumnDefinitions="Auto, *, Auto" Grid toolbar_grid = Grid(); GridLength gl; gl.Value = 0; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Auto; ColumnDefinition coldef0 = ColumnDefinition(); coldef0.Width(gl); toolbar_grid.ColumnDefinitions().Append(coldef0); gl.Value = 1; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Star; ColumnDefinition coldef1 = ColumnDefinition(); coldef1.Width(gl); toolbar_grid.ColumnDefinitions().Append(coldef1); gl.Value = 0; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Auto; ColumnDefinition coldef2 = ColumnDefinition(); coldef2.Width(gl); toolbar_grid.ColumnDefinitions().Append(coldef2); // rowdef gl.Value = 0; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Auto; RowDefinition rowdef = RowDefinition(); rowdef.Height(gl); toolbar_grid.RowDefinitions().Append(rowdef); // create commandbar CxList* def_l = uic_get_toolbar_defaults(UI_TOOLBAR_LEFT); CxList* def_c = uic_get_toolbar_defaults(UI_TOOLBAR_CENTER); CxList* def_r = uic_get_toolbar_defaults(UI_TOOLBAR_RIGHT); bool addappmenu = true; if (cxListSize(def_r) > 0) { CommandBar toolbar_r = ui_create_toolbar(obj, def_r, addappmenu); toolbar_grid.SetColumn(toolbar_r, 2); toolbar_grid.SetRow(toolbar_r, 0); toolbar_grid.Children().Append(toolbar_r); addappmenu = false; } if (cxListSize(def_c) > 0) { CommandBar toolbar_c = ui_create_toolbar(obj, def_c, addappmenu); toolbar_c.HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Center); toolbar_grid.SetColumn(toolbar_c, 1); toolbar_grid.SetRow(toolbar_c, 0); toolbar_grid.Children().Append(toolbar_c); addappmenu = false; } if (cxListSize(def_l) > 0) { CommandBar toolbar_l = ui_create_toolbar(obj, def_l, addappmenu); toolbar_grid.SetColumn(toolbar_l, 0); toolbar_grid.SetRow(toolbar_l, 0); toolbar_grid.Children().Append(toolbar_l); } toolbar_grid.VerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment::Top); obj->container->Add(toolbar_grid, false); } return obj; } UIEXPORT UiObject* ui_simple_window(const char *title, void *window_data) { CxMempool* mp = cxMempoolCreateSimple(256); UiObject* obj = (UiObject*)cxCalloc(mp->allocator, 1, sizeof(UiObject)); obj->ctx = uic_context(obj, mp); obj->window = window_data; Window window = Window(); //Window window = make<winui::implementation::MainWindow>(); winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri resourceLocator{ L"ms-appx:///MainWindow.xaml" }; Application::LoadComponent(window, resourceLocator, ComponentResourceLocation::Nested); window.ExtendsContentIntoTitleBar(true); Grid grid = Grid(); window.Content(grid); StackPanel titleBar = StackPanel(); Thickness titleBarPadding = { 10, 5, 5, 10 }; titleBar.Padding(titleBarPadding); titleBar.Orientation(Orientation::Horizontal); TextBlock titleLabel = TextBlock(); titleBar.Children().Append(titleLabel); if (title) { wchar_t* wtitle = str2wstr(title, nullptr); window.Title(wtitle); titleLabel.Text(hstring(wtitle)); free(wtitle); } window.SetTitleBar(titleBar); obj->wobj = new UiWindow(window); ui_context_add_window_destructor(obj->ctx, obj->wobj); window.Closed([obj](IInspectable const& sender, WindowEventArgs) { if (obj->ctx->close_callback) { UiEvent evt; evt.obj = obj; evt.document = obj->ctx->document; evt.window = obj->window; evt.eventdata = NULL; evt.intval = 0; obj->ctx->close_callback(&evt, obj->ctx->close_data); } else { ui_context_destroy(obj->ctx); } }); obj->container = new UiBoxContainer(grid, UI_BOX_CONTAINER_VBOX, 0, 0); titleBar.VerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment::Top); obj->container->Add(titleBar, false); obj->window = window_data; return obj; } static void dialog_button_add_callback(ContentDialog dialog, Button button, int num, UiObject *obj, ui_callback onclick, void *onclickdata) { button.Click([dialog, num, obj, onclick, onclickdata](IInspectable const& sender, RoutedEventArgs) { if (onclick) { UiEvent evt; evt.obj = obj; evt.window = obj->window; evt.document = obj->ctx->document; evt.eventdata = nullptr; evt.intval = num; onclick(&evt, onclickdata); } dialog.Hide(); }); } UIEXPORT UiObject* ui_dialog_window_create(UiObject *parent, UiDialogWindowArgs args) { UiWindow *window = parent->wobj; if (!window) { return NULL; } CxMempool* mp = cxMempoolCreateSimple(256); UiObject* obj = (UiObject*)cxCalloc(mp->allocator, 1, sizeof(UiObject)); obj->ctx = uic_context(obj, mp); ContentDialog dialog = ContentDialog(); UIElement elm = dialog; UiWidget* widget = new UiWidget(elm); ui_context_add_widget_destructor(obj->ctx, widget); obj->widget = widget; if (args.title) { wchar_t* wtitle = str2wstr(args.title, nullptr); dialog.Title(box_value(wtitle)); free(wtitle); } Grid dialogContent = Grid(); GridLength gl; // content row gl.Value = 1; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Star; RowDefinition rowdef0 = RowDefinition(); rowdef0.Height(gl); dialogContent.RowDefinitions().Append(rowdef0); // button row gl.Value = 0; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Auto; RowDefinition rowdef1 = RowDefinition(); rowdef1.Height(gl); dialogContent.RowDefinitions().Append(rowdef1); // coldef gl.Value = 1; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Star; ColumnDefinition coldef = ColumnDefinition(); coldef.Width(gl); dialogContent.ColumnDefinitions().Append(coldef); // content Grid grid = Grid(); grid.SetRow(grid, 0); grid.SetColumn(grid, 0); dialogContent.Children().Append(grid); obj->container = new UiBoxContainer(grid, UI_BOX_CONTAINER_VBOX, 0, 0); // buttons Grid buttons = Grid(); Thickness btnsMargin = { (double)0, (double)10, (double)0, (double)0 }; buttons.Margin(btnsMargin); RowDefinition btnrowdef = RowDefinition(); gl.Value = 0; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Auto; btnrowdef.Height(gl); buttons.RowDefinitions().Append(btnrowdef); gl.Value = 1; gl.GridUnitType = GridUnitType::Auto; int c = 0; if (args.lbutton1) { ColumnDefinition bcoldef = ColumnDefinition(); bcoldef.Width(gl); buttons.ColumnDefinitions().Append(bcoldef); Button btn = Button(); ui_set_button_label(btn, args.lbutton1, NULL, NULL, UI_LABEL_TEXT); Thickness margin = { (double)5, (double)5, (double)5, (double)5 }; btn.Margin(margin); btn.HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Stretch); dialog_button_add_callback(dialog, btn, 1, obj, args.onclick, args.onclickdata); buttons.SetRow(btn, 0); buttons.SetColumn(btn, c++); buttons.Children().Append(btn); } if (args.lbutton2) { ColumnDefinition bcoldef = ColumnDefinition(); bcoldef.Width(gl); buttons.ColumnDefinitions().Append(bcoldef); Button btn = Button(); ui_set_button_label(btn, args.lbutton2, NULL, NULL, UI_LABEL_TEXT); Thickness margin = { (double)5, (double)5, (double)5, (double)5 }; btn.Margin(margin); btn.HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Stretch); dialog_button_add_callback(dialog, btn, 2, obj, args.onclick, args.onclickdata); buttons.SetRow(btn, 0); buttons.SetColumn(btn, c++); buttons.Children().Append(btn); } if (args.rbutton3) { ColumnDefinition bcoldef = ColumnDefinition(); bcoldef.Width(gl); buttons.ColumnDefinitions().Append(bcoldef); Button btn = Button(); ui_set_button_label(btn, args.rbutton3, NULL, NULL, UI_LABEL_TEXT); Thickness margin = { (double)5, (double)5, (double)5, (double)5 }; btn.Margin(margin); btn.HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Stretch); dialog_button_add_callback(dialog, btn, 3, obj, args.onclick, args.onclickdata); buttons.SetRow(btn, 0); buttons.SetColumn(btn, c++); buttons.Children().Append(btn); } if (args.rbutton4) { ColumnDefinition bcoldef = ColumnDefinition(); bcoldef.Width(gl); buttons.ColumnDefinitions().Append(bcoldef); Button btn = Button(); ui_set_button_label(btn, args.rbutton4, NULL, NULL, UI_LABEL_TEXT); Thickness