
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 19:48:27 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 19:48:27 +0100
changeset 359
parent 320
child 429

davql: allow ANYWHERE keyword in SELECT statements

This may seem pointless, but users might want to be explicit about this and the grammar is more consistent.

This commit also adds some no-ops to the functions body of the SET parser, because some day the grammar might allow more clauses after the WHERE clause.

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<h1 class="title">dav list</h1>
<p><strong><code>dav list [-altdepcR] [-u &lt;date&gt;] &lt;url&gt;</code></strong></p>
<p>Lists child resources of the specified collection. Without any option it shows only the direct children and hides files beginning with a dot. The behavior is quite similar to that of the unix tool <code>ls</code>.</p>
<h2 id="options">Options</h2>
<p><strong><code>-a</code></strong> don't hide files whose names begin with a dot <code>.</code></p>
<p><strong><code>-l</code></strong> show additional information for resources</p>
<pre><code>--     4.2 KiB  Oct 11  2015  somefile</code></pre>
<p>The first column contains to fields for flags.</p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li>Field: <code>d-</code> indicates a collection</li>
<li>Field: <code>-c</code> indicates an encrypted resource</li>
<p>Encrypted collections are also possible, but only the collection name is encrypted, the content may be unencrypted.</p>
<p>The second column in the <code>list -l</code> output is the resource size. The number has always a suffix (bytes, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB). To get the exact content-length in bytes you can use the <a href="./info.html">dav info</a> command.</p>
<p>The third column is the date of the last modification. The <code>strftime</code> format is <code>%b %d %H:%M</code> if the year is the current year. Otherwise the format is <code>%b %d  %Y</code>.</p>
<p>The last column is the resource name. If the <code>-R</code> option is specified, the resource path is shown.</p>
<p><strong><code>-t</code></strong> this options only works in combination with <code>-l</code> and it adds the resource content type to the output (after the flags)</p>
<p><strong><code>-d</code></strong> order resources by their lastmodified date</p>
<p><strong><code>-e</code></strong> similar to <code>-l</code>, but with 6 flag fields. Currently only the first 4 fields are used. The last two are reserved for future use.</p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li>Field: <code>d---</code> indicates a collection</li>
<li>Field: <code>-c--</code> indicates an encrypted resource</li>
<li>Field: <code>--l-</code> indicates a locked resource</li>
<li>Field: <code>---x</code> indicates an executable resource (executable property with namespace)</li>
<p>All combinations of these four flags are possible.</p>
<p><strong><code>-p</code></strong> disable file name and path decryption if enabled</p>
<p><strong><code>-c</code></strong> enable file name and path decryption</p>
<p><strong><code>-R</code></strong> recursively show all resources in the collection and all child collections</p>
<p><strong><code>-u &lt;date&gt;</code></strong> show only resources with a <code>lastmodified</code> date after the specified date. Uses the HTTP date format.</p>
<p><strong>Command alias:</strong> ls</p>
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