3 weeks ago
implement window reference counting (Motif)
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2024 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "container.h" #include "../common/context.h" #include "../common/object.h" #include <cx/array_list.h> #include "Grid.h" UIWIDGET ui_customwidget_create(UiObject *obj, ui_createwidget_func create_widget, void *userdata, UiWidgetArgs args) { Arg xargs[64]; int n = 0; UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj); UI_APPLY_LAYOUT(ctn->layout, args); Widget parent = ctn->prepare(ctn, xargs, &n); Widget widget = create_widget(obj, args, userdata, parent, xargs, n); XtManageChild(widget); ctn->add(ctn, widget); return widget; } /* ---------------------------- Box Container ---------------------------- */ static UIWIDGET box_create(UiObject *obj, UiContainerArgs args, UiBoxOrientation orientation) { UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj); UI_APPLY_LAYOUT(ctn->layout, args); Arg xargs[16]; int n = 0; if(orientation == UI_BOX_VERTICAL) { //XtSetArg(xargs[n], gridRowSpacing, args.spacing); n++; } else { //XtSetArg(xargs[n], gridColumnSpacing, args.spacing); n++; } Widget parent = ctn->prepare(ctn, xargs, &n); Widget grid = XtCreateManagedWidget(args.name ? args.name : "boxcontainer", gridClass, parent, xargs, n); ctn->add(ctn, grid); UiContainerX *container = ui_box_container(obj, grid, orientation); uic_object_push_container(obj, container); return grid; } // public UIWIDGET ui_vbox_create(UiObject *obj, UiContainerArgs args) { return box_create(obj, args, UI_BOX_VERTICAL); } // public UIWIDGET ui_hbox_create(UiObject *obj, UiContainerArgs args) { return box_create(obj, args, UI_BOX_HORIZONTAL); } UiContainerX* ui_box_container(UiObject *obj, Widget grid, UiBoxOrientation orientation) { UiBoxContainer *ctn = ui_malloc(obj->ctx, sizeof(UiBoxContainer)); memset(ctn, 0, sizeof(UiBoxContainer)); ctn->container.prepare = orientation == UI_BOX_VERTICAL ? ui_vbox_prepare : ui_hbox_prepare; ctn->container.add = ui_box_container_add; ctn->container.widget = grid; ctn->n = 0; return (UiContainerX*)ctn; } static Widget ui_box_container_prepare(UiBoxContainer *box, Arg *args, int *n) { int a = *n; box->n++; return box->container.widget; } Widget ui_vbox_prepare(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Arg *args, int *n) { UiBoxContainer *box = (UiBoxContainer*)ctn; int a = *n; XtSetArg(args[a], gridRow, box->n); a++; if(box->container.layout.fill == UI_ON) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridVExpand, TRUE); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], gridVFill, TRUE); a++; } XtSetArg(args[a], gridHExpand, TRUE); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], gridHFill, TRUE); a++; *n = a; return ui_box_container_prepare(box, args, n); } Widget ui_hbox_prepare(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Arg *args, int *n) { UiBoxContainer *box = (UiBoxContainer*)ctn; int a = *n; XtSetArg(args[a], gridColumn, box->n); a++; if(box->container.layout.fill == UI_ON) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridHExpand, TRUE); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], gridHFill, TRUE); a++; } XtSetArg(args[a], gridVExpand, TRUE); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], gridVFill, TRUE); a++; *n = a; return ui_box_container_prepare(box, args, n); } void ui_box_container_add(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Widget widget) { ui_reset_layout(ctn->layout); } /* ---------------------------- Grid Container ---------------------------- */ // public UIWIDGET ui_grid_create(UiObject *obj, UiContainerArgs args) { Arg xargs[16]; int n = 0; UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj); UI_APPLY_LAYOUT(ctn->layout, args); Widget parent = ctn->prepare(ctn, xargs, &n); XtSetArg(xargs[n], gridMargin, args.margin); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], gridColumnSpacing, args.columnspacing); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], gridRowSpacing, args.rowspacing); n++; Widget