2 weeks ago
update libs (ucx, toolkit, libidav)
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2018 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <libxml/tree.h> #include "utils.h" #include "session.h" #include "methods.h" #include "crypto.h" #include <cx/buffer.h> #include <cx/utils.h> #include <cx/hash_map.h> #include <cx/printf.h> #include <cx/mempool.h> #include <cx/array_list.h> #include "resource.h" #include "xml.h" #include "davqlexec.h" #define xstreq(a,b) xmlStrEqual(BAD_CAST a, BAD_CAST b) DavResource* dav_resource_new(DavSession *sn, const char *path) { //char *href = util_url_path(url); //DavResource *res = dav_resource_new_href(sn, href); char *parent = util_parent_path(path); const char *name = util_resource_name(path); char *href = dav_session_create_plain_href(sn, path); DavResource *res = dav_resource_new_full(sn, parent, name, href); free(parent); return res; } DavResource* dav_resource_new_child(DavSession *sn, DavResource *parent, const char *name) { char *path = util_concat_path(parent->path, name); char *href = dav_session_create_plain_href(sn, path); DavResource *res = dav_resource_new_full(sn, parent->path, name, href); free(path); return res; } DavResource* dav_resource_new_href(DavSession *sn, const char *href) { DavResource *res = cxCalloc(sn->mp->allocator, 1, sizeof(DavResource)); res->session = sn; // set name, path and href resource_set_info(res, href); // initialize resource data res->data = resource_data_new(sn); return res; } DavResource* dav_resource_new_full(DavSession *sn, const char *parent_path, const char *name, char *href) { cxstring n = cx_str(name); // the name must not contain path separators if(n.length > 0 && href) { for(int i=0;i<n.length-1;i++) { char c = n.ptr[i]; if(c == '/' || c == '\\') { n = cx_str(util_resource_name(href)); break; } } } // remove trailing '/' if(n.length > 0 && n.ptr[n.length-1] == '/') { n.length--; } DavResource *res = cxCalloc(sn->mp->allocator, 1, sizeof(DavResource)); res->session = sn; // set name, path and href res->name = cx_strdup_a(sn->mp->allocator, n).ptr; char *path = util_concat_path(parent_path, name); res->path = dav_session_strdup(sn, path); res->href = href; // initialize resource data res->data = resource_data_new(sn); // cache href/path if(href) { dav_session_cache_path(sn, cx_str(path), cx_str(href)); } free(path); return res; } void resource_free_properties(DavSession *sn, CxMap *properties) { if(!properties) return; CxMapIterator i = cxMapIteratorValues(properties); cx_foreach(DavProperty*, property, i) { // TODO: free everything dav_session_free(sn, property); } cxMapFree(properties); } void dav_resource_free(DavResource *res) { DavSession *sn = res->session; dav_session_free(sn, res->name); dav_session_free(sn, res->path); if(res->href) { dav_session_free(sn, res->href); } DavResourceData *data = res->data; resource_free_properties(sn, data->properties); resource_free_properties(sn, data->crypto_properties); if(data->set) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(data->set); cx_foreach(DavProperty *, p, i) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->name); if(p->ns->prefix) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->prefix); } dav_session_free(sn, p->ns); dav_session_free(sn, p->name); dav_free_xml_node_sn(sn, p->value); dav_session_free(sn, p); } } if(data->remove) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(data->remove); cx_foreach(DavProperty *, p, i) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->name); if(p->ns->prefix) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->prefix); } dav_session_free(sn, p->ns); dav_session_free(sn, p->name); dav_session_free(sn, p); } } if(data->crypto_set) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(data->crypto_set); cx_foreach(DavProperty *, p, i) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->name); if(p->ns->prefix) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->prefix); } dav_session_free(sn, p->ns); dav_session_free(sn, p->name); dav_free_xml_node_sn(sn, p->value); dav_session_free(sn, p); } } if(data->crypto_remove) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(data->crypto_remove); cx_foreach(DavProperty *, p, i) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->name); if(p->ns->prefix) { dav_session_free(sn, p->ns->prefix); } dav_session_free(sn, p->ns); dav_session_free(sn, p->name); dav_session_free(sn, p); } } if(!data->read && data->content) { dav_session_free(sn, data->content); } dav_session_free(sn, data); dav_session_free(sn, res); } void dav_resource_free_all(DavResource *res) { DavResource *child = res->children; dav_resource_free(res); while(child) { DavResource *next = child->next; dav_resource_free_all(child); child = next; } } void resource_set_href(DavResource *res, cxstring href) { res->href = cx_strdup_a(res->session->mp->allocator, href).ptr; } void resource_set_info(DavResource *res, const char *href_str) { char *url_str = NULL; curl_easy_getinfo(res->session->handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &url_str); cxstring name = cx_str(util_resource_name(href_str)); cxstring href = cx_str(href_str); cxstring base_href = cx_str(util_url_path(res->session->base_url)); cxstring path = cx_strsubs(href, base_href.length - 1); const CxAllocator *a = res->session->mp->allocator; CURL *handle = res->session->handle; int nlen = 0; char *uname = curl_easy_unescape(handle, name.ptr, name.length , &nlen); int plen = 0; char *upath = curl_easy_unescape(handle, path.ptr, path.length, &plen); res->name = cx_strdup_a(a, cx_strn(uname, nlen)).ptr; res->href = cx_strdup_a(a, href).ptr; res->path = cx_strdup_a(a, cx_strn(upath, plen)).ptr; curl_free(uname); curl_free(upath); } DavResourceData* resource_data_new(DavSession *sn) { DavResourceData *data = cxMalloc( sn->mp->allocator, sizeof(DavResourceData)); if(!data) { return