Sat, 07 Oct 2017 10:05:52 +0200
Added tag v1.1.0 for changeset dd2df44bc58b
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2016 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ucx/utils.h> #include <ucx/map.h> #include "davqlexec.h" #include "utils.h" #include "methods.h" #include "session.h" #include "resource.h" DavResult dav_statement_exec(DavSession *sn, DavQLStatement *st, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, st); DavResult result = dav_statement_execv(sn, st, ap); va_end(ap); return result; } DavResult dav_statement_execv(DavSession *sn, DavQLStatement *st, va_list ap) { DavResult result; result.result = NULL; result.status = 1; // make sure the statement was successfully parsed if(st->type == DAVQL_ERROR) { return result; } if(st->type == DAVQL_SELECT) { return dav_exec_select(sn, st, ap); } else { // TODO } return result; } sstr_t dav_format_string(UcxAllocator *a, sstr_t fstr, va_list ap, davqlerror_t *error) { UcxBuffer *buf = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, 128, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND); int placeholder = 0; for(int i=0;i<fstr.length;i++) { char c = fstr.ptr[i]; if(placeholder) { if(c == '%') { // no placeholder, %% transposes to % ucx_buffer_putc(buf, c); } else { // detect placeholder type and insert arg int err = 0; switch(c) { case 's': { char *arg = va_arg(ap, char*); ucx_buffer_puts(buf, arg); break; } case 'd': { int arg = va_arg(ap, int); ucx_bprintf(buf, "%d", arg); break; } case 'u': { unsigned int arg = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); ucx_bprintf(buf, "%u", arg); break; } case 't': { // time arguments not supported for strings err = 1; break; } default: { *error = DAVQL_UNKNOWN_FORMATCHAR; err = 1; } } if(err) { ucx_buffer_free(buf); sstr_t n; n.ptr = NULL; n.length = 0; return n; } } placeholder = 0; } else { if(c == '%') { placeholder = 1; } else { ucx_buffer_putc(buf, c); } } } *error = DAVQL_OK; sstr_t ret = sstrdup_a(a, sstrn(buf->space, buf->size)); ucx_buffer_free(buf); return ret; } static int fl_add_properties(DavSession *sn, UcxMempool *mp, UcxMap *map, DavQLExpression *expression) { if(!expression) { return 0; } if(expression->type == DAVQL_IDENTIFIER) { DavProperty *property = ucx_mempool_malloc(mp, sizeof(DavProperty)); char *name; DavNamespace *ns = dav_get_property_namespace( sn->context, sstrdup_a(mp->allocator, expression->srctext).ptr, &name); if(!ns) { return -1; } property->ns = ns; property->name = name; property->value = NULL; ucx_map_sstr_put(map, expression->srctext, property); } if(expression->left) { if(fl_add_properties(sn, mp, map, expression->left)) { return -1; } } if(expression->right) { if(fl_add_properties(sn, mp, map, expression->right)) { return -1; } } return 0; } static UcxBuffer* fieldlist2propfindrequest(DavSession *sn, UcxMempool *mp, UcxList *fields, int *isallprop) { UcxMap *properties = ucx_map_new(32); *isallprop = 0; UCX_FOREACH(elm, fields) { DavQLField *field = elm->data; if(!sstrcmp(field->name, S("*"))) { ucx_map_free(properties); *isallprop = 1; return create_allprop_propfind_request(); } else if(!sstrcmp(field->name, S("-"))) { ucx_map_free(properties); return create_propfind_request(sn, NULL); } else { if(fl_add_properties(sn, mp, properties, field->expr)) { // TODO: set error ucx_map_free(properties); return NULL; } } } UcxMapIterator i = ucx_map_iterator(properties); UcxKey key; DavProperty *value; UcxList *list = NULL; UCX_MAP_FOREACH(key, value, i) { list = ucx_list_append(list, value); } UcxBuffer *reqbuf = create_propfind_request(sn, list); ucx_list_free(list); ucx_map_free(properties); return reqbuf; } static int reset_properties(DavSession *sn, DavResult *result, DavResource *res, UcxList *fields) { UcxMap *new_properties = ucx_map_new_a(sn->mp->allocator, 32); DavResourceData *data = (DavResourceData*)res->data; // add basic properties char *value; UcxKey cl_key = dav_property_key("DAV:", "getcontentlength"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, cl_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, cl_key, value); } UcxKey cd_key = dav_property_key("DAV:", "creationdate"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, cd_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, cd_key, value); } UcxKey lm_key = dav_property_key("DAV:", "getlastmodified"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, lm_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, lm_key, value); } UcxKey ct_key = dav_property_key("DAV:", "getcontenttype"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, ct_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, ct_key, value); } UcxKey rt_key = dav_property_key("DAV:", "resourcetype"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, rt_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, rt_key, value); } UcxKey