
changeset 101
parent 100
--- a/ui/motif/text.c	Thu Dec 12 20:01:43 2024 +0100
+++ b/ui/motif/text.c	Mon Jan 06 22:22:55 2025 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,666 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include "text.h"
 #include "container.h"
+#include <cx/string.h>
+/* ------------------------------ Text Field ------------------------------ */
+static UIWIDGET create_textfield(UiObject *obj, UiTextFieldArgs args, int frameless, int password) {
+    Arg xargs[16];
+    int n = 0;
+    if(frameless) {
+        XtSetArg(xargs[n], XmNshadowThickness, 0);
+        n++;
+    }
+    if(password) {
+        // TODO
+    }
+    UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj);
+    UI_APPLY_LAYOUT(ctn->layout, args);
+    Widget parent = ctn->prepare(ctn, xargs, &n);
+    char *name = args.name ? (char*)args.name : "textfield";
+    Widget textfield = XmCreateTextField(parent, name, xargs, n);
+    XtManageChild(textfield);
+    ui_set_widget_groups(obj->ctx, textfield, args.groups);
+    UiVar* var = uic_widget_var(obj->ctx, obj->ctx, args.value, args.varname, UI_VAR_STRING);
+    if(var) {
+        UiString *value = (UiString*)var->value;
+        value->obj = textfield;
+        value->get = ui_textfield_get;
+        value->set = ui_textfield_set;
+        if(value->value.ptr) {
+            ui_textfield_set(value, value->value.ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    return textfield;
+UIWIDGET ui_textfield_create(UiObject *obj, UiTextFieldArgs args) {
+    return create_textfield(obj, args, FALSE, FALSE);
+UIWIDGET ui_frameless_textfield_create(UiObject* obj, UiTextFieldArgs args) {
+    return create_textfield(obj, args, TRUE, FALSE);
+UIWIDGET ui_passwordfield_create(UiObject* obj, UiTextFieldArgs args) {
+    return create_textfield(obj, args, FALSE, FALSE);
+char* ui_textfield_get(UiString *str) {
+    str->value.free(str->value.ptr);
+    char *value = XmTextFieldGetString(str->obj);
+    str->value.ptr = value;
+    str->value.free = (ui_freefunc)XtFree;
+    return value;
+void ui_textfield_set(UiString *str, const char *value) {
+    XmTextFieldSetString(str->obj, (void*)value);
+    str->value.ptr = NULL;
+    str->value.free(str->value.ptr);
+/* -------------------- path bar -------------------- */
+#define XNECreateText(parent,name,args,count)   XmCreateTextField(parent,name,args,count)
+#define XNETextSetString(widget,value)          XmTextFieldSetString(widget,value)
+#define XNETextGetString(widget)                XmTextFieldGetString(widget)
+#define XNETextGetLastPosition(widget)          XmTextFieldGetLastPosition(widget)  
+#define XNETextSetInsertionPosition(widget, i)  XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(widget, i)  
+#define XNETextSetSelection(w, f, l, t)         XmTextFieldSetSelection(w, f, l, t)
+typedef void(*updatedir_callback)(void*,char*,int);
+typedef struct PathBar {  
+    Widget widget;
+    Widget textfield;
+    Widget focus_widget;
+    Widget left;
+    Widget right;
+    Dimension lw;
+    Dimension rw;
+    int shift;
+    UiPathElm *current_pathelms;
+    Widget *pathSegments;
+    size_t numSegments;
+    size_t segmentAlloc;
+    char *path;
+    int selection;
+    Boolean input;
+    int focus;
+    updatedir_callback updateDir;
+    void *updateDirData;
+    ui_pathelm_func getpathelm;
+    void *getpathelmdata;
+} PathBar;
+void PathBarSetPath(PathBar *bar, const char *path);
+void pathbar_resize(Widget w, PathBar *p, XtPointer d)
+    Dimension width, height;
+    XtVaGetValues(w, XmNwidth, &width, XmNheight, &height, NULL);
+    Dimension *segW = (void*)XtCalloc(p->numSegments, sizeof(Dimension));
+    Dimension maxHeight = 0;
+    /* get width/height from all widgets */