NULL; } data->properties = cxHashMapCreate(sn->mp->allocator, CX_STORE_POINTERS, 32); data->crypto_properties = NULL; data->set = NULL; data->remove = NULL; data->crypto_set = NULL; data->crypto_remove = NULL; data->read = NULL; data->content = NULL; data->seek = NULL; data->length = 0; return data; } char* dav_resource_get_href(DavResource *resource) { if(!resource->href) { resource->href = dav_session_get_href( resource->session, resource->path); } return resource->href; } void resource_add_prop(DavResource *res, const char *ns, const char *name, DavXmlNode *val) { DavSession *sn = res->session; DavNamespace *namespace = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavNamespace)); namespace->prefix = NULL; namespace->name = dav_session_strdup(sn, ns); DavProperty *prop = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavProperty)); prop->name = dav_session_strdup(sn, name); prop->ns = namespace; prop->value = val; cxmutstr keystr = dav_property_key(ns, name); CxHashKey key = cx_hash_key(keystr.ptr, keystr.length); cxMapPut(((DavResourceData*)res->data)->properties, key, prop); free(keystr.ptr); } void resource_add_property(DavResource *res, const char *ns, const char *name, xmlNode *val) { if(!val) { return; } resource_add_prop(res, ns, name, dav_convert_xml(res->session, val)); } void resource_add_string_property(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name, char *val) { if(!val) { return; } resource_add_prop(res, ns, name, dav_text_node(res->session, val)); } void resource_set_crypto_properties(DavResource *res, CxMap *cprops) { DavResourceData *data = res->data; resource_free_properties(res->session, data->crypto_properties); data->crypto_properties = cprops; } DavXmlNode* resource_get_property(DavResource *res, const char *ns, const char *name) { cxmutstr keystr = dav_property_key(ns, name); CxHashKey key = cx_hash_key(keystr.ptr, keystr.length); DavXmlNode *ret = resource_get_property_k(res, key); free(keystr.ptr); return ret; } DavXmlNode* resource_get_encrypted_property(DavResource *res, const char *ns, const char *name) { cxmutstr keystr = dav_property_key(ns, name); CxHashKey key = cx_hash_key(keystr.ptr, keystr.length); DavXmlNode *ret = resource_get_encrypted_property_k(res, key); free(keystr.ptr); return ret; } DavXmlNode* resource_get_property_k(DavResource *res, CxHashKey key) { DavResourceData *data = (DavResourceData*)res->data; DavProperty *property = cxMapGet(data->properties, key); return property ? property->value : NULL; } DavXmlNode* resource_get_encrypted_property_k(DavResource *res, CxHashKey key) { DavResourceData *data = (DavResourceData*)res->data; DavProperty *property = cxMapGet(data->crypto_properties, key); return property ? property->value : NULL; } cxmutstr dav_property_key(const char *ns, const char *name) { return dav_property_key_a(cxDefaultAllocator, ns, name); } cxmutstr dav_property_key_a(const CxAllocator *a, const char *ns, const char *name) { cxstring ns_str = cx_str(ns); cxstring name_str = cx_str(name); return cx_strcat_a(a, 4, ns_str, CX_STR("\0"), name_str, CX_STR("\0")); } void resource_add_child(DavResource *parent, DavResource *child) { child->next = NULL; if(parent->children) { DavResource *last = parent->children; while(last->next) { last = last->next; } last->next = child; child->prev = last; } else { child->prev = NULL; parent->children = child; } child->parent = parent; } static int resource_cmp(DavResource *res1, DavResource *res2, DavOrderCriterion *cr) { if(!(res1 && res2)) { return 0; } int ret; if(cr->type == 0) { switch(cr->column.resprop) { case DAVQL_RES_NAME: { ret = strcmp(res1->name, res2->name); break; } case DAVQL_RES_PATH: { ret = strcmp(res1->path, res2->path); break; } case DAVQL_RES_HREF: { ret = strcmp(res1->href, res2->href); break; } case DAVQL_RES_CONTENTLENGTH: { int c = res1->contentlength == res2->contentlength; ret = c ? 0 : (res1->contentlength < res2->contentlength?-1:1); break; } case DAVQL_RES_CONTENTTYPE: { ret = strcmp(res1->contenttype, res2->contenttype); break; } case DAVQL_RES_CREATIONDATE: { int c = res1->creationdate == res2->creationdate; ret = c ? 0 : (res1->creationdate < res2->creationdate?-1:1); break; } case DAVQL_RES_LASTMODIFIED: { int c = res1->lastmodified == res2->lastmodified; ret = c ? 0 : (res1->lastmodified < res2->lastmodified?-1:1); break; } case DAVQL_RES_ISCOLLECTION: { int c = res1->iscollection == res2->iscollection; ret = c ? 0 : (res1->iscollection < res2->iscollection?-1:1); break; } default: ret = 0; } } else if(cr->type == 1) { DavXmlNode *xvalue1 = resource_get_property_k(res1, cr->column.property); DavXmlNode *xvalue2 = resource_get_property_k(res2, cr->column.property); char *value1 = dav_xml_getstring(xvalue1); char *value2 = dav_xml_getstring(xvalue2); if(!value1) { ret = value2 ? -1 : 0; } else if(!value2) { ret = value1 ? 1 : 0; } else { ret = strcmp(value1, value2); } } else { return 0; } return cr->descending ? -ret : ret; } void resource_add_ordered_child(DavResource *parent, DavResource *child, CxList *ordercr) { if(!ordercr) { resource_add_child(parent, child); return; } child->parent = parent; if(!parent->children) { child->next = NULL; child->prev = NULL; parent->children = child; } else { DavResource *resource = parent->children; while(resource) { int r = 0; CxIterator i = cxListIterator(ordercr); cx_foreach(DavOrderCriterion*, cr, i) { r = resource_cmp(child, resource, cr); if(r != 0) { break; } } if(r < 0) { // insert child before resource child->prev = resource->prev; child->next = resource; if(resource->prev) { resource->prev->next = child; } else { parent->children = child; } resource->prev = child; break; } if(!resource->next) { // append child child->prev = resource; child->next = NULL; resource->next = child; break; } else { resource = resource->next; } } } } char* dav_get_string_property(DavResource *res, char *name) { char *pns; char *pname; dav_get_property_namespace_str(res->session->context, name, &pns, &pname); if(!pns || !pname) { return NULL; } return dav_get_string_property_ns(res, pns, pname); } char* dav_get_string_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name) { DavXmlNode *prop = dav_get_property_ns(res, ns, name); if(!prop) { return NULL; } return dav_xml_getstring(prop); } DavXmlNode* dav_get_property(DavResource *res, char *name) { char *pns; char *pname; dav_get_property_namespace_str(res->session->context, name, &pns, &pname); if(!pns || !pname) { return NULL; } return dav_get_property_ns(res, pns, pname); } static DavXmlNode* get_property_ns(DavResource *res, DavBool encrypted, const char *ns, const char *name) { if(!ns || !name) { return NULL; } DavResourceData *data = res->data; DavXmlNode *property = NULL; CxList *remove_list = NULL; CxList *set_list = NULL; if(encrypted) { // check if crypto_properties because it will only be created // if the resource has encrypted properties if(!data->crypto_properties) { return NULL; } property = resource_get_encrypted_property(res, ns, name); remove_list = data->crypto_remove; set_list = data->crypto_set; } else { property = resource_get_property(res, ns, name); remove_list = data->remove; set_list = data->set; } // resource_get_property only returns persistent properties // check the remove and set list if(property && remove_list) { // if the property is in the remove list, we return NULL CxIterator i = cxListIterator(remove_list); cx_foreach(DavProperty*, p, i) { if(!strcmp(p->name, name) && !strcmp(p->ns->name, ns)) { return NULL; } } } // the set list contains property updates // we return an updated property if possible if(set_list) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(set_list); cx_foreach(DavProperty*, p, i) { if(!strcmp(p->name, name) && !strcmp(p->ns->name, ns)) { return p->value; // TODO: fix } } } // no property update return property; } DavXmlNode* dav_get_property_ns(DavResource *res, const char *ns, const char *name) { DavXmlNode *property_value = get_property_ns(res, FALSE, ns, name); if(!property_value && DAV_DECRYPT_PROPERTIES(res->session)) { property_value = get_property_ns(res, TRUE, ns, name); } return property_value; } DavXmlNode* dav_get_encrypted_property_ns(DavResource *res, const char *ns, const char *name) { return get_property_ns(res, TRUE, ns, name); } static DavProperty* createprop(DavSession *sn, const char *ns, const char *name) { DavProperty *property = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavProperty)); property->name = dav_session_strdup(sn, name); property->value = NULL; DavNamespace *namespace = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavNamespace)); namespace->prefix = NULL; namespace->name = dav_session_strdup(sn, ns); property->ns = namespace; return property; } int dav_set_string_property(DavResource *res, char *name, char *value) { char *pns; char *pname; dav_get_property_namespace_str(res->session->context, name, &pns, &pname); if(!pns) { res->session->errorstr = "Property namespace not found"; return 1; } dav_set_string_property_ns(res, pns, pname, value); return 0; } static int add2propertylist(const CxAllocator *a, CxList **list, DavProperty *property) { if(!*list) { CxList *newlist = cxLinkedListCreate(a, NULL, CX_STORE_POINTERS); if(!newlist) { return 1; } *list = newlist; } cxListAdd(*list, property); return 0; } void dav_set_string_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name, char *value) { DavSession *sn = res->session; const CxAllocator *a = res->session->mp->allocator; DavResourceData *data = res->data; DavProperty *property = createprop(res->session, ns, name); property->value = dav_text_node(res->session, value); if(DAV_ENCRYPT_PROPERTIES(sn) && dav_namespace_is_encrypted(sn->context, ns)) { add2propertylist(a, &data->crypto_set, property); } else { add2propertylist(a, &data->set, property); } } void dav_set_property(DavResource *res, char *name, DavXmlNode *value) { char *pns; char *pname; dav_get_property_namespace_str(res->session->context, name, &pns, &pname); dav_set_property_ns(res, pns, pname, value); } void dav_set_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name, DavXmlNode *value) { DavSession *sn = res->session; const CxAllocator *a = sn->mp->allocator; DavResourceData *data = res->data; DavProperty *property = createprop(sn, ns, name); // TODO: this function should copy the value // but we also need a function, that doesn't create a copy property->value = value; if(DAV_ENCRYPT_PROPERTIES(sn) && dav_namespace_is_encrypted(sn->context, ns)) { add2propertylist(a, &data->crypto_set, property); } else { add2propertylist(a, &data->set, property); } } void dav_remove_property(DavResource *res, char *name) { char *pns; char *pname; dav_get_property_namespace_str(res->session->context, name, &pns, &pname); dav_remove_property_ns(res, pns, pname); } void dav_remove_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name) { DavSession *sn = res->session; DavResourceData *data = res->data; const CxAllocator *a = res->session->mp->allocator; DavProperty *property = createprop(res->session, ns, name); if(DAV_ENCRYPT_PROPERTIES(sn) && dav_namespace_is_encrypted(sn->context, ns)) { add2propertylist(a, &data->crypto_remove, property); } else { add2propertylist(a, &data->remove, property); } } void dav_set_encrypted_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name, DavXmlNode *value) { const CxAllocator *a = res->session->mp->allocator; DavResourceData *data = res->data; DavProperty *property = createprop(res->session, ns, name); property->value = value; // TODO: copy node? add2propertylist(a, &data->crypto_set, property); } void dav_set_encrypted_string_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name, char *value) { const CxAllocator *a = res->session->mp->allocator; DavResourceData *data = res->data; DavProperty *property = createprop(res->session, ns, name); property->value = dav_text_node(res->session, value); add2propertylist(a, &data->crypto_set, property); } void dav_remove_encrypted_property_ns(DavResource *res, char *ns, char *name) { DavResourceData *data = res->data; const CxAllocator *a = res->session->mp->allocator; DavProperty *property = createprop(res->session, ns, name); add2propertylist(a, &data->crypto_remove, property); } static int compare_propname(const void *a, const void *b) { const DavPropName *p1 = a; const DavPropName *p2 = b; int result = strcmp(p1->ns, p2->ns); if(result) { return result; } else { return strcmp(p1->name, p2->name); } } DavPropName* dav_get_property_names(DavResource *res, size_t *count) { DavResourceData *data = res->data; *count = cxMapSize(data->properties); DavPropName *names = dav_session_calloc( res->session, *count, sizeof(DavPropName)); CxMapIterator i = cxMapIteratorValues(data->properties); cx_foreach(DavProperty*, value, i) { DavPropName *name = &names[i.index]; name->ns = value->ns->name; name->name = value->name; } qsort(names, *count, sizeof(DavPropName), compare_propname); return names; } void dav_set_content(DavResource *res, void *stream, dav_read_func read_func, dav_seek_func seek_func) { DavResourceData *data = res->data; data->content = stream; data->read = read_func; data->seek = seek_func; data->length = 0; } void dav_set_content_data(DavResource *res, char *content, size_t length) { DavSession *sn = res->session; DavResourceData *data = res->data; data->content = dav_session_malloc(sn, length); memcpy(data->content, content, length); data->read = NULL; data->seek = NULL; data->length = length; } void dav_set_content_length(DavResource *res, size_t length) { DavResourceData *data = res->data; data->length = length; } int dav_load(DavResource *res) { CxBuffer *rqbuf = create_allprop_propfind_request(); int ret = dav_propfind(res->session, res, rqbuf); cxBufferFree(rqbuf); return ret; } int dav_load_prop(DavResource *res, DavPropName *properties, size_t numprop) { CxMempool *mp = cxMempoolCreate(64, NULL); const CxAllocator *a = mp->allocator; CxList *proplist = cxArrayListCreate(a, NULL, sizeof(DavProperty), numprop); for(size_t i=0;i<numprop;i++) { DavProperty p; p.name = properties[i].name; p.ns = cxMalloc(a, sizeof(DavNamespace)); p.ns->name = properties[i].ns; if(!strcmp(properties[i].ns, "DAV:")) { p.ns->prefix = "D"; } else { p.ns->prefix = cx_asprintf_a(a, "x%d", (int)i).ptr; } p.value = NULL; cxListAdd(proplist, &p); } CxBuffer *rqbuf = create_propfind_request(res->session, proplist, "propfind", 0); int ret = dav_propfind(res->session, res, rqbuf); cxBufferFree(rqbuf); cxMempoolFree(mp); return ret; } static void init_hash_stream(HashStream *hstr, void *stream, dav_read_func readfn, dav_seek_func seekfn) { hstr->sha = NULL; hstr->stream = stream; hstr->read = readfn; hstr->seek = seekfn; hstr->error = 0; } static size_t dav_read_h(void *buf, size_t size, size_t nelm, void *stream) { HashStream *s = stream; if(!s->sha) { s->sha = dav_hash_init(); } size_t r = s->read(buf, size, nelm, s->stream); dav_hash_update(s->sha, buf, r); return r; } static int dav_seek_h(void *stream, long offset, int whence) { HashStream *s = stream; if(offset == 0 && whence == SEEK_SET) { unsigned char buf[DAV_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; dav_hash_final(s->sha, buf); s->sha = NULL; } else { s->error = 1; } return s->seek(s->stream, offset, whence); } int dav_store(DavResource *res) { DavSession *sn = res->session; DavResourceData *data = res->data; util_set_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); DavLock *lock = dav_get_lock(sn, res->path); char *locktoken = lock ? lock->token : NULL; // store content if(data->content) { curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, dav_session_put_progress); curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, res); curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L); int encryption = DAV_ENCRYPT_CONTENT(sn) && sn->key; CURLcode ret; if(encryption) { AESEncrypter *enc = NULL; CxBuffer *buf = NULL; if(data->read) { enc = aes_encrypter_new( sn->key, data->content, data->read, data->seek); } else { buf = cxBufferCreate(data->content, data->length, cxDefaultAllocator, 0); buf->size = data->length; enc = aes_encrypter_new( sn->key, buf, (dav_read_func)cxBufferRead, (dav_seek_func)cxBufferSeek); } // put resource ret = do_put_request( sn, locktoken, TRUE, enc, (dav_read_func)aes_read, (dav_seek_func)aes_encrypter_reset, 0); // get sha256 hash dav_get_hash(&enc->sha256, (unsigned char*)data->hash); char *enc_hash = aes_encrypt(data->hash, DAV_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, sn->key); aes_encrypter_close(enc); if(buf) { cxBufferFree(buf); } // add crypto properties // TODO: store the properties later if(resource_add_crypto_info(sn, res->href, res->name, enc_hash)) { free(enc_hash); curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L); return 1; } resource_add_string_property(res, DAV_NS, "crypto-hash", enc_hash); free(enc_hash); } else if((sn->flags & DAV_SESSION_STORE_HASH) == DAV_SESSION_STORE_HASH) { HashStream hstr; CxBuffer *iobuf = NULL; if(!data->read) { iobuf = cxBufferCreate(data->content, data->length, cxDefaultAllocator, 0); iobuf->size = data->length; init_hash_stream( &hstr, iobuf, (dav_read_func)cxBufferRead, (dav_seek_func)cxBufferSeek); } else { init_hash_stream( &hstr, data->content, data->read, data->seek); } ret = do_put_request( sn, locktoken, TRUE, &hstr, dav_read_h, (dav_seek_func)dav_seek_h, data->length); if(hstr.sha) { dav_hash_final(hstr.sha, (unsigned char*)data->hash); char *hash = util_hexstr((unsigned char*)data->hash, 32); dav_set_string_property_ns(res, DAV_NS, "content-hash", hash); free(hash); } } else { ret = do_put_request( sn, locktoken, TRUE, data->content, data->read, data->seek, data->length); } curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(sn->handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo(sn->handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(ret == CURLE_OK && (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { res->session->error = 0; // cleanup node data if(!data->read) { cxFree(sn->mp->allocator, data->content); } data->content = NULL; data->read = NULL; data->length = 0; } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, status); return 1; } } // generate crypto-prop content if(DAV_ENCRYPT_PROPERTIES(sn) && sn->key && (data->crypto_set || data->crypto_remove)) { DavResource *crypto_res = dav_resource_new_href(sn, res->href); int ret = 1; if(crypto_res) { CxBuffer *rqbuf = create_cryptoprop_propfind_request(); ret = dav_propfind(res->session, res, rqbuf); cxBufferFree(rqbuf); } if(!ret) { DavXmlNode *crypto_prop_node = dav_get_property_ns(crypto_res, DAV_NS, "crypto-prop"); CxMap *crypto_props = parse_crypto_prop(sn, sn->key, crypto_prop_node); if(!crypto_props) { // resource hasn't encrypted properties yet crypto_props = cxHashMapCreate(cxDefaultAllocator, CX_STORE_POINTERS, 32); // create new map } // remove all properties if(data->crypto_remove) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(data->crypto_remove); cx_foreach(DavProperty *, property, i) { if(cxMapSize(crypto_props) == 0) { break; // map already empty, can't remove any more } cxmutstr key = dav_property_key(property->ns->name, property->name); DavProperty *existing_prop = cxMapGet(crypto_props, cx_hash_key(key.ptr, key.length)); if(existing_prop) { // TODO: free existing_prop } free(key.ptr); } } // set properties if(data->crypto_set) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(data->crypto_set); cx_foreach(DavProperty *, property, i) { cxmutstr keystr = dav_property_key(property->ns->name, property->name); CxHashKey key = cx_hash_key(keystr.ptr, keystr.length); DavProperty *existing_prop = NULL; cxMapRemoveAndGet(crypto_props, key, &existing_prop); cxMapPut(crypto_props, key, property); if(existing_prop) { // TODO: free existing_prop } free(keystr.ptr); } } DavXmlNode *crypto_prop_value = create_crypto_prop(sn, crypto_props); if(crypto_prop_value) { DavProperty *new_crypto_prop = createprop(sn, DAV_NS, "crypto-prop"); new_crypto_prop->value = crypto_prop_value; add2propertylist(sn->mp->allocator, &data->set, new_crypto_prop); } dav_resource_free(crypto_res); } if(ret) { return 1; } } // store properties int r = 0; sn->error = DAV_OK; if(data->set || data->remove > 0) { CxBuffer *request = create_proppatch_request(data); CxBuffer *response = cxBufferCreate(NULL, 1024, cxDefaultAllocator, CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS|CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND); //printf("request:\n%.*s\n\n", request->pos, request->space); CURLcode ret = do_proppatch_request(sn, locktoken, request, response); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (sn->handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(ret == CURLE_OK && status == 207) { //printf("%s\n", response->space); // TODO: parse response // TODO: cleanup node data correctly data->set = NULL; data->remove = NULL; } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, status); r = -1; } cxBufferFree(request); cxBufferFree(response); } return r; } #if LIBCURL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 && LIBCURL_VERSION_MINOR >= 32 static void set_progressfunc(DavResource *res) { CURL *handle = res->session->handle; curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, dav_session_get_progress); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, res); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L); } static void unset_progressfunc(DavResource *res) { CURL *handle = res->session->handle; curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L); } #else static void set_progressfunc(DavResource *res) { } static void unset_progressfunc(DavResource *res) { } #endif int dav_get_content(DavResource *res, void *stream, dav_write_func write_fnc) { DavSession *sn = res->session; CURL *handle = sn->handle; util_set_url(res->session, dav_resource_get_href(res)); // check encryption AESDecrypter *dec = NULL; DavKey *key = NULL; if(DAV_DECRYPT_CONTENT(sn)) { char *keyname = dav_get_string_property_ns(res, DAV_NS, "crypto-key"); if(keyname) { key = dav_context_get_key(sn->context, keyname); if(key) { dec = aes_decrypter_new(key, stream, write_fnc); stream = dec; write_fnc = (dav_write_func)aes_write; } } } curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_PUT, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_fnc); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, stream); if(sn->get_progress) { set_progressfunc(res); } long status = 0; CURLcode ret = dav_session_curl_perform(sn, &status); if(sn->get_progress) { unset_progressfunc(res); } char *hash = NULL; if(dec) { aes_decrypter_shutdown(dec); // get final bytes // get hash unsigned char sha[DAV_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; dav_get_hash(&dec->sha256, sha); hash = util_hexstr(sha, DAV_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); aes_decrypter_close(dec); } if(ret == CURLE_OK && (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { int verify_failed = 0; if(DAV_DECRYPT_CONTENT(sn) && key) { // try to verify the content char *res_hash = dav_get_string_property_ns(res, DAV_NS, "crypto-hash"); if(res_hash) { size_t len = 0; char *dec_hash = aes_decrypt(res_hash, &len, key); char *hex_hash = util_hexstr((unsigned char*)dec_hash, len); if(strcmp(hash, hex_hash)) { verify_failed = 1; } free(dec_hash); free(hex_hash); } } if(hash) { free(hash); } if(verify_failed) { res->session->error = DAV_CONTENT_VERIFICATION_ERROR; return 1; } res->session->error = DAV_OK; return 0; } else { if(hash) { free(hash); } dav_session_set_error(res->session, ret, status); return 1; } } DavResource* dav_create_child(DavResource *parent, char *name) { DavResource *res = dav_resource_new_child(parent->session, parent, name); if(dav_create(res)) { dav_resource_free(res); return NULL; } else { return res; } } int dav_delete(DavResource *res) { CURL *handle = res->session->handle; util_set_url(res->session, dav_resource_get_href(res)); DavLock *lock = dav_get_lock(res->session, res->path); char *locktoken = lock ? lock->token : NULL; CxBuffer *response = cxBufferCreate(NULL, 4096, cxDefaultAllocator, CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS|CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND); CURLcode ret = do_delete_request(res->session, locktoken, response); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); int r = 0; if(ret == CURLE_OK && (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { res->session->error = DAV_OK; res->exists = 0; // TODO: parse response // TODO: free res } else { dav_session_set_error(res->session, ret, status); r = 1; } cxBufferFree(response); return r; } static int create_ancestors(DavSession *sn, char *href, char *path) { CURL *handle = sn->handle; CURLcode code; DavLock *lock = dav_get_lock(sn, path); char *locktoken = lock ? lock->token : NULL; long status = 0; int ret = 0; if(strlen(path) <= 1) { return 0; } char *p = util_parent_path(path); char *h = util_parent_path(href); for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { util_set_url(sn, h); code = do_mkcol_request(sn, locktoken); curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(status == 201) { // resource successfully created char *name = (char*)util_resource_name(p); int len = strlen(name); if(name[len - 1] == '/') { name[len - 1] = '\0'; } if(resource_add_crypto_info(sn, h, name, NULL)) { sn->error = DAV_ERROR; dav_session_set_errstr(sn, "Cannot set crypto properties for ancestor"); } break; } else if(status == 405) { // parent already exists break; } else if(status == 409) { // parent doesn't exist if(create_ancestors(sn, h, p)) { ret = 1; break; } } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, code, status); ret = 1; break; } } free(p); free(h); return ret; } static int create_resource(DavResource *res, int *status) { DavSession *sn = res->session; CURL *handle = sn->handle; util_set_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); DavLock *lock = dav_get_lock(res->session, res->path); char *locktoken = lock ? lock->token : NULL; CURLcode code; if(res->iscollection) { code = do_mkcol_request(sn, locktoken); } else { code = do_put_request(sn, locktoken, TRUE, "", NULL, NULL, 0); } long s = 0; curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &s); *status = s; if(code == CURLE_OK && (s >= 200 && s < 300)) { sn->error = DAV_OK; // if the session has encrypted file names, add crypto infos if(!resource_add_crypto_info(sn, res->href, res->name, NULL)) { // do a minimal propfind request CxBuffer *rqbuf = create_propfind_request(sn, NULL, "propfind", 0); int ret = dav_propfind(sn, res, rqbuf); cxBufferFree(rqbuf); return ret; } else { return 1; } } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, code, s); return 1; } } int dav_create(DavResource *res) { int status; if(!create_resource(res, &status)) { // resource successfully created res->exists = 1; return 0; } if(status == 403 || status == 409 || status == 404) { // create intermediate collections if(create_ancestors(res->session, res->href, res->path)) { return 1; } } return create_resource(res, &status); } int dav_exists(DavResource *res) { if(!dav_load_prop(res, NULL, 0)) { res->exists = 1; return 1; } else { if(res->session->error == DAV_NOT_FOUND) { res->exists = 0; } return 0; } } static int dav_cp_mv_url(DavResource *res, char *desturl, _Bool copy, _Bool override) { DavSession *sn = res->session; CURL *handle = sn->handle; util_set_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); DavLock *lock = dav_get_lock(sn, res->path); char *locktoken = lock ? lock->token : NULL; CURLcode ret = do_copy_move_request(sn, desturl, locktoken, copy, override); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(ret == CURLE_OK && (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { return 0; } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, status); return 1; } } static int dav_cp_mv(DavResource *res, char *newpath, _Bool copy, _Bool override) { char *dest = dav_session_get_href(res->session, newpath); char *desturl = util_get_url(res->session, dest); dav_session_free(res->session, dest); int ret = dav_cp_mv_url(res, desturl, copy, override); free(desturl); return ret; } int dav_copy(DavResource *res, char *newpath) { return dav_cp_mv(res, newpath, true, false); } int dav_move(DavResource *res, char *newpath) { return dav_cp_mv(res, newpath, false, false); } int dav_copy_o(DavResource *res, char *newpath, DavBool override) { return dav_cp_mv(res, newpath, true, override); } int dav_move_o(DavResource *res, char *newpath, DavBool override) { return dav_cp_mv(res, newpath, false, override); } int dav_copyto(DavResource *res, char *url, DavBool override) { return dav_cp_mv_url(res, url, true, override); } int dav_moveto(DavResource *res, char *url, DavBool override) { return dav_cp_mv_url(res, url, false, override); } int dav_lock(DavResource *res) { return dav_lock_t(res, 0); } int dav_lock_t(DavResource *res, time_t timeout) { DavSession *sn = res->session; CURL *handle = sn->handle; util_set_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); CxBuffer *request = create_lock_request(); CxBuffer *response = cxBufferCreate(NULL, 512, cxDefaultAllocator, CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS|CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND); CURLcode ret = do_lock_request(sn, request, response, timeout); //printf("\nlock\n"); //printf("%.