Thu, 03 Aug 2017 14:32:36 +0200
fixes unnecessary mkcol in dav-sync
dav copy ======== **`copy [-pcO] [-L <lock>] <url1> <url2>`** Creates a duplicate of the resource identified by *url1* at the location *url2*. All resource properties are copied. Currently *url1* and *url2* must be the same host. If *url1* is a collection, all children are copied. If *url2* already exists, the command aborts, unless the `-O` option is specified. The command uses a single WebDAV COPY request to duplicate the resources. It does not handle the dav encryption functionality, which means it does not modify *url2* if encryption is enabled. **`-p`** disable file name and path decryption if enabled. This applies only to *url1* **`-c`** enable file name and path decryption This applies only to *url1* **`-O`** override the destination resource **`-L <lock>`** use a lock token. See [dav lock][1] [1]: ./lock.html **Command alias:** cp