Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:50:05 +0100
Added directory index
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "protocol.h" #include "pblock.h" #include "pool.h" #include "session.h" #include "io.h" #include "strbuf.h" void protocol_status(Session *sn, Request *rq, int n, const char *m) { rq->status_num = n; const char *msg = m ? m : protocol_status_message(n); pb_param *pp = pblock_removekey(pb_key_status, rq->srvhdrs); if (pp != NULL) { param_free(pp); } pp = pblock_key_param_create(rq->srvhdrs, pb_key_status, msg, strlen(msg)); pblock_kpinsert(pb_key_status, pp, rq->srvhdrs); } /* * http_status_message from Open Webserver (frame/http.cpp) * TODO: replace, use sstr_t */ NSAPI_PUBLIC const char * protocol_status_message (int code) { const char *r; switch (code) { case PROTOCOL_CONTINUE : // 100 r = "Continue"; break; case PROTOCOL_SWITCHING: //101 r = "Switching Protocols"; break; case PROTOCOL_OK: // 200 r = "OK"; break; case PROTOCOL_CREATED: // 201 r = "Created"; break; case PROTOCOL_ACCEPTED: // 202 r = "Accepted"; break; case PROTOCOL_NONAUTHORITATIVE: // 203 r = "Non-Authoritative Information"; break; case PROTOCOL_NO_CONTENT: //204 /* There is another define to PROTOCOL_NO_RESPONSE for 204 in nsapi.h The spec maps this to No Content. Hence cahnging this to No Content */ r = "No Content"; break; case PROTOCOL_RESET_CONTENT: // 205 r = "Reset Content"; break; case PROTOCOL_PARTIAL_CONTENT: // 206 r = "Partial Content"; break; case PROTOCOL_MULTI_STATUS: // 207 r = "Multi Status"; break; case PROTOCOL_MULTIPLE_CHOICES: // 300 r = "Multiple Choices"; break; case PROTOCOL_MOVED_PERMANENTLY: // 301 r = "Moved Permanently"; break; case PROTOCOL_REDIRECT: // 302 r = "Moved Temporarily"; /* The spec actually says "Found" */ break; case PROTOCOL_SEE_OTHER: // 303 r = "See Other"; break; case PROTOCOL_NOT_MODIFIED: // 304 r = "Use local copy"; /* The spec actually says "Not Modified" */ break; case PROTOCOL_USE_PROXY: // 305 r = "Use Proxy"; break; case PROTOCOL_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: // 307 r = "Temporary Redirect"; break; case PROTOCOL_BAD_REQUEST: // 400 r = "Bad request"; break; case PROTOCOL_UNAUTHORIZED: // 401 r = "Unauthorized"; break; case PROTOCOL_PAYMENT_REQUIRED: // 402 r = "Payment Required"; break; case PROTOCOL_FORBIDDEN: // 403 r = "Forbidden"; break; case PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND: // 404 r = "Not found"; break; case PROTOCOL_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: // 405 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Method Not Allowed"; break; case PROTOCOL_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: // 406 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Not Acceptable"; break; case PROTOCOL_PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED: // 407 r = "Proxy Authentication Required"; break; case PROTOCOL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: // 408 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Request Timeout"; break; case PROTOCOL_CONFLICT: // 409 r = "Conflict"; /* HTTP/1.1 */ break; case PROTOCOL_GONE: // 410 r = "Gone"; /* HTTP/1.1 */ break; case PROTOCOL_LENGTH_REQUIRED: // 411 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Length Required"; break; case PROTOCOL_PRECONDITION_FAIL: // 412 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Precondition Failed"; break; case PROTOCOL_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: // 413 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Request Entity Too Large"; break; case PROTOCOL_URI_TOO_LARGE: // 414 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Request-URI Too Large"; break; case PROTOCOL_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: // 415 r = "Unsupported Media Type"; break; case PROTOCOL_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: // 416 r = "Requested range not satisfiable"; break; case PROTOCOL_EXPECTATION_FAILED: // 417 r = "Expectation Failed"; break; case PROTOCOL_LOCKED: // 423 r = "Locked"; break; case PROTOCOL_FAILED_DEPENDENCY: // 424 r = "Failed Dependency"; break; case PROTOCOL_SERVER_ERROR: // 500 r = "Server Error"; /* The spec actually says "Internal Server Error" */ break; case PROTOCOL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: // 501 r = "Not Implemented"; break; case PROTOCOL_BAD_GATEWAY: // 502 r = "Bad Gateway"; break; case PROTOCOL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: // 503 r = "Service Unavailable"; break; case PROTOCOL_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: // 504 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "Gateway Timeout"; break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: // 505 /* HTTP/1.1 */ r = "HTTP Version Not Supported"; break; case PROTOCOL_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: // 507 r = "Insufficient Storage"; break; default: switch (code / 100) { case 1: r = "Information"; break; case 2: r = "Success"; break; case 3: r = "Redirect"; break; case 4: r = "Client error"; break; case 5: r = "Server error"; break; default: r = "Unknown reason"; break; } break; } return r; } void add_http_status_line(sbuf_t *out, pool_handle_t *pool, Request *rq) { sbuf_write(out, "HTTP/1.1 ", 9); char *status_code_str = pool_malloc(pool, 8); int sc_len = snprintf(status_code_str, 8, "%d ", rq->status_num); sbuf_write(out, status_code_str, sc_len); char *scmsg = pblock_findkeyval(pb_key_status, rq->srvhdrs); sbuf_write(out, scmsg, strlen(scmsg)); sbuf_write(out, "\r\n", 2); } void add_http_response_header(sbuf_t *out, Request *rq) { pblock *h = rq->srvhdrs; pb_entry *p; for(int i=0;i<h->hsize;i++) { p = h->ht[i]; while(p != NULL) { /* from http.cpp */ const pb_key *key = PARAM_KEY(p->param); if (key == pb_key_status || key == pb_key_server || key == pb_key_date) { /* Skip internal Status:, Server:, and Date: information */ p = p->next; continue; } /* end http.cpp */ char *name = p->param->name; char *value = p->param->value; /* make first char of name uppercase */ if(name[0] > 90) { name[0] -= 32; } sbuf_write(out, name, strlen(name)); sbuf_write(out, ": ", 2); sbuf_write(out, value, strlen(value)); sbuf_write(out, "\r\n", 2); p = p->next; } } } int http_start_response(Session *sn, Request *rq) { int fd = ((SystemIOStream*)sn->csd)->fd; /* set socket blocking */ int flags; flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags ^ O_NONBLOCK); /* iovec output buffer */ sbuf_t *out = sbuf_new(512); /* add the http status line to the output buffer */ add_http_status_line(out, sn->pool, rq); /* add server header */ sbuf_write(out, "Server: WS uap-dev\r\n", 20); /* add header from rq->srvhdrs */ add_http_response_header(out, rq); /* response header end */ sbuf_write(out, "\r\n", 2); /* flush buffer to the socket */ write(fd, out->ptr, out->length); sbuf_free(out); rq->senthdrs = 1; } int request_header(char *name, char **value, Session *sn, Request *rq) { const pb_key *key = pblock_key(name); pb_param *pp = pblock_findkey(key, rq->headers); if(pp != NULL) { value = &pp->value; return REQ_PROCEED; } else { return REQ_ABORTED; } }