+    Dimension pathWidth = 0;
+    for(int i=0;i<p->numSegments;i++) {
+        Dimension segWidth;
+        Dimension segHeight;
+        XtVaGetValues(p->pathSegments[i], XmNwidth, &segWidth, XmNheight, &segHeight, NULL);
+        segW[i] = segWidth;
+        pathWidth += segWidth;
+        if(segHeight > maxHeight) {
+            maxHeight = segHeight;
+        }
+    }
+    Dimension tfHeight;
+    XtVaGetValues(p->textfield, XmNheight, &tfHeight, NULL);
+    if(tfHeight > maxHeight) {
+        maxHeight = tfHeight;
+    }
+    Boolean arrows = False;
+    if(pathWidth + 10 > width) {
+        arrows = True;
+        pathWidth += p->lw + p->rw;
+    }
+    /* calc max visible widgets */
+    int start = 0;
+    if(arrows) {
+        Dimension vis = p->lw+p->rw;
+        for(int i=p->numSegments;i>0;i--) {
+            Dimension segWidth = segW[i-1];
+            if(vis + segWidth + 10 > width) {
+                start = i;
+                arrows = True;
+                break;
+            }
+            vis += segWidth;
+        }
+    } else {
+        p->shift = 0;
+    }
+    int leftShift = 0;
+    if(p->shift < 0) {
+        if(start + p->shift < 0) {
+            leftShift = start;
+            start = 0;
+            p->shift = -leftShift;
+        } else {
+            leftShift = -p->shift; /* negative shift */
+            start += p->shift;
+        }
+    }
+    int x = 0;
+    if(arrows) {
+        XtManageChild(p->left);
+        XtManageChild(p->right);
+        x = p->lw;
+    } else {
+        XtUnmanageChild(p->left);
+        XtUnmanageChild(p->right);
+    }
+    for(int i=0;i<p->numSegments;i++) {
+        if(i >= start && i < p->numSegments - leftShift && !p->input) {
+            XtVaSetValues(p->pathSegments[i], XmNx, x, XmNy, 0, XmNheight, maxHeight, NULL);
+            x += segW[i];
+            XtManageChild(p->pathSegments[i]);
+        } else {
+            XtUnmanageChild(p->pathSegments[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    if(arrows) {
+        XtVaSetValues(p->left, XmNx, 0, XmNy, 0, XmNheight, maxHeight, NULL);
+        XtVaSetValues(p->right, XmNx, x, XmNy, 0, XmNheight, maxHeight, NULL);
+    }
+    free(segW);
+    Dimension rw, rh;
+    XtMakeResizeRequest(w, width, maxHeight, &rw, &rh);
+    XtVaSetValues(p->textfield, XmNwidth, rw, XmNheight, rh, NULL);
+static void pathbarActivateTF(PathBar *p)
+    XtUnmanageChild(p->left);
+    XtUnmanageChild(p->right);
+    XNETextSetSelection(p->textfield, 0, XNETextGetLastPosition(p->textfield), 0);
+    XtManageChild(p->textfield);
+    p->input = 1;
+    XmProcessTraversal(p->textfield, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
+    pathbar_resize(p->widget, p, NULL);
+void PathBarActivateTextfield(PathBar *p)
+    p->focus = 1;
+    pathbarActivateTF(p);
+void pathbar_input(Widget w, PathBar *p, XtPointer c)
+    XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct*)c;
+    XEvent *xevent = cbs->event;
+    if (cbs->reason == XmCR_INPUT) {
+        if (xevent->xany.type == ButtonPress) {
+            p->focus = 0;
+            pathbarActivateTF(p);
+        }
+    }
+void pathbar_losingfocus(Widget w, PathBar *p, XtPointer c)
+    if(--p->focus < 0) {
+        p->input = False;
+        XtUnmanageChild(p->textfield);
+    }
+static cxmutstr concat_path_s(cxstring base, cxstring path) {
+    if(!path.ptr) {
+        path = CX_STR("");
+    }
+    int add_separator = 0;
+    if(base.length != 0 && base.ptr[base.length-1] == '/') {
+        if(path.ptr[0] == '/') {
+            base.length--;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if(path.length == 0 || path.ptr[0] != '/') {
+            add_separator = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    cxmutstr url;
