
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 19:48:27 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 19:48:27 +0100
changeset 359
parent 283

davql: allow ANYWHERE keyword in SELECT statements

This may seem pointless, but users might want to be explicit about this and the grammar is more consistent.

This commit also adds some no-ops to the functions body of the SET parser, because some day the grammar might allow more clauses after the WHERE clause.

title: 'dav-sync add-directory'

This command runs an interactive assistant that creates a [sync-directory configuration][1] and adds it to the sync.xml file.
Before running this command, a repository must be created. See [dav add-repository][2].

[1]: ./sync-configuration.html
[2]: ./add-repository.html

**Command alias:** add-dir

The assistant firstly asks for a unique sync-directory name.
This may not match the physical directory name.
If you are not sure, which names are already in use, you can get a list of currently present sync-directories with [dav-sync list-directories][3].
Then you specifiy the local path, select the dav repository and specify the collection within that repository.
You may use environment variables like `$HOME` within the path name.
A call of `add-directory` may look like this.

	$ dav-sync add-directory
	Each sync directory must have an unique name.
	name: mysyncdir
	Enter local directory path.
	path: $HOME/important_files
	Specify webdav repository.
	0) myfirstrepo
	1) anotherrepo
	repository: 0
	Enter collection relative to the repository base url.
	collection (default: /): /important_files

Assume `myfirstrepo` points to `https://mynas.local/webdav`.
Then `dav-sync` would synchronize `$HOME/important_files/` with `https://mynas.local/webdav/important_files`.

[3]: ./list-directories.html 