cn_key = dav_property_key(DAV_NS, "crypto-name"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, cn_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, cn_key, value); } UcxKey ck_key = dav_property_key(DAV_NS, "crypto-key"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, ck_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, ck_key, value); } UcxKey ch_key = dav_property_key(DAV_NS, "crypto-hash"); value = ucx_map_get(data->properties, ch_key); if(value) { ucx_map_put(new_properties, ch_key, value); } // add properties from field list UCX_FOREACH(elm, fields) { DavCompiledField *field = elm->data; DavQLStackObj field_result; if(!dav_exec_expr(field->code, res, &field_result)) { sstr_t str; str.ptr = NULL; str.length = 0; if(field_result.type == 0) { str = ucx_asprintf( sn->mp->allocator, "%d",; } else { if( { str = sstrdup_a(sn->mp->allocator, sstrn(, field_result.length)); } } if(str.ptr) { UcxKey key = dav_property_key(field->ns, field->name); ucx_map_put(new_properties, key, str.ptr); free(; } } else { // TODO: error resource_free_properties(sn, new_properties); return -1; } } ucx_map_remove(data->properties, cl_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, cd_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, lm_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, ct_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, rt_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, cn_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, ck_key); ucx_map_remove(data->properties, ch_key); resource_free_properties(sn, data->properties); data->properties = new_properties; free(; free(; free(; free(; free(; free(; free(; free(; return 0; } /* * execute a davql select statement */ DavResult dav_exec_select(DavSession *sn, DavQLStatement *st, va_list ap) { UcxMempool *mp = ucx_mempool_new(128); DavResult result; result.result = NULL; result.status = 1; int isallprop; UcxBuffer *rqbuf = fieldlist2propfindrequest(sn, mp, st->fields, &isallprop); if(!rqbuf) { ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } ucx_mempool_reg_destr(mp, rqbuf, (ucx_destructor)ucx_buffer_free); // compile field list UcxList *cfieldlist = NULL; UCX_FOREACH(elm, st->fields) { DavQLField *field = elm->data; if(sstrcmp(field->name, S("*")) && sstrcmp(field->name, S("-"))) { // compile field expression UcxBuffer *code = dav_compile_expr( sn->context, mp->allocator, field->expr, ap); if(!code) { // TODO: set error string return result; } ucx_mempool_reg_destr(mp, code, (ucx_destructor)ucx_buffer_free); DavCompiledField *cfield = ucx_mempool_malloc( mp, sizeof(DavCompiledField)); char *ns; char *name; dav_get_property_namespace_str( sn->context, sstrdup_a(mp->allocator, field->name).ptr, &ns, &name); if(!ns || !name) { // TODO: set error string return result; } cfield->ns = ns; cfield->name = name; cfield->code = code; cfieldlist = ucx_list_append_a(mp->allocator, cfieldlist, cfield); } } // get path string davqlerror_t error; sstr_t path = dav_format_string(mp->allocator, st->path, ap, &error); if(error) { // TODO: cleanup ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } int depth = st->depth == DAV_DEPTH_PLACEHOLDER ? va_arg(ap, int) : st->depth; UcxBuffer *where = dav_compile_expr(sn->context, mp->allocator, st->where, ap); if(st->where && !where) { // TODO: cleanup ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } if(where) { ucx_mempool_reg_destr(mp, where, (ucx_destructor)ucx_buffer_free); } // compile order criterion UcxList *ordercr = NULL; UCX_FOREACH(elm, st->orderby) { DavQLOrderCriterion *oc = elm->data; DavQLExpression *column = oc->column; //printf("%.*s %s\n", column->srctext.length, column->srctext.ptr, oc->descending ? "desc" : "asc"); if(column->type == DAVQL_IDENTIFIER) { // TODO: remove code duplication (add_cmd) davqlresprop_t resprop; sstr_t propertyname = sstrchr(column->srctext, ':'); if(propertyname.length > 0) { char *ns; char *name; dav_get_property_namespace_str( sn->context, sstrdup_a(mp->allocator, column->srctext).ptr, &ns, &name); if(ns && name) { DavOrderCriterion *cr = ucx_mempool_malloc(mp, sizeof(DavOrderCriterion)); cr->type = 1; cr-> = dav_property_key_a(mp->allocator, ns, name); cr->descending = oc->descending; ordercr = ucx_list_append_a(mp->allocator, ordercr, cr); } else { // error // TODO: cleanup ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } } else if(dav_identifier2resprop(column->srctext, &resprop)) { DavOrderCriterion *cr = ucx_mempool_malloc(mp, sizeof(DavOrderCriterion)); cr->type = 0; cr->column.resprop = resprop; cr->descending = oc->descending; ordercr = ucx_list_append_a(mp->allocator, ordercr, cr); } else { // error // TODO: cleanup ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } } else if(column->type == DAVQL_NUMBER) { // TODO: implement fprintf(stderr, "order by number not supported\n"); return result; } else { // something is broken // TODO: cleanup ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } } DavResource *selroot = dav_resource_new(sn, path.ptr); UcxList *stack = NULL; // stack with DavResource* elements // initialize the stack with the requested resource DavQLRes *res = ucx_mempool_malloc(mp, sizeof(DavQLRes)); res->resource = selroot; res->depth = 0; stack = ucx_list_prepend(stack, res); // reuseable response buffer UcxBuffer *rpbuf = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, 4096, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND); if(!rpbuf) { // TODO: cleanup ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } ucx_mempool_reg_destr(mp, rpbuf, (ucx_destructor)ucx_buffer_free); result.result = selroot; result.status = 0; // do a propfind request for each resource on the stack while(stack) { DavQLRes *sr = stack->data; // get first element from the stack stack = ucx_list_remove(stack, stack); // remove first element DavResource *root = sr->resource; util_set_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(sr->resource)); CURLcode ret = do_propfind_request(sn->handle, rqbuf, rpbuf); long http_status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo(sn->handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_status); //printf("rpbuf: %s %s\n%.*s\n\n", sr->resource->path, sr->resource->href, rpbuf->pos, rpbuf->space); if(ret == CURLE_OK && http_status == 207) { // propfind request successful, now parse the response char *url = "http://url/"; PropfindParser *parser = create_propfind_parser(rpbuf, url); // TODO: test if parser is null ResponseTag response; int r; while((r = get_propfind_response(parser, &response)) != 0) { if(r == -1) { // error result.status = -1; // TODO: free resources cleanup_response(&response); break; } // the propfind multistatus response contains responses // for the requested resource and all childs // determine if the response is a child or not if(hrefeq(sn, root->href, response.href)) { // response is the currently requested resource // and not a child // add properties add_properties(root, &response); cleanup_response(&response); if(root == selroot) { // The current root is the root of the select query. // In this case we have to check the where clause. // If root is not selroot, the where clause was // already checked for the resource before it was // added to the stack. DavQLStackObj where_result; if(!dav_exec_expr(where, root, &where_result)) { if( != 0) { if(!reset_properties(sn, &result, root, cfieldlist)) { continue; } result.status = -1; } } result.result = NULL; result.status = -1; dav_resource_free_all(selroot); ucx_list_free(stack); break; } } else { DavResource *child = response2resource( sn, &response, root->path); cleanup_response(&response); // check where clause DavQLStackObj where_result; if(!dav_exec_expr(where, child, &where_result)) { if( != 0) { if(!reset_properties(sn, &result, child, cfieldlist)) { //resource_add_child(root, child); resource_add_ordered_child(root, child, ordercr); if(child->iscollection && (depth < 0 || depth > sr->depth+1)) { DavQLRes *rs = ucx_mempool_malloc( mp, sizeof(DavQLRes)); rs->resource = child; rs->depth = sr->depth + 1; stack = ucx_list_prepend(stack, rs); } } else { dav_resource_free(child); } } else { dav_resource_free(child); } } } } destroy_propfind_parser(parser); } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, http_status); result.result = NULL; result.status = -1; dav_resource_free_all(selroot); break; } // reset response buffer ucx_buffer_seek(rpbuf, SEEK_SET, 0); } ucx_mempool_destroy(mp); return result; } static int count_func_args(DavQLExpression *expr) { int count = 0; DavQLExpression *arg = expr->right; while(arg) { count++; if(arg->op == DAVQL_ARGLIST) { arg = arg->right; } else { break; } } return count; } int dav_identifier2resprop(sstr_t src, davqlresprop_t *prop) { if(!sstrcmp(src, S("name"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_NAME; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("path"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_PATH; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("href"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_HREF; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("contentlength"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_CONTENTLENGTH; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("contenttype"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_CONTENTTYPE; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("creationdate"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_CREATIONDATE; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("lastmodified"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_LASTMODIFIED; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("iscollection"))) { *prop = DAVQL_RES_ISCOLLECTION; } else { return 0; } return 1; } static int add_cmd(DavContext *ctx, UcxAllocator *a, UcxBuffer *bcode, DavQLExpression *expr, va_list ap) { if(!expr) { return 0; } int numcmd = 1; DavQLCmd cmd; memset(&cmd, sizeof(DavQLCmd), 0); davqlerror_t error; sstr_t src = expr->srctext; switch(expr->type) { default: break; case DAVQL_NUMBER: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_INT; if(src.ptr[0] == '%') { = va_arg(ap, int); } else if(util_strtoint(src.ptr, & { ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); } else { // error return -1; } break; } case DAVQL_STRING: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_STRING; = dav_format_string(a, src, ap, &error); ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_TIMESTAMP: { if(src.ptr[0] == '%') { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_TIMESTAMP; = va_arg(ap, time_t); ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); } else { // error return -1; } break; } case DAVQL_IDENTIFIER: { sstr_t propertyname = sstrchr(src, ':'); cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_RES_IDENTIFIER; if(propertyname.length > 0) { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_PROP_IDENTIFIER; char *ns; char *name; dav_get_property_namespace_str( ctx, sstrdup_a(a, src).ptr, &ns, &name); if(ns && name) { = ns; = name; } else { // error return -1; } } else if(!dav_identifier2resprop(src, & { if(!sstrcmp(src, S("true"))) { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_INT; = 1; } else if(!sstrcmp(src, S("false"))) { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_INT; = 0; } else { // error, unknown identifier return -1; } } ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_UNARY: { numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->left, ap); switch(expr->op) { case DAVQL_ADD: { // noop numcmd = 0; break; } case DAVQL_SUB: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNARY_SUB; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_NEG: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNARY_NEG; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } default: break; } break; } case DAVQL_BINARY: { numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->left, ap); numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->right, ap); switch(expr->op) { case DAVQL_ADD: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_ADD; break; } case DAVQL_SUB: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_SUB; break; } case DAVQL_MUL: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_MUL; break; } case DAVQL_DIV: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_DIV; break; } case DAVQL_AND: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_AND; break; } case DAVQL_OR: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_OR; break; } case DAVQL_XOR: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_XOR; break; } default: break; } ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_LOGICAL: { if(expr->left && expr->right && expr->op != DAVQL_LOR) { numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->left, ap); numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->right, ap); } switch(expr->op) { case DAVQL_NOT: { numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->left, ap); cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_NOT; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_LAND: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_AND; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_LOR: { int nleft = add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->left, ap); cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_OR_L; DavQLCmd *or_l = (DavQLCmd*)(bcode->space + bcode->pos); ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); int nright = add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->right, ap); or_l->data.integer = nright + 1; cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_OR; = 0; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); numcmd += nleft + nright; break; } case