+    if(add_separator) {
+        url = cx_strcat(3, base, CX_STR("/"), path);
+    } else {
+        url = cx_strcat(2, base, path);
+    }
+    return url;
+static char* ConcatPath(const char *path1, const char *path2) {
+    return concat_path_s(cx_str(path1), cx_str(path2)).ptr;
+void pathbar_pathinput(Widget w, PathBar *p, XtPointer d)
+    char *newpath = XNETextGetString(p->textfield);
+    if(newpath) {
+        if(newpath[0] == '~') {
+            char *p = newpath+1;
+            char *home = getenv("HOME");
+            char *cp = ConcatPath(home, p);
+            XtFree(newpath);
+            newpath = cp;
+        } else if(newpath[0] != '/') {
+            char curdir[2048];
+            curdir[0] = 0;
+            getcwd(curdir, 2048);
+            char *cp = ConcatPath(curdir, newpath);
+            XtFree(newpath);
+            newpath = cp;
+        }
+        /* update path */
+        PathBarSetPath(p, newpath);
+        if(p->updateDir) {
+            p->updateDir(p->updateDirData, newpath, -1);
+        }
+        XtFree(newpath);
+        /* hide textfield and show path as buttons */
+        XtUnmanageChild(p->textfield);
+        pathbar_resize(p->widget, p, NULL);
+        if(p->focus_widget) {
+            XmProcessTraversal(p->focus_widget, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
+        }
+    }
+void pathbar_shift_left(Widget w, PathBar *p, XtPointer d)
+    p->shift--;
+    pathbar_resize(p->widget, p, NULL);
+void pathbar_shift_right(Widget w, PathBar *p, XtPointer d)
+    if(p->shift < 0) {
+        p->shift++;
+    }
+    pathbar_resize(p->widget, p, NULL);
+static void pathTextEH(Widget widget, XtPointer data, XEvent *event, Boolean *dispatch) {
+    PathBar *pb = data;
+    if(event->type == KeyReleaseMask) {
+        if(event->xkey.keycode == 9) {
+            XtUnmanageChild(pb->textfield);
+            pathbar_resize(pb->widget, pb, NULL);
+            *dispatch = False;
+        } else if(event->xkey.keycode == 36) {
+            pathbar_pathinput(pb->textfield, pb, NULL);
+            *dispatch = False;
+        }
+    }
+PathBar* CreatePathBar(Widget parent, ArgList args, int n)
+    PathBar *bar = (PathBar*)XtMalloc(sizeof(PathBar));
+    bar->path = NULL;
+    bar->updateDir = NULL;
+    bar->updateDirData = NULL;
+    bar->focus_widget = NULL;
+    bar->getpathelm = NULL;
+    bar->getpathelmdata = NULL;
+    bar->current_pathelms = NULL;
+    bar->shift = 0;
+    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmarginWidth, 0); n++;
+    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmarginHeight, 0); n++;
+    bar->widget = XmCreateDrawingArea(parent, "pathbar", args, n);
+    XtAddCallback(
+            bar->widget,
+            XmNresizeCallback,
+            (XtCallbackProc)pathbar_resize,
+            bar);
+    XtAddCallback(
+            bar->widget,
+            XmNinputCallback,
+            (XtCallbackProc)pathbar_input,
+            bar);
+    Arg a[4];
+    XtSetArg(a[0], XmNshadowThickness, 0);
+    XtSetArg(a[1], XmNx, 0);
+    XtSetArg(a[2], XmNy, 0);
+    bar->textfield = XNECreateText(bar->widget, "pbtext", a, 3);
+    bar->input = 0;
+    XtAddCallback(
+            bar->textfield,
+            XmNlosingFocusCallback,
+            (XtCallbackProc)pathbar_losingfocus,
+            bar);
+    XtAddCallback(bar->textfield, XmNactivateCallback,
+                 (XtCallbackProc)pathbar_pathinput, bar);
+    XtAddEventHandler(bar->textfield, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask, FALSE, pathTextEH, bar);
+    XtSetArg(a[0], XmNarrowDirection, XmARROW_LEFT);
+    bar->left = XmCreateArrowButton(bar->widget, "pbbutton", a, 1);
+    XtSetArg(a[0], XmNarrowDirection, XmARROW_RIGHT);
