dav info
+info [-pc] <url>
Prints some information and lists all properties for the resource specified by url.
+Example 1: info of a collection
+In this example myserv is a configured repository with the base url https://example.com/webdav/. Because col is not encrypted, the url is just the path appended to base url.
+$ dav info myserv/col/
+name: col
+path: /col
+url: https://example.com/webdav/col
+type: collection
+size: 28
+namespace: DAV:
+ creationdate: 2017-06-14T09:32:43Z
+ getetag: "1000-551e83bebc19c"
+ getlastmodified: Wed, 14 Jun 2017 09:32:43 GMT
+ supportedlock:
+Example 2: encrypted resource
+With encrypted resources, the path and url are different. The real resource name is random, but the name used by dav is stored in the crypto-name property.
+$ dav info -c myserv/crres
+name: crres
+path: /crres
+url: https://example.com/webdav/wsIwbLxuJQTGtgiMAD1KGeaY
+type: resource
+size: 48 bytes
+namespace: DAV:
+ creationdate: 2017-07-09T16:18:09Z
+ getcontentlength: 48
+ getetag: "30-553e4cfecd170"
+ getlastmodified: Sun, 09 Jul 2017 16:18:09 GMT
+ supportedlock:
+namespace: http://apache.org/dav/props/
+ executable: F
+namespace: http://davutils.org/
+ crypto-hash: fm4zstp/FevTs1aoUXc3+mqTmAf2Go+zQ34rSp8/ixDlGLQJXR74Je+WMl1zxZKbS/+5VwDhyZ9pT3gInsq2SA==
+ crypto-key: mykey
+ crypto-name: ZU+lZtFi3dprBz44714plYwfRnhyI/apYq46Sk/B6QU=