
changeset 279
parent 278
child 283
--- a/docs/html/commands.html	Sat Aug 05 10:19:53 2017 +0200
+++ b/docs/html/commands.html	Sat Aug 05 10:57:47 2017 +0200
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 <p><strong><code>-v</code></strong> enable verbose output. Internally <code>CURLOPT_VERBOSE</code> is set to 1 and verbose output is printed to stderr.</p>
 <p>Most commands have the <strong><code>-c</code></strong> and <strong><code>-p</code></strong> options for enabling or disabling encryption. If encryption is not configured for a repository, but the <strong><code>-c</code></strong> option is specified, encryption/decryption is enabled. When enabled, all commands handle encrypted resource names. The <strong><code>-p</code></strong> options disables any encryption/decryption. See <a href="./encryption.html">encryption</a> for details.</p>
 <h2 id="aliases">Aliases</h2>
-<p>Some commands have alternate names. For example <code>dav ls</code> is and alias for <code>dav list</code>. The available aliases can be found in the documentation for the respective commands.</p>
+<p>Some commands have alternate names. For example <code>dav ls</code> is an alias for <code>dav list</code>. The available aliases can be found in the documentation for the respective commands.</p>
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