+    bar->right = XmCreateArrowButton(bar->widget, "pbbutton", a, 1);
+    XtAddCallback(
+                bar->left,
+                XmNactivateCallback,
+                (XtCallbackProc)pathbar_shift_left,
+                bar);
+    XtAddCallback(
+                bar->right,
+                XmNactivateCallback,
+                (XtCallbackProc)pathbar_shift_right,
+                bar);
+    Pixel bg;
+    XtVaGetValues(bar->textfield, XmNbackground, &bg, NULL);
+    XtVaSetValues(bar->widget, XmNbackground, bg, NULL);
+    XtManageChild(bar->left);
+    XtManageChild(bar->right);
+    XtVaGetValues(bar->left, XmNwidth, &bar->lw, NULL);
+    XtVaGetValues(bar->right, XmNwidth, &bar->rw, NULL);
+    bar->segmentAlloc = 16;
+    bar->numSegments = 0;
+    bar->pathSegments = (Widget*)XtCalloc(16, sizeof(Widget));
+    bar->selection = 0;
+    return bar;
+void PathBarChangeDir(Widget w, PathBar *bar, XtPointer c)
+    XmToggleButtonSetState(bar->pathSegments[bar->selection], False, False);
+    int i;
+    for(i=0;i<bar->numSegments;i++) {  
+        if(bar->pathSegments[i] == w) {
+            bar->selection = i;
+            XmToggleButtonSetState(w, True, False);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    UiPathElm elm = bar->current_pathelms[i];
+    cxmutstr name = cx_strdup(cx_strn(elm.name, elm.name_len));
+    if(bar->updateDir) {
+        bar->updateDir(bar->updateDirData, name.ptr, i);
+    }
+    free(name.ptr);
+static void ui_pathelm_destroy(UiPathElm *elms, size_t nelm) {
+    for(int i=0;i<nelm;i++) {
+        free(elms[i].name);
+        free(elms[i].path);
+    }
+    free(elms);
+void PathBarSetPath(PathBar *bar, const char *path)
+    if(bar->path) {
+        free(bar->path);
+    }
+    bar->path = strdup(path);
+    for(int i=0;i<bar->numSegments;i++) {
+        XtDestroyWidget(bar->pathSegments[i]);
+    }
+    XtUnmanageChild(bar->textfield);
+    XtManageChild(bar->left);
+    XtManageChild(bar->right);
+    bar->input = False;
+    Arg args[4];
+    XmString str;
+    bar->numSegments = 0;
+    ui_pathelm_destroy(bar->current_pathelms, bar->numSegments);
+    size_t nelm = 0;
+    UiPathElm* path_elm = bar->getpathelm(bar->path, strlen(bar->path), &nelm, bar->getpathelmdata);
+    if (!path_elm) {
+        return;
+    }
+    bar->current_pathelms = path_elm;
+    bar->numSegments = nelm;
+    bar->pathSegments = realloc(bar->pathSegments, nelm * sizeof(Widget*));
+    for(int i=0;i<nelm;i++) {
+        UiPathElm elm = path_elm[i];
+        cxmutstr name = cx_strdup(cx_strn(elm.name, elm.name_len));
+        str = XmStringCreateLocalized(elm.name);
+        free(name.ptr);
+        XtSetArg(args[0], XmNlabelString, str);
+        XtSetArg(args[1], XmNfillOnSelect, True);
+        XtSetArg(args[2], XmNindicatorOn, False);
+        Widget button = XmCreateToggleButton(bar->widget, "pbbutton", args, 3);
+        XtAddCallback(
+                button,
+                XmNvalueChangedCallback,
+                (XtCallbackProc)PathBarChangeDir,
+                bar);
+        XmStringFree(str);
+        bar->pathSegments[i] = button;
+    }
+    bar->selection = bar->numSegments-1;
+    XmToggleButtonSetState(bar->pathSegments[bar->selection], True, False);
+    XNETextSetString(bar->textfield, (char*)path);
+    XNETextSetInsertionPosition(bar->textfield, XNETextGetLastPosition(bar->textfield));
+    pathbar_resize(bar->widget, bar, NULL);
+void PathBarDestroy(PathBar *pathbar) {
+    if(pathbar->path) {
+        XtFree(pathbar->path);
+    }
+    XtFree((void*)pathbar->pathSegments);
+    XtFree((void*)pathbar);
+/* ---------------------------- Path Text Field ---------------------------- */
+static void destroy_pathbar(Widget w, XtPointer *data, XtPointer d) {
+    PathBar *pathbar = (PathBar*)data;
