Mon, 06 Jan 2025 22:22:55 +0100
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/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2024 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "settings.h" #include <cx/list.h> #include <cx/array_list.h> #include <cx/printf.h> #include <libidav/utils.h> #define SETTINGS_STATE_REPOLIST_SELECTED 1 #define SETTINGS_STATE_REPO_ENCRYPTION 20 #define SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED 30 #define SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED 31 #define SETTINGS_STATE_KEYS_SELECTED 40 #define SETTINGS_STATE_DISABLED 9999 static void repolist_activate(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { UiListSelection *selection = event->eventdata; SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; settings_edit_repository(settings, selection->rows[0]); } static void repolist_selection(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { UiListSelection *selection = event->eventdata; SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(selection->count > 0) { ui_set_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_REPOLIST_SELECTED); settings->selected_repo = selection->rows[0]; } else { ui_unset_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_REPOLIST_SELECTED); } } static void repolist_edit(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(settings->selected_repo >= 0) { settings_edit_repository(settings, settings->selected_repo); } } static void repolist_add(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; settings->repo_new = TRUE; settings->selected_repo = -1; settings_clear_repository(settings); // switch to editing tab ui_set(settings->repo_tabview, 1); } static void repolist_remove(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; DavCfgRepository *repo = ui_list_get(settings->repos, settings->selected_repo); if(!repo) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot get repository at index %d\n", settings->selected_repo); return; } dav_repository_remove_and_free(settings->config, repo); settings_update_repolist(settings); settings->selected_repo = -1; ui_unset_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_REPOLIST_SELECTED); } static void editrepo_go_back(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; settings_store_repository(settings); ui_set(settings->repo_tabview, 0); } static void credentials_add(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(settings_credentials_save(settings)) { return; } if(settings->credentials_list_needs_update) { settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent = TRUE; ui_list_update(settings->credentials_users); settings_reload_repo_credentials(settings); settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent = FALSE; settings->credentials_list_needs_update = FALSE; } settings_credentials_clear(settings); settings->credentials_new = TRUE; PwdStore *pwd = settings->pwdstore; if(!pwd->isdecrypted) { settings_credentials_decrypt(settings); return; } settings_credentials_select(settings, NULL); } static void addcred_onclick(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsNewCredentialsDialog *wdata = event->window; if(event->intval == 4) { char *id = ui_get(wdata->id); char *user = ui_get(wdata->user); char *password = ui_get(wdata->password); int addlocation = ui_get(wdata->addlocation); if(strlen(id) == 0) { ui_set(wdata->message, "Missing identifier!"); return; } if(strlen(user) == 0) { ui_set(wdata->message, "Missing user!"); return; } if(strlen(password) == 0) { ui_set(wdata->message, "Missing password!"); return; } if(pwdstore_has_id(wdata->settings->pwdstore, id)) { ui_set(wdata->message, "Identifier already in use!"); return; } CxList *locations = NULL; if(addlocation) { locations = cxLinkedListCreateSimple(CX_STORE_POINTERS); cxListAdd(locations, strdup(wdata->url)); } pwdstore_put(wdata->settings->pwdstore, id, user, password); pwdstore_put_index(wdata->settings->pwdstore, strdup(id), locations); settings_reload_credentials(wdata->settings); settings_reload_repo_credentials(wdata->settings); CxList *list = wdata->settings->repo_credentials->data; ssize_t index = cxListFind(list, id); if(index >= 0) { ui_list_setselection(wdata->settings->repo_credentials, index); } } ui_close(event->obj); } // called by repo_edit // create new credentials in dialog static void credentials_new(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; UiObject *dialog = ui_dialog_window(event->obj, .modal = UI_ON, .title = "New Credentials", .show_closebutton = UI_OFF, .lbutton1 = "Cancel", .rbutton4 = "Add", .onclick = addcred_onclick); SettingsNewCredentialsDialog *wdata = ui_malloc(dialog->ctx, sizeof(SettingsNewCredentialsDialog)); wdata->settings = settings; wdata->id = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->user = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->password = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->addlocation = ui_int_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->message = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); dialog->window = wdata; char *url = ui_get(settings->repo_url); if(strlen(url) > 0) { wdata->url = ui_strdup(dialog->ctx, url); } else { wdata->url = NULL; } ui_grid(dialog, .margin = 16, .columnspacing = 40, .rowspacing = 10) { ui_llabel(dialog, .label = "Identifier"); ui_textfield(dialog, .value = wdata->id, .hexpand = TRUE); ui_newline(dialog); ui_llabel(dialog, .label = "User"); ui_textfield(dialog, .value = wdata->user, .hexpand = TRUE); ui_newline(dialog); ui_llabel(dialog, .label = "Password"); ui_passwordfield(dialog, .value = wdata->password, .hexpand = TRUE); ui_newline(dialog); if(wdata->url) { cxmutstr msg = cx_asprintf("Add URL %s to Credential Locations", url); ui_checkbox(dialog, .label = msg.ptr, .value = wdata->addlocation, .colspan = 2); ui_newline(dialog); free(msg.ptr); } ui_llabel(dialog, .value = wdata->message, .colspan = 2); } ui_show(dialog); } static void credentials_remove(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(settings->credentials_selected_id) { pwdstore_remove_entry(settings->pwdstore, settings->credentials_selected_id); ui_list_remove(settings->credentials_users, settings->credentials_selected_index); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_users); settings_reload_repo_credentials(settings); } } static void credentials_onselect(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent) { return; } UiListSelection *sel = event->eventdata; if(settings_credentials_save(settings)) { return; } if(sel->count > 0) { const char *id = ui_list_get(settings->credentials_users, sel->rows[0]); settings->credentials_selected_index = sel->rows[0]; settings_credentials_select(settings, id); if(settings->credentials_list_needs_update) { settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent = TRUE; ui_list_update(settings->credentials_users); settings_reload_repo_credentials(settings); ui_list_setselection(settings->credentials_users, sel->rows[0]); settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent = FALSE; settings->credentials_list_needs_update = FALSE; } } else { settings_credentials_clear(settings); } } static void c_add_location(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(event->intval == 1) { ui_list_append(settings->credentials_locations, ui_strdup(event->obj->ctx, event->eventdata)); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); } } static void credentials_location_add(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; ui_dialog(event->obj, .title = "Add Location", .content = "New Location URL", .input = TRUE, .result = c_add_location, .button1_label = "Add Location", .closebutton_label = "Cancel"); } static void c_edit_location(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(event->intval == 1) { CxList *list = settings->credentials_locations->data; ssize_t i = cxListFind(list, userdata); if(i >= 0) { cxListRemove(list, i); cxListInsert(list, i, ui_strdup(event->obj->ctx, event->eventdata)); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); } } } static void credentials_location_edit(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; char *location = ui_list_get(settings->credentials_locations, settings->credentials_location_selected_index); if(!location) { return; } ui_dialog(event->obj, .title = "Edit Location", .content = "Location URL", .input_value = location, .input = TRUE, .result = c_edit_location, .resultdata = location, .button1_label = "Edit Location", .closebutton_label = "Cancel"); } static void credentials_location_remove(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(settings->credentials_location_selected_index >= 0) { CxList *list = settings->credentials_locations->data; cxListRemove(list, settings->credentials_location_selected_index); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); } } static void credentials_location_up(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; int index = settings->credentials_location_selected_index; if(index >= 1) { CxList *list = settings->credentials_locations->data; cxListSwap(list, index, index-1); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); ui_list_setselection(settings->credentials_locations, index-1); } } static void credentials_location_down(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; int index = settings->credentials_location_selected_index; if(index >= 0 && index + 1 < ui_list_count(settings->credentials_locations)) { CxList *list = settings->credentials_locations->data; cxListSwap(list, index, index+1); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); ui_list_setselection(settings->credentials_locations, index+1); } } static void credentials_location_onselect(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; UiListSelection *sel = event->eventdata; if(sel->count > 0) { settings->credentials_location_selected_index = sel->rows[0]; ui_set_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED); } else { settings->credentials_location_selected_index = -1; ui_unset_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED); } } static void credentials_setmasterpw(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { if(event->intval == 1) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; char *pw = event->eventdata; size_t pwlen = strlen(pw); if(pwlen > 0) { pwdstore_setpassword(settings->pwdstore, event->eventdata); memset(pw, 0, pwlen); if(!pwdstore_decrypt(settings->pwdstore)) { settings_credentials_select(settings, NULL); } else { ui_dialog(event->obj, .title = "Error", .content = "Cannot decrypt Secret Store", .closebutton_label = "OK"); } } } } void settings_credentials_decrypt(SettingsWindow *settings) { ui_dialog(settings->obj, .title = "Secret Store", .content = "Master password", .password = TRUE, .result = credentials_setmasterpw, .button1_label = "Decrypt Secret Store", .closebutton_label = "Cancel"); } #define ADDKEY_DIALOG_STATE_NO_IMPORT 10 static void addkey_onclick(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsNewKeyDialog *wdata = event->window; if(event->intval == 4) { ui_set(wdata->message, ""); // validate form char *name = ui_get(wdata->name); if(strlen(name) == 0) { ui_set(wdata->message, "A name must be specified!"); return; } char *file = ui_get(wdata->file); if(strlen(file) == 0) { ui_set(wdata->message, "A file path must be specified!"); return; } UiListSelection sel = ui_list_getselection(wdata->type); if(sel.count == 0) { ui_set(wdata->message, "No type selected!"); return; } DavCfgKeyType type = sel.rows[0]; // generate key file char *path = NULL; char *cfg_path = NULL; if(file[0] == '/') { path = file; } else { cfg_path = config_file_path(file); path = cfg_path; } FILE *f = fopen(path, "w"); if(!f) { cxmutstr msg = cx_asprintf("Error: cannot write file '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); ui_set(wdata->message, msg.ptr); free(msg.ptr); free(cfg_path); return; } free(cfg_path); unsigned char key[32]; dav_rand_bytes(key, 32); size_t len; switch(type) { default: case DAV_KEY_TYPE_AES256: len = 32; break; case DAV_KEY_TYPE_AES128: len = 16; break; } size_t w = fwrite(key, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if(w != len) { cxmutstr msg = cx_asprintf("Could not write key data: %s", strerror(errno)); ui_set(wdata->message, msg.ptr); free(msg.ptr); return; } // add key to config DavCfgKey *newkey = dav_key_new(wdata->settings->config); const CxAllocator *a = wdata->settings->config->mp->allocator; newkey->name.value = cx_strdup_a(a, cx_str(name)); newkey->file.value = cx_strdup_a(a, cx_str(file)); newkey->type = type; dav_config_add_key(wdata->settings->config, newkey); settings_reload_repo_keys(wdata->settings); settings_reload_keys(wdata->settings); if(wdata->add_to_repo && (wdata->settings->selected_repo >= 0 || wdata->settings->repo_new)) { CxList *repo_keys = wdata->settings->repo_keys->data; ssize_t index = cxListFind(repo_keys, name); if(index >= 0) { ui_list_setselection(wdata->settings->repo_keys, index); } } } ui_close(event->obj); } static void addkey_name_changed(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsNewKeyDialog *wdata = event->window; char *name = ui_get(wdata->name); cxmutstr file = cx_asprintf("keys/%s", name); ui_set(wdata->file, file.ptr); free(file.ptr); } static void keys_add(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; UiObject *dialog = ui_dialog_window(event->obj, .modal = UI_ON, .title = "Add Key", .show_closebutton = UI_OFF, .lbutton1 = "Cancel", .rbutton4 = "Add", .default_button = 4, .onclick = addkey_onclick); SettingsNewKeyDialog *wdata = ui_malloc(dialog->ctx, sizeof(SettingsNewKeyDialog)); wdata->settings = settings; wdata->name = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->file = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->import_path = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->message = ui_string_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->secretstore = ui_int_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->type = ui_list_new(dialog->ctx, NULL); wdata->add_to_repo = userdata ? TRUE : FALSE; dialog->window = wdata; ui_list_append(wdata->type, "AES256"); ui_list_append(wdata->type, "AES128"); ui_grid(dialog, .margin = 16, .columnspacing = 40, .rowspacing = 10) { /* ui_hbox(dialog, .colspan = 2) { ui_button(dialog, .label = "Import Key..."); } ui_newline(dialog); ui_llabel(dialog, .value = wdata->import_path); ui_newline(dialog); */ ui_llabel(dialog, .label = "Name"); ui_textfield(dialog, .value = wdata->name, .onchange = addkey_name_changed, .hexpand = TRUE); ui_newline(dialog); ui_llabel(dialog, .label = "File"); ui_textfield(dialog, .value = wdata->file); ui_newline(dialog); ui_llabel(dialog, .label = "Type"); ui_combobox(dialog, .list = wdata->type, .groups = UI_GROUPS(ADDKEY_DIALOG_STATE_NO_IMPORT)); ui_newline(dialog); ui_llabel(dialog, .value = wdata->message, .colspan = 2); } ui_set_group(dialog->ctx, ADDKEY_DIALOG_STATE_NO_IMPORT); ui_list_setselection(wdata->type, 0); ui_show(dialog); } static void keys_remove(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; DavCfgKey *key = ui_list_get(settings->keys_list, settings->keys_selected_index); if(key) { dav_key_remove_and_free(settings->config, key); ui_list_remove(settings->keys_list, settings->keys_selected_index); ui_list_update(settings->keys_list); settings_reload_repo_keys(settings); } } static void keys_onselect(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; UiListSelection *sel = event->eventdata; if(sel->count > 0) { settings->keys_selected_index = sel->rows[0]; DavCfgKey *key = ui_list_get(settings->keys_list, sel->rows[0]); if(key) { settings_edit_key(settings, key); ui_set_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_KEYS_SELECTED); } } else { settings->keys_selected_index = -1; settings_clear_key(settings); ui_unset_group(event->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_KEYS_SELECTED); } } static void list_str_destructor(void *data, void *ptr) { UiContext *ctx = data; char *s = ptr; ui_free(ctx, ptr); } static void secretstore_newmasterpw(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(event->intval == 1) { pwdstore_setpassword(settings->pwdstore, event->eventdata); set_pwdstore(settings->pwdstore); pwdstore_save(settings->pwdstore); settings->pwdstore = NULL; } ui_close(event->obj); } void settings_ok(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; // save any changed settings settings_store_repository(settings); settings_credentials_save(settings); set_config(settings->config); if(store_config()) { ui_dialog(event->obj, .title = "Error", .content = "Cannot store settings", .closebutton_label = "OK"); } application_update_repolist(get_application()); settings->config = NULL; if(settings->credentials_modified) { if(settings->pwdstore->key) { set_pwdstore(settings->pwdstore); pwdstore_save(settings->pwdstore); } else { ui_dialog(event->obj, .title = "Secret Store", .content = "Master password", .password = TRUE, .result = secretstore_newmasterpw, .button1_label = "Create Secret Store", .closebutton_label = "Cancel", .result = secretstore_newmasterpw); return; } settings->pwdstore = NULL; } ui_close(event->obj); } void settings_close(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { SettingsWindow *settings = event->window; if(settings->config) { dav_config_free(settings->config); } if(settings->pwdstore) { pwdstore_free(settings->pwdstore); } } void settings_cancel(UiEvent *event, void *userdata) { ui_close(event->obj); } void settings_window_open() { DavConfig *config = load_config_file(); if(!config) { return; } PwdStore *pwdstore = get_pwdstore(); pwdstore = pwdstore ? pwdstore_clone(pwdstore) : pwdstore_new(); UiObject *obj = ui_simple_window("Settings", NULL); ui_context_closefunc(obj->ctx, settings_close, NULL); SettingsWindow *wdata = ui_malloc(obj->ctx, sizeof(SettingsWindow)); memset(wdata, 0, sizeof(SettingsWindow)); wdata->config = config; wdata->pwdstore = pwdstore; obj->window = wdata; wdata->obj = obj; settings_init(obj, wdata); ui_tabview(obj, .tabview = UI_TABVIEW_NAVIGATION_TOP) { ui_tab(obj, "General") { ui_grid(obj, .margin = 10) { ui_label(obj, .label = "TODO"); } } ui_tab(obj, "Repositories") { ui_tabview(obj, .value = wdata->repo_tabview, .tabview = UI_TABVIEW_INVISIBLE) { ui_tab(obj, "list") { ui_grid(obj, .margin = 16, .columnspacing = 10, .rowspacing = 10) { ui_hbox(obj, .spacing = 4) { ui_button(obj, .label = "Add", .onclick = repolist_add); ui_button(obj, .label = "Edit", .onclick = repolist_edit, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_REPOLIST_SELECTED)); ui_button(obj, .label = "Remove", .onclick = repolist_remove, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_REPOLIST_SELECTED)); } ui_newline(obj); UiModel* model = ui_model(obj->ctx, UI_STRING, "Name", UI_STRING, "URL", UI_STRING, "User", UI_STRING, "Encrypted", -1); model->getvalue = (ui_getvaluefunc) settings_repolist_getvalue; ui_table(obj, .model = model, .list = wdata->repos, .multiselection = FALSE, .onactivate = repolist_activate, .onselection = repolist_selection, .vexpand = TRUE, .hexpand = TRUE, .colspan = 3); } } ui_tab(obj, "repo") { ui_vbox(obj, .margin = 16, .spacing = 10) { ui_hbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .spacing = 4) { ui_button(obj, .icon = UI_ICON_GO_BACK, .onclick = editrepo_go_back); ui_label(obj, .label = "Repository List"); } ui_scrolledwindow(obj, .hexpand = TRUE, .vexpand = TRUE, .subcontainer = UI_CONTAINER_NO_SUB) { ui_grid(obj, .margin = 10, .columnspacing = 10, .rowspacing = 10) { ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Name"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->repo_name, .width = 15); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "URL"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->repo_url, .hexpand = TRUE); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Credentials", .style = UI_LABEL_STYLE_TITLE, .colspan = 2); ui_newline(obj); ui_hbox(obj, .spacing = 4, .colspan = 2) { ui_combobox(obj, .list = wdata->repo_credentials); ui_button(obj, .label = "New Credentials", .onclick = credentials_new); } ui_newline(obj); ui_expander(obj, .spacing = 10, .colspan = 2, .label = "Unencrypted User/Password", .margin = 10) { ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Store the credentials unencrypted in the repository and not in the secret store", .style = UI_LABEL_STYLE_DIM); ui_grid(obj, .rowspacing = 10, .columnspacing = 10, .fill = UI_OFF) { ui_llabel(obj, .label = "User"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->repo_user, .width = 15); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Password"); ui_passwordfield(obj, .value = wdata->repo_password, .width = 15); } } ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Encryption", .style = UI_LABEL_STYLE_TITLE, .colspan = 2); ui_newline(obj); ui_checkbox(obj, .label = "Enable client-side encryption", .value = wdata->repo_encryption, .colspan = 2, .enable_group = SETTINGS_STATE_REPO_ENCRYPTION); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Default key"); ui_hbox(obj, .spacing = 4) { ui_combobox(obj, .list = wdata->repo_keys, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_REPO_ENCRYPTION)); ui_button(obj, .label = "Generate Key", .onclick = keys_add, .onclickdata = "repo", .