DAVQL_LXOR: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_XOR; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_EQ: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_EQ; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_NEQ: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_NEQ; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_LT: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LT; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_GT: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_GT; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_LE: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LE; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_GE: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_GE; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_LIKE: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_LIKE; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } case DAVQL_UNLIKE: { cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNLIKE; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); break; } default: break; } break; } case DAVQL_FUNCCALL: { switch(expr->op) { case DAVQL_CALL: { int nright = add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->right, ap); // TODO: count args DavQLExpression *funcid = expr->left; if(!funcid && funcid->type != DAVQL_IDENTIFIER) { // fail return -1; } // numargs cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_INT; = count_func_args(expr); ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); // TODO: resolve function name cmd.type = DAVQL_CMD_CALL; = NULL; ucx_buffer_write(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, bcode); numcmd = 2; numcmd += nright; break; } case DAVQL_ARGLIST: { numcmd = 0; numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->left, ap); numcmd += add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, expr->right, ap); break; } default: break; } break; } } return numcmd; } UcxBuffer* dav_compile_expr(DavContext *ctx, UcxAllocator *a, DavQLExpression *lexpr, va_list ap) { UcxBuffer *bcode = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, 512, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND); if(!bcode) { return NULL; } if(add_cmd(ctx, a, bcode, lexpr, ap) <= 0) { ucx_buffer_free(bcode); return NULL; } return bcode; } static int cmd_str_cmp(DavQLStackObj obj1, DavQLStackObj obj2, davqlcmdtype_t cmd) { sstr_t s1 = obj1.type == 1 ? sstrn(, obj1.length) : ucx_sprintf("%" PRId64,; sstr_t s2 = obj1.type == 1 ? sstrn(, obj2.length) : ucx_sprintf("%" PRId64,; int res = 0; switch(cmd) { case DAVQL_CMD_OP_EQ: { res = sstrcmp(s1, s2) == 0; break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_NEQ: { res = sstrcmp(s1, s2) != 0; break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LT: { res = sstrcmp(s1, s2) < 0; break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_GT: { res = sstrcmp(s1, s2) > 0; break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LE: { res = sstrcmp(s1, s2) <= 0; break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_GE: { res = sstrcmp(s1, s2) >= 0; break; } } if(obj1.type == 0) { free(s1.ptr); } if(obj2.type == 0) { free(s2.ptr); } return res; } int dav_exec_expr(UcxBuffer *bcode, DavResource *res, DavQLStackObj *result) { if(!bcode) { result->type = 0; result->length = 0; result->data.integer = 1; return 0; } size_t count = bcode->pos / sizeof(DavQLCmd); DavQLCmd *cmds = (DavQLCmd*)bcode->space; // create execution stack size_t stsize = 64; size_t stpos = 0; DavQLStackObj *stack = calloc(stsize, sizeof(DavQLStackObj)); #define DAVQL_PUSH(obj) \ if(stpos == stsize) { \ stsize += 64; \ DavQLStackObj *stack_newptr; \ stack_newptr = realloc(stack, stsize * sizeof(DavQLStackObj)); \ if(stack_newptr) { \ stack = stack_newptr; \ } else { \ free(stack); \ return -1; \ }\ } \ stack[stpos++] = obj; #define DAVQL_PUSH_INT(intval) \ { \ DavQLStackObj intobj; \ intobj.type = 0; \ intobj.length = 0; \ = intval; \ DAVQL_PUSH(intobj); \ } #define DAVQL_POP() stack[--stpos] DavQLStackObj obj; int ret = 0; for(size_t i=0;i<count;i++) { DavQLCmd cmd = cmds[i]; switch(cmd.type) { case DAVQL_CMD_INT: { //printf("int %lld\n",; obj.type = 0; obj.length = 0; =; DAVQL_PUSH(obj); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_STRING: { //printf("string \"%.*s\"\n",,; obj.type = 1; obj.length =; =; DAVQL_PUSH(obj); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_TIMESTAMP: { //printf("timestamp %d\n",; obj.type = 0; obj.length = 0; = (int64_t); DAVQL_PUSH(obj); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_RES_IDENTIFIER: { //char *rid[8] = {"name", "path", "href", "contentlength", "contenttype", "creationdate", "lastmodified", "iscollection"}; //printf("resprop %s\n", rid[]); switch( { case DAVQL_RES_NAME: { obj.type = 1; obj.length = strlen(res->name); = res->name; break; } case DAVQL_RES_PATH: { obj.type = 1; obj.length = strlen(res->path); = res->path; break; } case DAVQL_RES_HREF: { obj.type = 1; obj.length = strlen(res->href); = res->href; break; } case DAVQL_RES_CONTENTLENGTH: { obj.type = 0; obj.length = 0; = res->contentlength; break; } case DAVQL_RES_CONTENTTYPE: { obj.type = 1; obj.length = strlen(res->contenttype); = res->contenttype; break; } case