+    // TODO: check if there is somonething missing
+    XtFree((void*)pathbar->pathSegments);
+    XtFree((void*)pathbar);
+// TODO: move to common
+static UiPathElm* default_pathelm_func(const char* full_path, size_t len, size_t* ret_nelm, void* data) {
+    cxstring *pathelms;
+    size_t nelm = cx_strsplit_a(cxDefaultAllocator, cx_strn(full_path, len), CX_STR("/"), 4096, &pathelms);
+    if (nelm == 0) {
+        *ret_nelm = 0;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    UiPathElm* elms = (UiPathElm*)calloc(nelm, sizeof(UiPathElm));
+    size_t n = nelm;
+    int j = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < nelm; i++) {
+        cxstring c = pathelms[i];
+        if (c.length == 0) {
+            if (i == 0) {
+                c.length = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                n--;
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        cxmutstr m = cx_strdup(c);
+        elms[j].name = m.ptr;
+        elms[j].name_len = m.length;
+        size_t elm_path_len = c.ptr + c.length - full_path;
+        cxmutstr elm_path = cx_strdup(cx_strn(full_path, elm_path_len));
+        elms[j].path = elm_path.ptr;
+        elms[j].path_len = elm_path.length;
+        j++;
+    }
+    *ret_nelm = n;
+    return elms;
+static void pathbar_activate(void *data, char *path, int index) {
+    UiEventData *event = data;
+    UiEvent evt;
+    evt.obj = event->obj;
+    evt.window = evt.obj->window;
+    evt.document = evt.obj->ctx->document;
+    evt.eventdata = path;
+    evt.intval = index;
+    event->callback(&evt, event->userdata);
+UIWIDGET ui_path_textfield_create(UiObject* obj, UiPathTextFieldArgs args) {
+    Arg xargs[16];
+    int n = 0;
+    UiContainerPrivate *ctn = ui_obj_container(obj);
+    UI_APPLY_LAYOUT(ctn->layout, args);
+    Widget parent = ctn->prepare(ctn, xargs, &n);
+    // TODO: name
+    PathBar *pathbar = CreatePathBar(parent, xargs, n);
+    if(!args.getpathelm) {
+        pathbar->getpathelm= default_pathelm_func;
+    } else {
+        pathbar->getpathelm = args.getpathelm;
+        pathbar->getpathelmdata = args.getpathelmdata;
+    }
+    XtManageChild(pathbar->widget);
+    ctn->add(ctn, pathbar->widget);
+    UiVar* var = uic_widget_var(obj->ctx, obj->ctx, args.value, args.varname, UI_VAR_STRING);
+    if (var) {
+        UiString* value = (UiString*)var->value;
+        value->obj = pathbar;
+        value->get = ui_path_textfield_get;
+        value->set = ui_path_textfield_set;
+        if(value->value.ptr) {
+            char *str = strdup(value->value.ptr);
+            ui_string_set(value, str);
+            free(str);
+        }
+    }
+    if(args.onactivate) {
+        UiEventData *eventdata = malloc(sizeof(UiEventData));
+        eventdata->callback = args.onactivate;
+        eventdata->userdata = args.onactivatedata;
+        eventdata->obj = obj;
+        eventdata->value = 0;
+        pathbar->updateDir = pathbar_activate;
+        pathbar->updateDirData = eventdata;
+        XtAddCallback(
+                pathbar->widget,
+                XmNdestroyCallback,
+                (XtCallbackProc)ui_destroy_eventdata,
+                eventdata);
+    }
+    XtAddCallback(
+            pathbar->widget,
+            XmNdestroyCallback,
+            (XtCallbackProc)destroy_pathbar,
+            pathbar);
+    return pathbar->widget;
+char* ui_path_textfield_get(UiString *str) {
+    PathBar *pathbar = str->obj;
+    str->value.free(str->value.ptr);
+    char *value = XmTextFieldGetString(pathbar->textfield);
+    str->value.ptr = value;
+    str->value.free = (ui_freefunc)XtFree;
+    return value;
+void ui_path_textfield_set(UiString *str, const char *value) {
+    PathBarSetPath(str->obj, value);
