
Sat, 26 Oct 2019 12:38:33 +0200

Mike Becker <>
Sat, 26 Oct 2019 12:38:33 +0200
changeset 673
parent 408

adds support for quotes in dav bash completion

* add: url2repo_s()
* add: util_url_base_s()
* change: url2repo() is now wrapper for url2repo_s()
* change: util_url_base() is now wrapper for util_url_base_s()

title: 'dav set-property'

**`dav set-property [-pc] [-L <lock>] [-n <uri>] <url> <property> [value]`**

Sets a resource property to the specified value.

*property* is a property name with or without prefix (see [get-property][1] for details).

To store an xml value, use the **`-x`** option. The specified value must be a valid xml document. All nodes below the root element are stored as the property value.

[1]: ./get-property.html

If no value is specified, the content for the property is read from stdin.

**`-p`** disable file name and path decryption if enabled

**`-c`** enable file name and path decryption

**`-x`** store an xml value

**`-L <lock>`** use a lock token. See [dav lock][1]

**`-n <uri>`** specify property namespace

**Note:** Properties are never encrypted.