DAVQL_RES_CREATIONDATE: { obj.type = 0; obj.length = 0; = res->creationdate; break; } case DAVQL_RES_LASTMODIFIED: { obj.type = 0; obj.length = 0; = res->lastmodified; break; } case DAVQL_RES_ISCOLLECTION: { obj.type = 0; obj.length = 0; = res->iscollection; break; } } DAVQL_PUSH(obj); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_PROP_IDENTIFIER: { //printf("property %s:%s\n",,; char *value = dav_get_property_ns(res,,; obj.type = 1; obj.length = value ? strlen(value) : 0; = value; DAVQL_PUSH(obj); break; } //case DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNARY_ADD: { // printf("uadd\n"); // break; //} case DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNARY_SUB: { //printf("usub\n"); obj = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj.type == 0) { =; DAVQL_PUSH(obj); } else { ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNARY_NEG: { //printf("uneg\n"); obj = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj.type == 0) { = == 0 ? 1 : 0; DAVQL_PUSH(obj); } else { ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_ADD: { //printf("add\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( +; } else { // TODO: string concat } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_SUB: { //printf("sub\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( -; } else { // error ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_MUL: { //printf("mul\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( *; } else { // error ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_DIV: { //printf("div\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( /; } else { // error ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_AND: { //printf("and\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( &; } else { // error ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_OR: { //printf("or\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( |; } else { // error ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_BINARY_XOR: { //printf("xor\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( ^; } else { // error ret = -1; i = count; // end loop } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_NOT: { //printf("not\n"); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_AND: { //printf("land\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); int v1 = obj1.type == 0 ? (int) : ( ? 1 : 0); int v2 = obj2.type == 0 ? (int) : ( ? 1 : 0); DAVQL_PUSH_INT(v1 && v2); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_OR_L: { //printf("or_l %d\n",; DavQLStackObj obj1 = stack[stpos]; if((obj1.type == 0 && || (obj1.type == 1 && { stpos--; DAVQL_PUSH_INT(1); i +=; // jump, skip right subtree of 'or' } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_OR: { //printf("or\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); int v1 = obj1.type == 0 ? (int) : ( ? 1 : 0); int v2 = obj2.type == 0 ? (int) : ( ? 1 : 0); DAVQL_PUSH_INT(v1 || v2); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LOGICAL_XOR: { //printf("lxor\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); int v1 = obj1.type == 0 ? (int) : ( ? 1 : 0); int v2 = obj2.type == 0 ? (int) : ( ? 1 : 0); DAVQL_PUSH_INT(!v1 != !v2); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_EQ: { //printf("eq\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( ==; } else { DAVQL_PUSH_INT(cmd_str_cmp(obj1, obj2, cmd.type)); } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_NEQ: { //printf("neq\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( !=; } else { DAVQL_PUSH_INT(cmd_str_cmp(obj1, obj2, cmd.type)); } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LT: { //printf("lt\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( <; } else { DAVQL_PUSH_INT(cmd_str_cmp(obj1, obj2, cmd.type)); } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_GT: { //printf("gt\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( >; } else { DAVQL_PUSH_INT(cmd_str_cmp(obj1, obj2, cmd.type)); } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LE: { //printf("le\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( <=; } else { DAVQL_PUSH_INT(cmd_str_cmp(obj1, obj2, cmd.type)); } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_GE: { //printf("ge\n"); DavQLStackObj obj2 = DAVQL_POP(); DavQLStackObj obj1 = DAVQL_POP(); if(obj1.type == 0 && obj2.type == 0) { DAVQL_PUSH_INT( >=; } else { DAVQL_PUSH_INT(cmd_str_cmp(obj1, obj2, cmd.type)); } break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_LIKE: { //printf("like\n"); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_OP_UNLIKE: { //printf("unlike\n"); break; } case DAVQL_CMD_CALL: { //printf("call %x\n",; break; } } } if(stpos == 1) { *result = stack[0]; } else { ret = -1; } free(stack); return ret; }