Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:19:21 +0100
fix wrong menu item list label string used
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2017 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <cx/list.h> #include <cx/array_list.h> #include "../ui/tree.h" #include "types.h" #include "context.h" UiObserver* ui_observer_new(ui_callback f, void *data) { UiObserver *observer = malloc(sizeof(UiObserver)); observer->callback = f; observer->data = data; observer->next = NULL; return observer; } UiObserver* ui_obsvlist_add(UiObserver *list, UiObserver *observer) { if(!list) { return observer; } else { UiObserver *l = list; while(l->next) { l = l->next; } l->next = observer; return list; } } UiObserver* ui_add_observer(UiObserver *list, ui_callback f, void *data) { UiObserver *observer = ui_observer_new(f, data); return ui_obsvlist_add(list, observer); } void ui_notify(UiObserver *observer, void *data) { ui_notify_except(observer, NULL, data); } void ui_notify_except(UiObserver *observer, UiObserver *exc, void *data) { UiEvent evt; evt.obj = NULL; evt.window = NULL; evt.document = NULL; evt.eventdata = data; evt.intval = 0; while(observer) { if(observer != exc) { observer->callback(&evt, observer->data); } observer = observer->next; } } void ui_notify_evt(UiObserver *observer, UiEvent *event) { while(observer) { observer->callback(event, observer->data); observer = observer->next; } } /* --------------------------- UiList --------------------------- */ UiList* ui_list_new(UiContext *ctx, char *name) { UiList *list = malloc(sizeof(UiList)); list->first = ui_list_first; list->next = ui_list_next; list->get = ui_list_get; list->count = ui_list_count; list->observers = NULL; list->data = cxArrayListCreate(cxDefaultAllocator, NULL, CX_STORE_POINTERS, 32); list->iter = NULL; list->update = NULL; list->obj = NULL; if(name) { uic_reg_var(ctx, name, UI_VAR_LIST, list); } return list; } void ui_list_free(UiList *list) { cxListDestroy(list->data); free(list); } void* ui_list_first(UiList *list) { list->iter = (void*)(intptr_t)0; return cxListAt(list->data, 0); } void* ui_list_next(UiList *list) { intptr_t iter = (intptr_t)list->iter; iter++; void *elm = cxListAt(list->data, iter); if(elm) { list->iter = (void*)iter; } return elm; } void* ui_list_get(UiList *list, int i) { return cxListAt(list->data, i); } int ui_list_count(UiList *list) { return ((CxList*)list->data)->size; } void ui_list_append(UiList *list, void *data) { cxListAdd(list->data, data); } void ui_list_prepend(UiList *list, void *data) { cxListInsert(list->data, 0, data); } void ui_list_clear(UiList *list) { cxListClear(list->data); } void ui_list_addobsv(UiList *list, ui_callback f, void *data) { list->observers = ui_add_observer(list->observers, f, data); } void ui_list_notify(UiList *list) { ui_notify(list->observers, list); } typedef struct { int type; char *name; } UiColumn; UiModel* ui_model(UiContext *ctx, ...) { UiModel *info = ui_calloc(ctx, 1, sizeof(UiModel)); va_list ap; va_start(ap, ctx); CxList *cols = cxArrayListCreate(cxDefaultAllocator, NULL, sizeof(UiColumn), 32); int type; while((type = va_arg(ap, int)) != -1) { char *name = va_arg(ap, char*); UiColumn column; column.type = type; = name; cxListAdd(cols, &column); } va_end(ap); size_t len = cols->size; info->columns = len; info->types = ui_calloc(ctx, len, sizeof(UiModelType)); info->titles = ui_calloc(ctx, len, sizeof(char*)); int i = 0; CxIterator iter = cxListIterator(cols); cx_foreach(UiColumn*, c, iter) { info->types[i] = c->type; info->titles[i] = c->name; i++; } cxListDestroy(cols); return info; } UiModel* ui_model_copy(UiContext *ctx, UiModel* model) { const CxAllocator* a = ctx ? ctx->allocator : cxDefaultAllocator; UiModel* newmodel = cxMalloc(a, sizeof(UiModel)); *newmodel = *model; newmodel->types = cxCalloc(a, model->columns, sizeof(UiModelType)); memcpy(newmodel->types, model->types, model->columns); newmodel->titles = cxCalloc(a, model->columns, sizeof(char*)); for (int i = 0; i < model->columns; i++) { newmodel->titles[i] = model->titles[i] ? cx_strdup_a(a, cx_str(model->titles[i])).ptr : NULL; } return newmodel; } void ui_model_free(UiContext *ctx, UiModel *mi) { const CxAllocator* a = ctx ? ctx->allocator : cxDefaultAllocator; cxFree(a, mi->types); cxFree(a, mi->titles); cxFree(a, mi); } // types // public functions UiInteger* ui_int_new(UiContext *ctx, char *name) { UiInteger *i = ui_malloc(ctx, sizeof(UiInteger)); memset(i, 0, sizeof(UiInteger)); if(name) { uic_reg_var(ctx, name, UI_VAR_INTEGER, i); } return i; } UiDouble* ui_double_new(UiContext *ctx, char *name) { UiDouble *d = ui_malloc(ctx, sizeof(UiDouble)); memset(d, 0, sizeof(UiDouble)); if(name) { uic_reg_var(ctx, name, UI_VAR_DOUBLE, d); } return d; } UiString* ui_string_new(UiContext *ctx, char *name) { UiString *s = ui_malloc(ctx, sizeof(UiString)); memset(s, 0, sizeof(UiString)); if(name) { uic_reg_var(ctx, name, UI_VAR_STRING, s); } return s; } UiText* ui_text_new(UiContext *ctx, char *name) { UiText *t = ui_malloc(ctx, sizeof(UiText)); memset(t, 0, sizeof(UiText)); if(name) { uic_reg_var(ctx, name, UI_VAR_TEXT, t); } return t; } UiRange* ui_range_new(UiContext *ctx, char *name) { UiRange *r = ui_malloc(ctx, sizeof(UiRange)); memset(r, 0, sizeof(UiRange)); if(name) { uic_reg_var(ctx, name, UI_VAR_RANGE, r); } return r; } void ui_int_set(UiInteger* i, int64_t value) { if (i && i->set) { i->set(i, value); } } int64_t ui_int_get(UiInteger* i) { if (i) { return i->get ? i->get(i) : i->value; } else { return 0; } } void ui_double_set(UiDouble* d, double value) { if (d && d->set) { d->set(d, value); } } double ui_double_get(UiDouble* d) { if (d) { return d->get ? d->get(d) : d->value; } else { return 0; } } void ui_string_set(UiString* s, const char* value) { if (s && s->set) { s->set(s, value); } } char* ui_string_get(UiString* s) { if (s) { return s->get ? s->get(s) : s->value.ptr; } else { return 0; } } void ui_text_set(UiText* s, const char* value) { if (s && s->set) { s->set(s, value); } } char* ui_text_get(UiText* s) { if (s) { return s->get ? s->get(s) : s->value.ptr; } else { return 0; } } // private functions void uic_int_copy(UiInteger *from, UiInteger *to) { to->get = from->get; to->set = from->set; to->obj = from->obj; } void uic_double_copy(UiDouble *from, UiDouble *to) { to->get = from->get; to->set = from->set; to->obj = from->obj; } void uic_string_copy(UiString *from, UiString *to) { to->get = from->get; to->set = from->set; to->obj = from->obj; } void uic_text_copy(UiText *from, UiText *to) { to->get = from->get; to->set = from->set; to->getsubstr = from->getsubstr; to->insert = from->insert; to->setposition = from->setposition; to->position = from->position; to->selection = from->selection; to->length = from->length; to->remove = from->remove; to->obj = from->obj; // do not copy the undo manager } void uic_range_copy(UiRange *from, UiRange *to) { to->get = from->get; to->set = from->set; to->setrange = from->setrange; to->setextent = from->setextent; to->obj = from->obj; } void uic_list_copy(UiList *from, UiList *to) { to->update = from->update; to->obj = from->obj; } void uic_int_save(UiInteger *i) { if(!i->obj) return; i->value = i->get(i); } void uic_double_save(UiDouble *d) { if(!d->obj) return; d->value = d->get(d); } void uic_string_save(UiString *s) { if(!s->obj) return; s->get(s); } void uic_text_save(UiText *t) { if(!t->obj) return; t->get(t); t->position(t); } void uic_range_save(UiRange *r) { if(!r->obj) return; r->get(r); } void uic_int_unbind(UiInteger *i) { i->get = NULL; i->set = NULL; i->obj = NULL; } void uic_double_unbind(UiDouble *d) { d->get = NULL; d->set = NULL; d->obj = NULL; } void uic_string_unbind(UiString *s) { s->get = NULL; s->set = NULL; s->obj = NULL; } void uic_text_unbind(UiText *t) { t->set = NULL; t->get = NULL; t->getsubstr = NULL; t->insert = NULL; t->setposition = NULL; t->position = NULL; t->selection = NULL; t->length = NULL; t->remove = NULL; t->obj = NULL; t->undomgr = NULL; } void uic_range_unbind(UiRange *r) { r->get = NULL; r->set = NULL; r->setextent = NULL; r->setrange = NULL; r->obj = NULL; } void uic_list_unbind(UiList *l) { l->update = NULL; l->obj = NULL; }