
changeset 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/make/vs/x64/Debug/Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.xml	Sun Jan 21 16:30:18 2024 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <assembly>
+    <name>Microsoft.Windows.System.Power</name>
+  </assembly>
+  <members>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the status of the battery on the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.Charging">
+      <summary>The battery is charging.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.Discharging">
+      <summary>The battery is discharging.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.Idle">
+      <summary>The battery is idle.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.NotPresent">
+      <summary>The battery is not present.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.DisplayStatus">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the status of the display that is associated with the app's session.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.DisplayStatus.Dimmed">
+      <summary>The display is dimmed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.DisplayStatus.Off">
+      <summary>The display is off.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.DisplayStatus.On">
+      <summary>The display is on.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the effective power mode of the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.Balanced">
+      <summary>The device is in the balanced effective power mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.BatterySaver">
+      <summary>The device is in battery saver mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.BetterBattery">
+      <summary>The device is in the better battery effective power mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.GameMode">
+      <summary>The device is in game mode power mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.HighPerformance">
+      <summary>The device is in the high performance effective power mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.MaxPerformance">
+      <summary>The device is in the maximum performance effective power mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EffectivePowerMode.MixedReality">
+      <summary>The device is in the windows mixed reality power mode.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EnergySaverStatus">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the battery saver states of the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EnergySaverStatus.Disabled">
+      <summary>Battery saver is disabled.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EnergySaverStatus.Off">
+      <summary>Battery saver is off.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EnergySaverStatus.On">
+      <summary>Battery saver is on.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.EnergySaverStatus.Uninitialized">
+      <summary>Battery saver is uninitialized.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager">
+      <summary>Provides static events that notify your app of changes to the devices power state and static properties that provide access to current power state information.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.BatteryStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the status of the battery on the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.DisplayStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the status of the display that is associated with the app's session.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.EffectivePowerModeChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the effective power mode of the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.EnergySaverStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when battery saver has been turned off or on in response to changing power conditions.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.PowerSourceKindChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the power source of the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.PowerSupplyStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the power supply status of the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.RemainingChargePercentChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the remaining charge percentage of the battery on the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.RemainingDischargeTimeChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the remaining discharge time of the battery on the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.SystemIdleStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the system is busy. This indicates that the system will not be moving into an idle state in the near future and that the current time is a good time for components to perform background or idle tasks that would otherwise prevent the computer from entering an idle state.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.SystemSuspendStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the suspend status of the device has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.UserPresenceStatusChanged">
+      <summary>Raised when the user status associated with the app's session has changed.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.BatteryStatus">
+      <summary>Gets the current status of the battery on the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The current status of the battery.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.DisplayStatus">
+      <summary>Gets the current status of the display that is associated with the app's session.</summary>
+      <returns>The current status of the display that is associated with the app's session.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.EffectivePowerMode">
+      <summary>Gets the current effective power mode of the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The current effective power mode of the device.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.EnergySaverStatus">
+      <summary>Gets the current state of battery saver on the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.PowerSourceKind">
+      <summary>Gets the current power source of the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The current power source of the device.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.PowerSupplyStatus">
+      <summary>Gets the current power supply status of the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The current power supply status of the device.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.RemainingChargePercent">
+      <summary>Gets the remaining charge percentage of the battery on the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The remaining charge percentage of the battery.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.RemainingDischargeTime">
+      <summary>Gets the remaining discharge time of the battery on the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The remaining discharge time of the battery.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.SystemSuspendStatus">
+      <summary>Gets the current suspend status of the device.</summary>
+      <returns>The current suspend status of the device.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerManager.UserPresenceStatus">
+      <summary>Gets the current user status associated with the app's session.</summary>
+      <returns>The current user present status of the device.</returns>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSourceKind">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the power source of the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSourceKind.AC">
+      <summary>The computer is powered by an AC power source (or similar, such as a laptop powered by a 12V automotive adapter).</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSourceKind.DC">
+      <summary>The computer is powered by an onboard battery power source.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSupplyStatus">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the power supply status of the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSupplyStatus.Adequate">
+      <summary>Power supply is adequate.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSupplyStatus.Inadequate">
+      <summary>Power supply is not adequate.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.PowerSupplyStatus.NotPresent">
+      <summary>Power supply is not present.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.SystemSuspendStatus">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the suspend status of the device.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.SystemSuspendStatus.AutoResume">
+      <summary>The device is automatically resuming from suspend state.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.SystemSuspendStatus.Entering">
+      <summary>The device is entering suspend state.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.SystemSuspendStatus.ManualResume">
+      <summary>The user has manually resumed the device from suspend state.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.SystemSuspendStatus.Uninitialized">
+      <summary>The suspend status is not initialized.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.UserPresenceStatus">
+      <summary>Defines values that represent the user status associated with the app's session.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.UserPresenceStatus.Absent">
+      <summary>The user is absent.</summary>
+    </member>
+    <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.UserPresenceStatus.Present">
+      <summary>The user is present.</summary>
+    </member>
+  </members>
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