*s\n\n", request->size, request->space); //printf("%.*s\n\n", response->size, response->space); cxBufferFree(request); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(ret == CURLE_OK && (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { LockDiscovery lock; int parse_error = parse_lock_response(sn, response, &lock); cxBufferFree(response); if(parse_error) { sn->error = DAV_ERROR; return -1; } DavLock *l = dav_create_lock(sn, lock.locktoken, lock.timeout); free(lock.locktoken); free(lock.timeout); int r = 0; if(res->iscollection) { r = dav_add_collection_lock(sn, res->path, l); } else { r = dav_add_resource_lock(sn, res->path, l); } if(r == 0) { return 0; } else { (void)dav_unlock(res); sn->error = DAV_ERROR; dav_destroy_lock(sn, l); return -1; } } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, status); cxBufferFree(response); return -1; } } int dav_unlock(DavResource *res) { DavSession *sn = res->session; CURL *handle = sn->handle; util_set_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); DavLock *lock = dav_get_lock(res->session, res->path); if(!lock) { sn->error = DAV_ERROR; return -1; } CURLcode ret = do_unlock_request(sn, lock->token); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(ret == CURLE_OK && (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { dav_remove_lock(sn, res->path, lock); } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, status); return 1; } return 0; } int resource_add_crypto_info(DavSession *sn, const char *href, const char *name, const char *hash) { if(!DAV_IS_ENCRYPTED(sn)) { return 0; } CxBuffer *request = create_crypto_proppatch_request(sn, sn->key, name, hash); CxBuffer *response = cxBufferCreate(NULL, 1024, cxDefaultAllocator, CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS|CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND); util_set_url(sn, href); // TODO: lock CURLcode ret = do_proppatch_request(sn, NULL, request, response); cxBufferFree(request); long status = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (sn->handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status); if(ret == CURLE_OK && status == 207) { // TODO: parse response sn->error = DAV_OK; cxBufferFree(response); return 0; } else { dav_session_set_error(sn, ret, status); cxBufferFree(response); return 1; } } /* ----------------------------- crypto-prop ----------------------------- */ DavXmlNode* create_crypto_prop(DavSession *sn, CxMap *properties) { if(!sn->key) { return NULL; } CxBuffer *content = cxBufferCreate(NULL, 2048, cxDefaultAllocator, CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS|CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND); // create an xml document containing all properties CxMap *nsmap = cxHashMapCreate(cxDefaultAllocator, CX_STORE_POINTERS, 8); cxDefineDestructor(nsmap, free); cxMapPut(nsmap, cx_hash_key_str("DAV:"), strdup("D")); cxBufferPutString(content, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); cxBufferPutString(content, "<D:prop xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">\n"); CxMapIterator i = cxMapIteratorValues(properties); cx_foreach(DavProperty*, prop, i) { DavXmlNode pnode; pnode.type = DAV_XML_ELEMENT; pnode.namespace = prop->ns->name; pnode.name = prop->name; pnode.prev = NULL; pnode.next = NULL; pnode.children = prop->value; pnode.parent = NULL; pnode.attributes = NULL; pnode.content = NULL; pnode.contentlength = 0; dav_print_node(content, (cx_write_func)cxBufferWrite, nsmap, &pnode); cxBufferPut(content, '\n'); } cxBufferPutString(content, "</D:prop>"); cxMapFree(nsmap); // encrypt xml document char *crypto_prop_content = aes_encrypt(content->space, content->size, sn->key); cxBufferDestroy(content); DavXmlNode *ret = NULL; if(crypto_prop_content) { ret = dav_text_node(sn, crypto_prop_content); free(crypto_prop_content); } return ret; } CxMap* parse_crypto_prop(DavSession *sn, DavKey *key, DavXmlNode *node) { if(!node || node->type != DAV_XML_TEXT || node->contentlength == 0) { return NULL; } return parse_crypto_prop_str(sn, key, node->content); } CxMap* parse_crypto_prop_str(DavSession *sn, DavKey *key, const char *content) { size_t len = 0; char *dec_str = aes_decrypt(content, &len, key); xmlDoc *doc = xmlReadMemory(dec_str, len, NULL, NULL, 0); free(dec_str); if(!doc) { return NULL; } int err = 0; xmlNode *xml_root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xml_root) { if( !xml_root->ns || !xstreq(xml_root->name, "prop") || !xstreq(xml_root->ns->href, "DAV:")) { err = 1; } } else { err = 1; } if(err) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return NULL; } // ready to get the properties CxMap *map = cxHashMapCreate(cxDefaultAllocator, CX_STORE_POINTERS, 32); xmlNode *n = xml_root->children; while(n) { if(n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && n->ns && n->ns->href) { DavProperty *property = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavProperty)); property->name = dav_session_strdup(sn, (const char*)n->name); property->ns = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavNamespace)); property->ns->name = dav_session_strdup(sn, (const char*)n->ns->href); property->ns->prefix = n->ns->prefix ? dav_session_strdup(sn, (const char*)n->ns->prefix) : NULL; property->value = n->children ? dav_convert_xml(sn, n->children) : NULL; cxmutstr propkey = dav_property_key(property->ns->name, property->name); cxMapPut(map, cx_hash_key_cxstr(propkey), property); cx_strfree(&propkey); } n = n->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); if(cxMapSize(map) == 0) { cxMapFree(map); return NULL; } return map; } /* ----------------------------- streams ----------------------------- */ static size_t in_write(const char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *in_stream) { DavInputStream *in = in_stream; size_t len = size * nitems; if(in->alloc < len) { char *newb = realloc(in->buffer, len); if(!newb) { if(in->buffer) free(in->buffer); in->eof = 1; return 0; } in->buffer = newb; in->alloc = len; } memcpy(in->buffer, ptr, len); in->size = len; in->pos = 0; return nitems; } /* DavInputStream* dav_inputstream_open(DavResource *res) { DavSession *sn = res->session; DavInputStream *in = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavInputStream)); if(!in) { return NULL; } memset(in, 0, sizeof(DavInputStream)); in->res = res; in->c = curl_easy_duphandle(sn->handle); char *url = util_get_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_URL, url); free(url); in->m = curl_multi_init(); curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_PUT, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0L); curl_multi_add_handle(in->m, in->c); dav_write_func write_fnc = (dav_write_func)in_write; void *stream = in; // check encryption AESDecrypter *dec = NULL; DavKey *key = NULL; if(DAV_DECRYPT_CONTENT(sn)) { char *keyname = dav_get_string_property_ns(res, DAV_NS, "crypto-key"); if(keyname) { key = dav_context_get_key(sn->context, keyname); if(key) { dec = aes_decrypter_new(key, stream, write_fnc); stream = dec; write_fnc = (dav_write_func)aes_write; } } } curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_fnc); curl_easy_setopt(in->c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, stream); in->dec = dec; return in; } size_t dav_read(void *buf, size_t size, size_t nitems, DavInputStream *in) { size_t len = in->size - in->pos; size_t rl = size * nitems; if(len > 0) { len = rl > len ? len : rl; len -= len % size; memcpy(buf, in->buffer + in->pos, len); in->pos += len; return len / size; } in->size = 0; if(in->eof) { if(in->dec) { aes_decrypter_shutdown(in->dec); // get final bytes aes_decrypter_close(in->dec); in->dec = NULL; } else { return 0; } } else { int running; while(!in->eof && in->size == 0) { CURLMcode r = curl_multi_perform(in->m, &running); if(r != CURLM_OK || running == 0) { in->eof = 1; break; } int numfds; if(curl_multi_poll(in->m, NULL, 0, 5000, &numfds) != CURLM_OK) { in->eof = 1; } } } return in->size > 0 ? dav_read(buf, size, nitems, in) : 0; } void dav_inputstream_close(DavInputStream *in) { curl_multi_cleanup(in->m); curl_easy_cleanup(in->c); if(in->buffer) free(in->buffer); dav_session_free(in->res->session, in); } static size_t out_read(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *out_stream) { DavOutputStream *out = out_stream; size_t len = size * nitems; size_t available = out->size - out->pos; if(available == 0) { return 0; } size_t r = len > available ? available : len; r -= r % size; memcpy(ptr, out->buffer + out->pos, r); out->pos += r; return r / size; } static size_t dummy_write(void *buf, size_t s, size_t n, void *data) { return s*n; } DavOutputStream* dav_outputstream_open(DavResource *res) { DavSession *sn = res->session; DavOutputStream *out = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(DavOutputStream)); if(!out) { return NULL; } memset(out, 0, sizeof(DavOutputStream)); out->res = res; out->c = curl_easy_duphandle(sn->handle); char *url = util_get_url(sn, dav_resource_get_href(res)); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_URL, url); free(url); out->m = curl_multi_init(); curl_multi_add_handle(out->m, out->c); void *stream = out; dav_read_func read_fnc = (dav_read_func)out_read; // if encryption or hashing in enabled, we need a stream wrapper if(DAV_ENCRYPT_CONTENT(sn) && sn->key) { AESEncrypter *enc = aes_encrypter_new(sn->key, out, (dav_read_func)out_read, NULL); out->enc = enc; stream = enc; read_fnc = (dav_read_func)aes_read; } else if((sn->flags & DAV_SESSION_STORE_HASH) == DAV_SESSION_STORE_HASH) { HashStream *hstr = dav_session_malloc(sn, sizeof(HashStream)); out->hstr = hstr; init_hash_stream(hstr, out, (dav_read_func)out_read, NULL); stream = hstr; read_fnc = (dav_read_func)dav_read_h; } curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_PUT, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, read_fnc); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_READDATA, stream); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, -1); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, -1L); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, dummy_write); curl_easy_setopt(out->c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, NULL); return out; } size_t dav_write(const void *buf, size_t size, size_t nitems, DavOutputStream *out) { if(out->eof) return 0; out->buffer = buf; out->size = size * nitems; out->pos = 0; int running; while(!out->eof && (out->size == 0 || out->size - out->pos > 0)) { CURLMcode r = curl_multi_perform(out->m, &running); if(r != CURLM_OK || running == 0) { out->eof = 1; break; } int numfds; if(curl_multi_poll(out->m, NULL, 0, 5000, &numfds) != CURLM_OK) { out->eof = 1; } } return (out->size - out->pos) / size; } int dav_outputstream_close(DavOutputStream *out) { DavSession *sn = out->res->session; DavResource *res = out->res; DavResourceData *data = res->data; int ret = 0; dav_write(NULL, 1, 0, out); curl_multi_cleanup(out->m); curl_easy_cleanup(out->c); int store = 0; if(out->enc) { // get sha256 hash char hash[32]; dav_get_hash(&out->enc->sha256, (unsigned char*)data->hash); aes_encrypter_close(out->enc); char *enc_hash = aes_encrypt(hash, DAV_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, sn->key); // add crypto properties if(resource_add_crypto_info(sn, out->res->href, out->res->name, enc_hash)) { ret = 1; } free(enc_hash); } else if(out->hstr) { dav_hash_final(out->hstr->sha, (unsigned char*)data->hash); char *hash = util_hexstr((unsigned char*)data->hash, 32); dav_set_string_property_ns(res, DAV_NS, "content-hash", hash); free(hash); dav_session_free(sn, out->hstr); store = 1; } if(store) { ret = dav_store(out->res); } dav_session_free(out->res->session, out); return ret; } */