margin = { (double)5, (double)5, (double)5, (double)5 }; btn.Margin(margin); btn.HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Stretch); dialog_button_add_callback(dialog, btn, 4, obj, args.onclick, args.onclickdata); buttons.SetRow(btn, 0); buttons.SetColumn(btn, c++); buttons.Children().Append(btn); } dialogContent.SetRow(buttons, 1); dialogContent.SetColumn(buttons, 0); dialogContent.Children().Append(buttons); dialog.Content(dialogContent); dialog.XamlRoot(window->window.Content().XamlRoot()); obj->widget->Show = [dialog]() { dialog.ShowAsync(); }; return obj; } void ui_window_size(UiObject *obj, int width, int height) { UIWINDOW win = obj->wobj; if (win) { winrt::Windows::Graphics::SizeInt32 wsize; wsize.Width = width; wsize.Height = height; win->window.AppWindow().Resize(wsize); } } static Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction create_dialog_async(UiObject *obj, UiDialogArgs args) { UiObject* current = uic_current_obj(obj); Window parentWindow = current->wobj->window; ContentDialog dialog = ContentDialog(); dialog.XamlRoot(parentWindow.Content().XamlRoot()); if (args.title) { wchar_t *str = str2wstr(args.title, nullptr); dialog.Title(winrt::box_value(str)); free(str); } TextBox textfield{ nullptr }; PasswordBox password{ nullptr }; if(args.input || args.password) { StackPanel panel = StackPanel(); panel.Orientation(Orientation::Vertical); if (args.content) { wchar_t *str = str2wstr(args.content, nullptr); TextBlock label = TextBlock(); label.Text(str); panel.Children().Append(label); free(str); } Thickness margin = { 0, 5, 0, 0 }; if (args.password) { password = PasswordBox(); password.Margin(margin); panel.Children().Append(password); } else { textfield = TextBox(); textfield.Margin(margin); panel.Children().Append(textfield); } panel.Margin(margin); dialog.Content(panel); } else { if (args.content) { wchar_t *str = str2wstr(args.content, nullptr); dialog.Content(winrt::box_value(str)); free(str); } } if (args.button1_label) { wchar_t *str = str2wstr(args.button1_label, nullptr); dialog.PrimaryButtonText(winrt::hstring(str)); free(str); dialog.DefaultButton(ContentDialogButton::Primary); } if (args.button2_label) { wchar_t *str = str2wstr(args.button2_label, nullptr); dialog.SecondaryButtonText(winrt::hstring(str)); free(str); } if (args.closebutton_label) { wchar_t *str = str2wstr(args.closebutton_label, nullptr); dialog.CloseButtonText(winrt::hstring(str)); free(str); } ContentDialogResult result = co_await dialog.ShowAsync(); if (args.result) { UiEvent evt; evt.obj = current; evt.document = current->ctx->document; evt.window = current->window; evt.eventdata = NULL; evt.intval = 0; if (result == ContentDialogResult::Primary) { evt.intval = 1; } else if (result == ContentDialogResult::Secondary) { evt.intval = 2; } if (args.password) { std::wstring wstr(password.Password()); char *text = wchar2utf8(wstr.c_str(), wstr.length()); evt.eventdata = text; } else if (args.input) { std::wstring wstr(textfield.Text()); char *text = wchar2utf8(wstr.c_str(), wstr.length()); evt.eventdata = text; } args.result(&evt, args.resultdata); if (evt.eventdata) { free(evt.eventdata); } } } UIEXPORT void ui_dialog_create(UiObject *obj, UiDialogArgs args) { create_dialog_async(obj, args); } // --------------------------------------- File Dialog --------------------------------------- static void filedialog_callback( UiObject *obj, ui_callback file_selected_callback, void *cbdata, winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFile> result) { UiFileList flist; flist.nfiles = result.Size(); flist.files = new char*[flist.nfiles]; int i = 0; for (auto const& file : result) { winrt::hstring path = file.Path(); flist.files[i++] = wchar2utf8(path.c_str(), path.size()); } UiEvent evt; evt.obj = obj; evt.document = obj->ctx->document; evt.window = obj->window; evt.eventdata = &flist; evt.intval = 0; file_selected_callback(&evt, cbdata); for (int i = 0; i < flist.nfiles;i++) { free(flist.files[i]); } delete[] flist.files; } static Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction open_filedialog_async(UiObject *obj, unsigned int mode, ui_callback file_selected_callback, void *cbdata) { FileOpenPicker openFileDialog = FileOpenPicker(); auto initializeWithWindow { openFileDialog.as<::IInitializeWithWindow>() }; HWND hwnd{ nullptr }; winrt::check_hresult(obj->wobj->window.as<IWindowNative>()->get_WindowHandle(&hwnd)); initializeWithWindow->Initialize(hwnd); openFileDialog.FileTypeFilter().Append(L"*"); if ((mode & UI_FILEDIALOG_SELECT_MULTI) == UI_FILEDIALOG_SELECT_MULTI) { auto files = co_await openFileDialog.PickMultipleFilesAsync(); filedialog_callback(obj, file_selected_callback, cbdata, files); } else { auto file = co_await openFileDialog.PickSingleFileAsync(); auto files = single_threaded_vector<winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFile>(); files.Append(file); filedialog_callback(obj, file_selected_callback, cbdata, files.GetView()); } } static Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction save_filedialog_async(UiObject *obj, char *name, ui_callback file_selected_callback, void *cbdata) { IFileSaveDialog *saveFileDialog; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileSaveDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IFileSaveDialog, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&saveFileDialog)); if (FAILED(hr)) { co_return; } if (name) { wchar_t *wname = str2wstr(name, NULL); saveFileDialog->SetFileName(wname); free(wname); free(name); } hr = saveFileDialog->Show(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IShellItem *item; hr = saveFileDialog->GetResult(&item); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PWSTR wpath; hr = item->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &wpath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char *path = wchar2utf8(wpath, lstrlen(wpath)); CoTaskMemFree(wpath); UiFileList flist; flist.nfiles = 1; flist.files = new char*[1]; flist.files[0] = path; UiEvent evt; evt.obj = obj; evt.document = obj->ctx->document; evt.window = obj->window; evt.eventdata = &flist; evt.intval = 0; file_selected_callback(&evt, cbdata); free(path); delete[] flist.files; } item->Release(); } } // cleanup saveFileDialog->Release(); } static Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction folderdialog_async(UiObject *obj, ui_callback file_selected_callback, void *cbdata) { FolderPicker folderPicker = FolderPicker(); auto initializeWithWindow { folderPicker.as<::IInitializeWithWindow>() }; HWND hwnd{ nullptr }; winrt::check_hresult(obj->wobj->window.as<IWindowNative>()->get_WindowHandle(&hwnd)); initializeWithWindow->Initialize(hwnd); folderPicker.FileTypeFilter().Append(L"*"); auto folder = co_await folderPicker.PickSingleFolderAsync(); if (folder) { winrt::hstring hpath = folder.Path(); char *cpath = wchar2utf8(hpath.c_str(), hpath.size()); UiFileList flist; flist.nfiles = 1; flist.files = &cpath; UiEvent evt; evt.obj = obj; evt.document = obj->ctx->document; evt.window = obj->window; evt.eventdata = &flist; evt.intval = 0; file_selected_callback(&evt, cbdata); } } UIEXPORT void ui_openfiledialog(UiObject *obj, unsigned int mode, ui_callback file_selected_callback, void *cbdata) { if ((mode & UI_FILEDIALOG_SELECT_FOLDER) == UI_FILEDIALOG_SELECT_FOLDER) { folderdialog_async(obj, file_selected_callback, cbdata); } else { open_filedialog_async(obj, mode, file_selected_callback, cbdata); } } UIEXPORT void ui_savefiledialog(UiObject *obj, const char *name, ui_callback file_selected_callback, void *cbdata) { char *n = name ? _strdup(name) : NULL; save_filedialog_async(obj, n, file_selected_callback, cbdata); }