
/******************************************************************************* * * * textBuf.h -- Nirvana Editor Text Buffer Header File * * * * Copyright 2003 The NEdit Developers * * * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * * version. In addition, you may distribute versions of this program linked to * * Motif or Open Motif. See README for details. * * * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * * more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * * software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * * Nirvana Text Editor * * July 31, 2001 * * * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef NEDIT_TEXTBUF_H_INCLUDED #define NEDIT_TEXTBUF_H_INCLUDED #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> #include <wchar.h> /* Maximum length in characters of a tab or control character expansion of a single buffer character */ #define MAX_EXP_CHAR_LEN 256 typedef struct _RangesetTable RangesetTable; typedef struct { char selected; /* True if the selection is active */ char rectangular; /* True if the selection is rectangular */ char zeroWidth; /* Width 0 selections aren't "real" selections, but they can be useful when creating rectangular selections from the keyboard. */ int start; /* Pos. of start of selection, or if rectangular start of line containing it. */ int end; /* Pos. of end of selection, or if rectangular end of line containing it. */ int rectStart; /* Indent of left edge of rect. selection */ int rectEnd; /* Indent of right edge of rect. selection */ } selection; typedef void (*bufModifyCallbackProc)(int pos, int nInserted, int nDeleted, int nRestyled, const char *deletedText, void *cbArg); typedef void (*bufPreDeleteCallbackProc)(int pos, int nDeleted, void *cbArg); typedef void (*bufBeginModifyCallbackProc)(void *cbArg); typedef void (*bufEndModifyCallbackProc)(void *cbArg); typedef struct _textBuffer { int length; /* length of the text in the buffer (the length of the buffer itself must be calculated: gapEnd - gapStart + length) */ char *buf; /* allocated memory where the text is stored */ int gapStart; /* points to the first character of the gap */ int gapEnd; /* points to the first char after the gap */ selection primary; /* highlighted areas */ selection secondary; selection highlight; int tabDist; /* equiv. number of characters in a tab */ int useTabs; /* True if buffer routines are allowed to use tabs for padding in rectangular operations */ int nModifyProcs; /* number of modify-redisplay procs attached */ bufModifyCallbackProc /* procedures to call when buffer is */ *modifyProcs; /* modified to redisplay contents */ void **cbArgs; /* caller arguments for modifyProcs above */ int nPreDeleteProcs; /* number of pre-delete procs attached */ bufPreDeleteCallbackProc /* procedure to call before text is deleted */ *preDeleteProcs; /* from the buffer; at most one is supported. */ void **preDeleteCbArgs; /* caller argument for pre-delete proc above */ int nBeginModifyProcs; /* number of begin-modify procs attached */ bufBeginModifyCallbackProc /* procedure to call before a batch of */ *beginModifyProcs; /* modifications is done. */ void **beginModifyCbArgs; /* caller args for begin-modify proc above */ int nEndModifyProcs; /* number of end-modify procs attached */ bufEndModifyCallbackProc /* procedure to call after a batch of */ *endModifyProcs; /* modifications is done. */ void **endModifyCbArgs; /* caller args for end-modify proc above */ int cursorPosHint; /* hint for reasonable cursor position after a buffer modification operation */ char nullSubsChar; /* NEdit is based on C null-terminated strings, so ascii-nul characters must be substituted with something else. This is the else, but of course, things get quite messy when you use it */ RangesetTable *rangesetTable; /* current range sets */ size_t *ansi_escpos; /* indices of all ansi escape positions */ size_t alloc_ansi_escpos; /* ansi_escpos allocation size */ size_t num_ansi_escpos; /* number of ansi escape sequences */ } textBuffer; typedef struct EscSeqStr { char *seq; size_t len; size_t off_orig; size_t off_trans; } EscSeqStr; typedef struct EscSeqArray { EscSeqStr *esc; size_t num_esc; char *text; } EscSeqArray; textBuffer *BufCreate(void); textBuffer *BufCreatePreallocated(int requestedSize); void BufFree(textBuffer *buf); char *BufGetAll(textBuffer *buf); const char *BufAsString(textBuffer *buf); const char *BufAsStringCleaned(textBuffer *buf, EscSeqArray **esc); void BufReintegrateEscSeq(textBuffer *buf, EscSeqArray *escseq); void BufSetAll(textBuffer *buf, const char *text); char* BufGetRange(const textBuffer* buf, int start, int end); const char* BufGetRange2(const textBuffer* buf, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, char **free_str); char BufGetCharacter(const textBuffer* buf, int pos); wchar_t BufGetCharacterW(const textBuffer *buf, int pos); FcChar32 BufGetCharacter32(const textBuffer* buf, int pos, int *charlen); char *BufGetTextInRect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd); void BufBeginModifyBatch(textBuffer *buf); void BufEndModifyBatch(textBuffer *buf); void BufInsert(textBuffer *buf, int pos, const char *text); void BufRemove(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end); void BufReplace(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, const char *text); void BufCopyFromBuf(textBuffer *fromBuf, textBuffer *toBuf, int fromStart, int fromEnd, int toPos); void BufInsertCol(textBuffer *buf, int column, int startPos, const char *text, int *charsInserted, int *charsDeleted); void BufReplaceRect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd, const char *text); void BufRemoveRect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd); void BufOverlayRect(textBuffer *buf, int startPos, int rectStart, int rectEnd, const char *text, int *charsInserted, int *charsDeleted); void BufClearRect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd); int BufGetTabDistance(textBuffer *buf); void BufSetTabDistance(textBuffer *buf, int tabDist); void BufCheckDisplay(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end); void BufSelect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end); void BufUnselect(textBuffer *buf); void BufRectSelect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd); int BufGetSelectionPos(textBuffer *buf, int *start, int *end, int *isRect, int *rectStart, int *rectEnd); int BufGetEmptySelectionPos(textBuffer *buf, int *start, int *end, int *isRect, int *rectStart, int *rectEnd); char *BufGetSelectionText(textBuffer *buf); void BufRemoveSelected(textBuffer *buf); void BufReplaceSelected(textBuffer *buf, const char *text); void BufSecondarySelect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end); void BufSecondaryUnselect(textBuffer *buf); void BufSecRectSelect(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd); int BufGetSecSelectPos(textBuffer *buf, int *start, int *end, int *isRect, int *rectStart, int *rectEnd); char *BufGetSecSelectText(textBuffer *buf); void BufRemoveSecSelect(textBuffer *buf); void BufReplaceSecSelect(textBuffer *buf, const char *text); void BufHighlight(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end); void BufUnhighlight(textBuffer *buf); void BufRectHighlight(textBuffer *buf, int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd); int BufGetHighlightPos(textBuffer *buf, int *start, int *end, int *isRect, int *rectStart, int *rectEnd); void BufAddModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufModifyCallbackProc bufModifiedCB, void *cbArg); void BufAddHighPriorityModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufModifyCallbackProc bufModifiedCB, void *cbArg); void BufRemoveModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufModifyCallbackProc bufModifiedCB, void *cbArg); void BufAddPreDeleteCB(textBuffer *buf, bufPreDeleteCallbackProc bufPreDeleteCB, void *cbArg); void BufRemovePreDeleteCB(textBuffer *buf, bufPreDeleteCallbackProc bufPreDeleteCB, void *cbArg); void BufAddBeginModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufBeginModifyCallbackProc bufBeginModifyCB, void *cbArg); void BufRemoveBeginModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufBeginModifyCallbackProc bufBeginModifyCB, void *cbArg); void BufAddEndModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufEndModifyCallbackProc bufEndModifyCB, void *cbArg); void BufRemoveEndModifyCB(textBuffer *buf, bufEndModifyCallbackProc bufEndModifyCB, void *cbArg); int BufStartOfLine(textBuffer *buf, int pos); int BufEndOfLine(textBuffer *buf, int pos); int BufGetExpandedChar(const textBuffer* buf, int pos, int indent, char* outStr); int BufExpandCharacter(const char *c, int clen, int indent, char *outStr, int tabDist, char nullSubsChar, int *isMB); int BufExpandCharacter4(char c, int indent, FcChar32 *outStr, int tabDist, char nullSubsChar); int BufCharWidth(char c, int indent, int tabDist, char nullSubsChar); int BufCountDispChars(const textBuffer* buf, int lineStartPos, int targetPos); int BufCountForwardDispChars(textBuffer *buf, int lineStartPos, int nChars); int BufCountLines(textBuffer *buf, int startPos, int endPos); int BufCountForwardNLines(const textBuffer* buf, int startPos, unsigned nLines); int BufCountBackwardNLines(textBuffer *buf, int startPos, int nLines); int BufSearchForward(textBuffer *buf, int startPos, const char *searchChars, int *foundPos); int BufSearchBackward(textBuffer *buf, int startPos, const char *searchChars, int *foundPos); int BufSubstituteNullChars(char *string, int length, textBuffer *buf); void BufUnsubstituteNullChars(char *string, textBuffer *buf); int BufCmp(textBuffer * buf, int pos, int len, const char *cmpText); void BufEnableAnsiEsc(textBuffer *buf); void BufDisableAnsiEsc(textBuffer *buf); void BufParseEscSeq(textBuffer *buf, size_t pos, size_t nInserted, size_t nDeleted); int BufEscPos2Index( const textBuffer *buf, size_t startIndex, size_t startValue, size_t pos, ssize_t *index, size_t *value); int BufCharLen(const textBuffer *buf, int pos); int BufLeftPos(textBuffer *buf, int pos); int BufRightPos(textBuffer *buf, int pos); int Utf8ToUcs4(const char *src_orig, FcChar32 *dst, int len); int Ucs4ToUtf8(FcChar32 ucs4, char *dst); int Utf8CharLen(const unsigned char *u); #endif /* NEDIT_TEXTBUF_H_INCLUDED */