# Makefile for NEdit text editor documentation # # $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 2003/11/24 17:41:34 edg Exp $ # # NEdit help documentation and internal help code using one common # source, help.etx, a Structure Enhanced TEXT document. # .SUFFIXES: .man .pod instructions: @ echo "" @ echo "This make file is intended for NEdit developers only." @ echo "" @ echo "It uses a perl program (setext) to extract the various forms" @ echo "of the NEdit help documentation and internal help code using" @ echo "one common source, help.etx, a Structure Enhanced TEXT document." @ echo "" @ echo "Additionally, it generates the nedit and nc man pages." @ echo "To generate those you need to have perl and pod2man installed." @ echo "" @ echo "The following are the main targets which generate files for" @ echo "NEdit development. They are:" @ echo "" @ echo " help - generates NEdit help code (help_topic.h, help_data.h)" @ echo " doc - generates various forms of NEdit documentation" @ echo " man - generates the nedit and nc man pages" @ echo " all - generates all the files" @ echo "" @ echo "Remember to specify the VERSION macro on the make command" @ echo "or as an environment variable so that the NEdit version" @ echo "gets placed appropriately. For example, the following" @ echo "command creates all the files for NEdit version 5.3" @ echo "" @ echo " make VERSION='XNEdit 1.5' all" @ echo "" @ echo "When the version is not specified, the default value will" @ echo "be 'XNEdit rev '" @ echo "" .version: @ if [ "$(VERSION)" = "" ]; then \ ./generate_version.sh > .version; \ else \ echo "$(VERSION)" > .version; \ fi help: ../source/help_topic.h ../source/help_data.h setext ../source/help_topic.h ../source/help_data.h: .version help.etx setext @ echo "Creating XNEdit help code `cat .version`" @ ./setext -m -v version="`cat .version`" help.etx @ mv -f help_topic.h ../source @ mv -f help_data.h ../source @ if [ ! -z "$(VERSION)" ]; then \ echo "#define XNEDIT_IS_RELEASE" >> ../source/help_data.h ; \ fi xnedit.html: .version help.etx setext @ echo "Creating XNEdit HTML documentation..." @ ./setext -v version="`cat .version`" help.etx xnedit.html html/xnedit.html: .version help.etx setext @ echo "Creating XNEdit HTML website documentation..." @ if [ ! -d html ]; then mkdir html; fi @ if [ -d html ]; then \ cd html; \ ../setext -S -v version="`cat ../.version`" ../help.etx xnedit.html; \ else \ echo "** Unable to create html directory to hold XNEdit documentation"; \ fi xnedit.txt: .version help.etx setext @ echo "Creating XNEdit plain text documenation..." @ ./setext -c NEDITDOC -v version="`cat .version`" help.etx xnedit.txt xnc.man: .version xnedit.man: .version .pod.man: @ echo "Creating $* man page..." @ which pod2man > /dev/null 2>&1 || ( echo "Sorry, you need pod2man." && exit 1 ) @ pod2man --release="`cat .version`" --center="XNEdit documentation" $*.pod > $@ doc: .version xnedit.txt xnedit.html html/xnedit.html man: .version xnedit.man xnc.man all: help doc man clean: @ echo "Removing generated XNEdit documentation..." @ rm -rf help xnedit.html html xnedit.txt .version xnedit.man xnc.man