grid = XtCreateManagedWidget(args.name ? args.name : "gridcontainer", gridClass, parent, xargs, n); ctn->add(ctn, grid); UiContainerX *container = ui_grid_container(obj, grid); uic_object_push_container(obj, container); return grid; } UiContainerX* ui_grid_container(UiObject *obj, Widget grid) { UiGridContainer *ctn = ui_malloc(obj->ctx, sizeof(UiGridContainer)); memset(ctn, 0, sizeof(UiBoxContainer)); ctn->container.prepare = ui_grid_container_prepare; ctn->container.add = ui_grid_container_add; ctn->container.widget = grid; ctn->x = 0; ctn->y = 0; return (UiContainerX*)ctn; } Widget ui_grid_container_prepare(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Arg *args, int *n) { UiGridContainer *grid = (UiGridContainer*)ctn; if(ctn->layout.newline) { grid->y++; grid->x = 0; } int a = *n; XtSetArg(args[a], gridColumn, grid->x); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], gridRow, grid->y); a++; if(ctn->layout.colspan > 0) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridColspan, ctn->layout.colspan); a++; } if(ctn->layout.rowspan > 0) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridRowspan, ctn->layout.rowspan); a++; } if(grid->container.layout.fill == UI_ON) { grid->container.layout.hfill = TRUE; grid->container.layout.vfill = TRUE; grid->container.layout.hexpand = TRUE; grid->container.layout.vexpand = TRUE; } if(grid->container.layout.hfill) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridHFill, TRUE); a++; } if(grid->container.layout.vfill) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridVFill, TRUE); a++; } if(grid->container.layout.hexpand) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridHExpand, TRUE); a++; } if(grid->container.layout.vexpand) { XtSetArg(args[a], gridVExpand, TRUE); a++; } *n = a; return ctn->widget; } void ui_grid_container_add(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Widget widget) { UiGridContainer *grid = (UiGridContainer*)ctn; grid->x++; ui_reset_layout(ctn->layout); } /* -------------------------- TabView Container -------------------------- */ static void ui_tabbar_resize(Widget widget, XtPointer udata, XtPointer cdata) { UiMotifTabView *tabview = udata; if(tabview->tabview == UI_TABVIEW_INVISIBLE) { return; } int width = 0; int height = 0; XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNwidth, &width, XmNheight, &height, NULL); int numbuttons = cxListSize(tabview->tabs); if(numbuttons == 0) { return; } int button_width = width / numbuttons; int x = 0; CxIterator i = cxListIterator(tabview->tabs); cx_foreach(UiTab *, tab, i) { if(i.index + 1 == numbuttons) { button_width = width - x; } XtVaSetValues( tab->tab_button, XmNx, x, XmNy, 0, XmNwidth, button_width, NULL); x += button_width; } if(height <= tabview->height) { XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNheight, tabview->height + 4, NULL); } } static void ui_tabbar_expose(Widget widget, XtPointer udata, XtPointer cdata) { UiMotifTabView *tabview = udata; XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *)cdata; XEvent *event = cbs->event; Display *dpy = XtDisplay(widget); if(!tabview->gc_initialized) { XGCValues gcvals; gcvals.foreground = tabview->fg1; tabview->gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(tabview->tabbar), XtWindow(tabview->tabbar), (GCForeground), &gcvals); } if(tabview->current_tab) { Widget tab = tabview->current_tab->tab_button; XFillRectangle(dpy, XtWindow(widget), tabview->gc, tab->core.x, tab->core.height, tab->core.width, 4); } } UIWIDGET ui_tabview_create(UiObject *obj, UiTabViewArgs args) { Arg xargs[16]; int n = 0; UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj); UI_APPLY_LAYOUT(ctn->layout, args); // create widgets // form // - tabbar (Drawing Area) // - content (Frame) UiMotifTabView *tabview = malloc(sizeof(UiMotifTabView)); memset(tabview, 0, sizeof(UiMotifTabView)); char *name = args.name ? (char*)args.name : "tabview"; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNuserData, tabview); n++; Widget parent = ctn->prepare(ctn, xargs, &n); Widget form = XmCreateForm(parent, name, xargs, n); XtManageChild(form); n = 0; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNpacking, XmPACK_TIGHT); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNspacing, 1); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNmarginWidth, 0); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNmarginHeight, 0); n++; Widget tabbar = XmCreateDrawingArea(form, "ui_test", xargs, n); XtManageChild(tabbar); XtAddCallback(tabbar, XmNresizeCallback , ui_tabbar_resize, tabview); XtAddCallback(tabbar, XmNexposeCallback, ui_tabbar_expose, tabview); n = 0; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET); n++; XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNtopWidget, tabbar); n++; Widget content = XmCreateFrame(form, "tabviewcontent", xargs, n); // setup tabview object, that holds all relevant objects tabview->obj = obj; tabview->form = form; tabview->tabbar = tabbar; tabview->content = content; tabview->tabview = args.tabview; tabview->subcontainer = args.subcontainer; tabview->select = ui_motif_tabview_select; tabview->add = ui_motif_tabview_add_tab; tabview->remove = ui_motif_tabview_remove; tabview->tabs = cxArrayListCreate(obj->ctx->allocator, cx_cmp_ptr, sizeof(UiTab), 8); tabview->current_index = -1; UiTabViewContainer *ct = ui_malloc(obj->ctx, sizeof(UiTabViewContainer)); ct->container.widget = form; ct->container.type = UI_CONTAINER_TABVIEW; ct->container.prepare = ui_tabview_container_prepare; ct->container.add = ui_tabview_container_add; ct->tabview = tabview; UiVar* var = uic_widget_var(obj->ctx, obj->ctx, args.value, args.varname, UI_VAR_INTEGER); if(var) { UiInteger *i = var->value; i->obj = tabview; i->get = ui_tabview_get; i->set = ui_tabview_set; } uic_object_push_container(obj, (UiContainerX*)ct); return form; } int64_t ui_tabview_get(UiInteger *i) { UiMotifTabView *tabview = i->obj; i->value = tabview->current_index; return i->value; } void ui_tabview_set(UiInteger *i, int64_t value) { UiMotifTabView *tabview = i->obj; if(value < cxListSize(tabview->tabs)) { ui_motif_tabview_select(tabview, value); i->value = value; } } void ui_tab_create(UiObject *obj, const char* title) { UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj); if(ctn->type != UI_CONTAINER_TABVIEW) { fprintf(stderr, "UI Error: container is not a tabview\n"); return; } UiMotifTabView *tabview = NULL; XtVaGetValues(ctn->widget, XmNuserData, &tabview, NULL); if(!tabview) { fprintf(stderr, "UI Error: no tabview\n"); return; } Widget child = ui_vbox_create(obj, (UiContainerArgs) { 0 }); if(tabview->current) { XtUnmanageChild(child); } else { tabview->current = child; } tabview->add(tabview, -1, title, child); } void ui_tabview_select(UIWIDGET tabview, int tab) { UiMotifTabView *tabviewdata = NULL; XtVaGetValues(tabview, XmNuserData, &tabviewdata, NULL); if(tabviewdata) { ui_motif_tabview_select(tabviewdata, tab); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ui_tabview_select: widget is not a tabview\n"); } } void ui_tabview_remove(UIWIDGET tabview, int tab) { UiMotifTabView *tabviewdata = NULL; XtVaGetValues(tabview, XmNuserData, &tabviewdata, NULL); if(tabviewdata) { ui_motif_tabview_remove(tabviewdata, tab); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ui_tabview_select: widget is not a tabview\n"); } } UiObject* ui_tabview_add(UIWIDGET tabview, const char *name, int tab_index) { UiMotifTabView *tabviewdata = NULL; XtVaGetValues(tabview, XmNuserData, &tabviewdata, NULL); if(tabviewdata) { Arg args[16]; int n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNtopWidget, tabviewdata->tabbar); n++; Widget grid = XtCreateManagedWidget("vbox", gridClass, tabviewdata->content, args, n); UiObject *newobj = ui_calloc(tabviewdata->obj->ctx, 1, sizeof(UiObject)); newobj->ctx = tabviewdata->obj->ctx; newobj->widget = grid; UiContainerX *container = ui_box_container(newobj, grid, UI_BOX_VERTICAL); newobj->container_begin = container; newobj->container_end = container; return newobj; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ui_tabview_select: widget is not a tabview\n"); return NULL; } } void ui_motif_tabview_select(UiMotifTabView *tabview, int tab) { UiTab *t = cxListAt(tabview->tabs, tab); if(t) { tabview->current_index = tab; ui_motif_tabview_change_tab(tabview, t); } } static void ui_tab_button_callback(Widget widget, UiTab *tab, XtPointer d) { UiMotifTabView *tabview = NULL; XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNuserData, &tabview, NULL); ui_motif_tabview_change_tab(tabview, tab); } void ui_motif_tabview_add_tab(UiMotifTabView *tabview, int index, const char *name, Widget child) { UiTab tab; Arg args[16]; int n = 0; XmString label = XmStringCreateLocalized((char*)name); XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlabelString, label); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNshadowThickness, 0); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNuserData, tabview); n++; Widget button = XmCreatePushButton(tabview->tabbar, "tab_button", args, n); if(tabview->tabview != UI_TABVIEW_INVISIBLE) { XtManageChild(button); } if(tabview->height == 0) { Dimension h; XtVaGetValues( button, XmNarmColor, &tabview->bg1, XmNbackground, &tabview->bg2, XmNhighlightColor, &tabview->fg1, XmNheight, &h, NULL); tabview->height = h + 2; // border XtVaSetValues(tabview->tabbar, XmNbackground, tabview->bg1, NULL); } tab.tab_button = button; tab.child = child; size_t newtab_index = cxListSize(tabview->tabs); cxListAdd(tabview->tabs, &tab); UiTab *newtab = cxListAt(tabview->tabs, newtab_index); XtAddCallback( button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)ui_tab_button_callback, newtab); if(newtab_index == 0) { ui_motif_tabview_change_tab(tabview, newtab); } else { XtVaSetValues(button, XmNbackground, tabview->bg1, NULL); } } void ui_motif_tabview_remove(UiMotifTabView *tabview, int index) { UiTab *tab = cxListAt(tabview->tabs, index); if(tab) { if(tab == tabview->current_tab) { if(index > 0) { ui_motif_tabview_select(tabview, index-1); } else { if(index < cxListSize(tabview->tabs)) { ui_motif_tabview_select(tabview, index+1); } else { tabview->current_tab = NULL; tabview->current_index = -1; } } } XtDestroyWidget(tab->tab_button); XtDestroyWidget(tab->child); cxListRemove(tabview->tabs, index); } } void ui_motif_tabview_change_tab(UiMotifTabView *tabview, UiTab *tab) { if(tabview->current_tab) { XtVaSetValues(tabview->current_tab->tab_button, XmNshadowThickness, 0, XmNbackground, tabview->bg1, NULL); XtUnmanageChild(tabview->current_tab->child); } XtVaSetValues(tab->tab_button, XmNshadowThickness, 1, XmNbackground, tabview->bg2, NULL); tabview->current_tab = tab; tabview->current_index = (int)cxListFind(tabview->tabs, tab);; XtManageChild(tab->child); } Widget ui_tabview_container_prepare(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Arg *args, int *n) { UiTabViewContainer *ct = (UiTabViewContainer*)ctn; UiMotifTabView *tabview = ct->tabview; int a = *n; XtSetArg(args[a], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET); a++; XtSetArg(args[a], XmNtopWidget, tabview->tabbar); a++; *n = a; return tabview->form; } void ui_tabview_container_add(UiContainerPrivate *ctn, Widget widget) { ui_reset_layout(ctn->layout); } /* -------------------- Container Helper Functions -------------------- */ void ui_container_begin_close(UiObject *obj) { UiContainerPrivate *ct = ui_obj_container(obj); ct->container.close = 1; } int ui_container_finish(UiObject *obj) { UiContainerPrivate *ct = ui_obj_container(obj); if(ct->container.close) { ui_end_new(obj); return 0; } return 1; } /* * -------------------- Layout Functions -------------------- * * functions for setting layout attributes for the current container * */ void ui_newline(UiObject *obj) { UiContainerPrivate *ct = ui_obj_container(obj); ct->layout.newline = TRUE; }