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_REPO_ENCRYPTION)); } ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "TLS", .style = UI_LABEL_STYLE_TITLE, .colspan = 2); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Cert Path"); ui_hbox0(obj) { ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->repo_cacert, .width = 15); } ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "TLS Version"); ui_hbox0(obj) { ui_combobox(obj, .list = wdata->repo_tls_versions); } ui_newline(obj); ui_checkbox(obj, .label = "Disable TLS verification", .value = wdata->repo_disable_verification, .colspan = 2); } } } } } } ui_tab(obj, "Sync Directories") { ui_grid(obj, .margin = 10) { ui_label(obj, .label = "TODO"); } } ui_tab(obj, "Credentials") { ui_hbox(obj, .margin = 16, .spacing = 30) { ui_vbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .spacing = 4) { ui_hbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .spacing = 4) { ui_button(obj, .label = "Add", .onclick = credentials_add); ui_button(obj, .label = "Remove", .onclick = credentials_remove, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED)); } ui_listview(obj, .list = wdata->credentials_users, .fill = UI_ON, .onselection = credentials_onselect); } ui_grid(obj, .columnspacing = 30, .rowspacing = 10) { ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Identifier"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->credentials_id, .hexpand = TRUE, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED)); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "User"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->credentials_user, .hexpand = TRUE, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED)); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Password"); ui_passwordfield(obj, .value = wdata->credentials_password, .hexpand = TRUE, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED)); ui_newline(obj); ui_label(obj, .label = " "); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .style = UI_LABEL_STYLE_TITLE, .label = "Locations", .colspan = 2); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .style = UI_LABEL_STYLE_DIM, .label = "List of URLs for which these credentials should be used (optional)", .colspan = 2); ui_newline(obj); ui_hbox(obj, .colspan = 2, .vexpand = TRUE, .hexpand = TRUE, .spacing = 10) { #ifndef UI_WINUI ui_callback credentials_activate_callback = credentials_location_edit; #else ui_callback credentials_activate_callback = NULL; #endif ui_listview(obj, .list = wdata->credentials_locations, .onactivate = credentials_activate_callback, .onselection = credentials_location_onselect, .colspan = 2, .fill = UI_ON, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED)); ui_vbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .spacing = 4) { ui_button(obj, .label = "Add", .onclick = credentials_location_add, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED)); ui_button(obj, .label = "Edit", .onclick = credentials_location_edit, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED)); ui_button(obj, .label = "Remove", .onclick = credentials_location_remove, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED)); ui_button(obj, .label = "Move Up", .onclick = credentials_location_up, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED)); ui_button(obj, .label = "Move Down", .onclick = credentials_location_down, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION_SELECTED)); } } } } } ui_tab(obj, "Keys") { ui_hbox(obj, .margin = 16, .spacing = 30) { ui_vbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .spacing = 4) { ui_hbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .spacing = 4) { ui_button(obj, .label = "Add", .onclick = keys_add); ui_button(obj, .label = "Remove", .onclick = keys_remove, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_KEYS_SELECTED)); } ui_listview(obj, .list = wdata->keys_list, .fill = UI_ON, .onselection = keys_onselect, .getvalue = keylist_getvalue); } ui_grid(obj, .columnspacing = 30, .rowspacing = 10) { ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Identifier"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->key_name, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_KEYS_SELECTED)); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "Type"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->key_type, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_DISABLED)); ui_newline(obj); ui_llabel(obj, .label = "File"); ui_textfield(obj, .value = wdata->key_file, .groups = UI_GROUPS(SETTINGS_STATE_KEYS_SELECTED)); } } } /* ui_tab(obj, "Properties") { ui_grid(obj, .margin = 10) { ui_label(obj, .label = "TODO"); } } */ } ui_hbox(obj, .fill = UI_OFF, .margin = 10) { ui_button(obj, .label = "Cancel", .onclick = settings_cancel); ui_label(obj, .fill = UI_ON); ui_button(obj, .label = "Save", .onclick = settings_ok); } ui_show(obj); } void settings_init(UiObject *obj, SettingsWindow *settings) { settings->repos = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_tabview = ui_int_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_name = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_url = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_user = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_password = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_cacert = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_credentials = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_keys = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_tls_versions = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_encryption = ui_int_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->repo_disable_verification = ui_int_new(obj->ctx, NULL); CxList *repo_keys = settings->repo_keys->data; repo_keys->collection.cmpfunc = (cx_compare_func)strcmp; ui_list_append(settings->repo_tls_versions, "Default"); ui_list_append(settings->repo_tls_versions, "TLSv1.3"); ui_list_append(settings->repo_tls_versions, "TLSv1.2"); ui_list_append(settings->repo_tls_versions, "TLSv1.1"); ui_list_append(settings->repo_tls_versions, "TLSv1.0"); settings->credentials_selected_index = -1; settings->credentials_users = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->credentials_locations = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->credentials_id = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->credentials_user = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->credentials_password = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); CxList *credentials_users = settings->credentials_users->data; CxList *credentials_locations = settings->credentials_locations->data; credentials_users->collection.advanced_destructor = list_str_destructor; credentials_users->collection.destructor_data = settings->obj->ctx; credentials_users->collection.cmpfunc = (cx_compare_func)strcmp; credentials_locations->collection.advanced_destructor = list_str_destructor; credentials_locations->collection.destructor_data = settings->obj->ctx; credentials_locations->collection.cmpfunc = (cx_compare_func)strcmp; settings->keys_list = ui_list_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->key_name = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->key_type = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->key_file = ui_string_new(obj->ctx, NULL); settings->keys_selected_index = -1; // load some list values, that can be reused settings_update_repolist(settings); settings_reload_repo_keys(settings); settings_reload_credentials(settings); settings_reload_repo_credentials(settings); settings_reload_keys(settings); settings->selected_repo = -1; } #define SETTINGS_SET_STRING(str, setting) if(setting.value.ptr) ui_set(str, setting.value.ptr); /* ----------------------------- Repository ----------------------------- */ void settings_edit_repository(SettingsWindow *settings, int repo_index) { DavCfgRepository *repo = ui_list_get(settings->repos, repo_index); if(!repo) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot get repository at index %d\n", repo_index); return; } settings->selected_repo = repo_index; // load plain string values SETTINGS_SET_STRING(settings->repo_name, repo->name); SETTINGS_SET_STRING(settings->repo_url, repo->url); SETTINGS_SET_STRING(settings->repo_cacert, repo->cert); SETTINGS_SET_STRING(settings->repo_user, repo->user); // load decrypted password if(repo->password.value.ptr) { char *decoded_pw = util_base64decode(repo->password.value.ptr); ui_set(settings->repo_password, decoded_pw); size_t decoded_pw_len = strlen(decoded_pw); memset(decoded_pw, 0, decoded_pw_len); free(decoded_pw); } // select credentials dropdown value CxList *cred = settings->repo_credentials->data; cred->collection.cmpfunc = (cx_compare_func)strcmp; ssize_t cred_index = repo->stored_user.value.ptr ? cxListFind(cred, repo->stored_user.value.ptr) : 0; if(cred_index > 0) { ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_credentials, cred_index); } else { ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_credentials, 0); } // load encryption value and default key value ui_set(settings->repo_encryption, repo->full_encryption.value); CxList *keys = settings->repo_keys->data; keys->collection.cmpfunc = (cx_compare_func)strcmp; ssize_t key_index = repo->default_key.value.ptr ? cxListFind(keys, repo->default_key.value.ptr) : 0; if(key_index > 0) { ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_keys, key_index); } else { ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_keys, 0); } // select tls version from dropdown menu CxList *tlsVersions = settings->repo_tls_versions->data; tlsVersions->collection.cmpfunc = (cx_compare_func)strcmp; const char *tls_str = dav_tlsversion2str(repo->ssl_version.value); if(!tls_str) tls_str = ""; ssize_t tlsv_index = cxListFind(tlsVersions, tls_str); if(tlsv_index > 0) { ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_tls_versions, tlsv_index); } else { ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_tls_versions, 0); } if(!repo->verification.value) { ui_set(settings->repo_disable_verification, TRUE); } // switch to editing tab ui_set(settings->repo_tabview, 1); } /* * sets a config value * if new_value is null, the xml node is removed */ static void cfg_string_set_value_or_remove(DavConfig *config, CfgString *str, xmlNode *parent, cxstring new_value, const char *nodename) { if(new_value.length == 0) { new_value.ptr = NULL; } dav_cfg_string_set_value(config, str, parent, new_value, nodename); if(!new_value.ptr) { dav_cfg_string_remove(str); } } /* * return the selected list value, if it is not the default value at index 0 */ static cxstring default_list_get_value(UiList *list) { cxstring ret = { NULL, 0 }; UiListSelection sel = ui_list_getselection(list); if(sel.count > 0) { int index = sel.rows[0]; if(index > 0) { ret = cx_str(ui_list_get(list, index)); } free(sel.rows); } return ret; } void settings_store_repository(SettingsWindow *settings) { DavConfig *config = settings->config; DavCfgRepository *repo; if(settings->repo_new) { settings->repo_new = FALSE; char *name = ui_get(settings->repo_name); if(strlen(name) == 0) { return; } repo = dav_repository_new(config); dav_config_add_repository(config, repo); } else if(settings->selected_repo >= 0) { repo = ui_list_get(settings->repos, settings->selected_repo); if(!repo) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot get repository at index %d\n", settings->selected_repo); return; } } else { return; } // always store name/url nodes dav_cfg_string_set_value(config, &repo->name, repo->node, cx_str(ui_get(settings->repo_name)), "name"); dav_cfg_string_set_value(config, &repo->url, repo->node, cx_str(ui_get(settings->repo_url)), "url"); // store user of remove node, if no user is configured cfg_string_set_value_or_remove(config, &repo->user, repo->node, cx_str(ui_get(settings->repo_user)), "user"); // store cert or remove node cfg_string_set_value_or_remove(config, &repo->cert, repo->node, cx_str(ui_get(settings->repo_cacert)), "cert"); // store password or remove node, if no password is configured char *pw = ui_get(settings->repo_password); size_t pwlen = strlen(pw); if(pwlen > 0) { char *pwenc = util_base64encode(pw, pwlen); memset(pw, 0, pwlen); dav_cfg_string_set_value(config, &repo->password, repo->node, cx_str(pwenc), "password"); free(pwenc); } else { // set password 0 NULL and remove password config node cfg_string_set_value_or_remove(config, &repo->password, repo->node, cx_strn(NULL, 0), "password"); } // get the selected credentials and set "stored-user" // remove node if not needed cxstring stored_user = default_list_get_value(settings->repo_credentials); cfg_string_set_value_or_remove(config, &repo->stored_user, repo->node, stored_user, "stored-user"); // adjust full-encryption node if necessary int encryption = ui_get(settings->repo_encryption); if(encryption || repo->full_encryption.node) { dav_cfg_bool_set_value(config, &repo->full_encryption, repo->node, encryption, "full-encryption"); } // set default-key cxstring key = default_list_get_value(settings->repo_keys); cfg_string_set_value_or_remove(config, &repo->default_key, repo->node, key, "default-key"); // if disable_verification is enabled, set repo verification to false // otherwise remove the node, because verification is enabled by default int disable_verification = ui_get(settings->repo_disable_verification); if(disable_verification) { dav_cfg_bool_set_value(config, &repo->verification, repo->node, !disable_verification, "verification"); } else { dav_cfg_bool_remove(&repo->verification); } // set tls version if configured cxstring tlsversion_str = default_list_get_value(settings->repo_tls_versions); int tlsversion = dav_str2ssl_version(tlsversion_str.ptr); if(tlsversion >= 0) { dav_cfg_int_set_value(config, &repo->ssl_version, repo->node, tlsversion, "ssl-version"); } else { dav_cfg_int_remove(&repo->ssl_version); } settings_update_repolist(settings); settings->selected_repo = -1; } void settings_clear_repository(SettingsWindow *settings) { ui_set(settings->repo_name, ""); ui_set(settings->repo_url, ""); ui_set(settings->repo_user, ""); ui_set(settings->repo_password, ""); ui_set(settings->repo_cacert, ""); ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_credentials, 0); ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_keys, 0); ui_list_setselection(settings->repo_tls_versions, 0); ui_set(settings->repo_encryption, 0); ui_set(settings->repo_disable_verification, 0); } void settings_update_repolist(SettingsWindow *settings) { DavConfig *config = settings->config; ui_list_clear(settings->repos); for (DavCfgRepository *repo = config->repositories; repo; repo = repo->next) { ui_list_append(settings->repos, repo); } if(settings->repos->update) { ui_list_update(settings->repos); } } void* settings_repolist_getvalue(DavCfgRepository *repo, int col) { switch(col) { case 0: { return repo->name.value.ptr; } case 1: { return repo->url.value.ptr; } case 2: { return repo->user.value.ptr ? repo->user.value.ptr : repo->stored_user.value.ptr; } case 3: { return repo->full_encryption.value ? "yes" : "no"; } } return NULL; } void settings_reload_repo_keys(SettingsWindow *settings) { DavConfig *config = settings->config; DavCfgKey *key = config->keys; ui_list_clear(settings->repo_keys); ui_list_append(settings->repo_keys, "-"); while(key) { if(key->name.value.ptr) { ui_list_append(settings->repo_keys, key->name.value.ptr); } key = key->next; } ui_list_update(settings->repo_keys); } void settings_reload_keys(SettingsWindow *settings) { DavConfig *config = settings->config; DavCfgKey *key = config->keys; ui_list_clear(settings->keys_list); while(key) { if(key->name.value.ptr) { ui_list_append(settings->keys_list, key); } key = key->next; } ui_list_update(settings->keys_list); } const char* dav_tlsversion2str(int value) { if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1) { return "TLSv1"; } else if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv2) { return "SSLv2"; } else if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3) { return "SSLv3"; } #if LIBCURL_VERSION_MAJOR * 1000 + LIBCURL_VERSION_MINOR >= 7034 else if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0) { return "TLSv1.0"; } else if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1) { return "TLSv1.1"; } else if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2) { return "TLSv1.2"; } #endif #if LIBCURL_VERSION_MAJOR * 1000 + LIBCURL_VERSION_MINOR >= 7052 else if(value == CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3) { return "TLSv1.3"; } #endif return NULL; } /* ----------------------------- Credentials ----------------------------- */ void settings_reload_credentials(SettingsWindow *settings) { PwdStore *pwd = settings->pwdstore; ui_list_clear(settings->credentials_users); CxIterator i = cxListIterator(pwd->noloc); cx_foreach(PwdIndexEntry*, entry, i) { char *id = ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, entry->id); ui_list_append(settings->credentials_users, id); } i = cxListIterator(pwd->locations); cx_foreach(PwdIndexEntry*, entry, i) { char *id = ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, entry->id); ui_list_append(settings->credentials_users, id); } ui_list_update(settings->credentials_users); } void settings_reload_repo_credentials(SettingsWindow *settings) { PwdStore *pwd = settings->pwdstore; ui_list_clear(settings->repo_credentials); // repo_credentials needs an entry for selecting no credentials ui_list_append(settings->repo_credentials, "-"); CxIterator i = cxListIterator(pwd->noloc); cx_foreach(PwdIndexEntry*, entry, i) { char *id = ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, entry->id); ui_list_append(settings->repo_credentials, id); } i = cxListIterator(pwd->locations); cx_foreach(PwdIndexEntry*, entry, i) { char *id = ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, entry->id); ui_list_append(settings->repo_credentials, id); } ui_list_update(settings->repo_credentials); } void settings_credentials_select(SettingsWindow *settings, const char *id) { if(!id && !settings->credentials_selected_id && !settings->credentials_new) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: no credentials id selected\n"); return; } PwdStore *pwd = settings->pwdstore; if(id) { ui_free(settings->obj->ctx, settings->credentials_selected_id); settings->credentials_selected_id = ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, id); } if(!pwd->isdecrypted) { settings_credentials_decrypt(settings); return; } if(settings->credentials_new) { ui_free(settings->obj->ctx, settings->credentials_selected_id); settings->credentials_selected_id = NULL; settings->credentials_selected_index = ui_list_count(settings->credentials_users); ui_list_append(settings->credentials_users, ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, "new")); settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent = TRUE; ui_list_update(settings->credentials_users); ui_list_setselection(settings->credentials_users, settings->credentials_selected_index); settings->credentials_ignore_selectionevent = FALSE; ui_set(settings->credentials_id, "new"); ui_set(settings->credentials_user, ""); ui_set(settings->credentials_password, ""); ui_list_clear(settings->credentials_locations); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); } else { PwdEntry *entry = cxMapGet(pwd->ids, settings->credentials_selected_id); PwdIndexEntry *index = cxMapGet(pwd->index, settings->credentials_selected_id); if(!entry) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot get pwd entry %s\n", settings->credentials_selected_id); return; } if(!index) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: missing PwdIndexEntry. PwdStore may be broken.\n"); return; } ui_set(settings->credentials_id, entry->id); ui_set(settings->credentials_user, entry->user); ui_set(settings->credentials_password, entry->password); ui_list_clear(settings->credentials_locations); if(index->locations) { CxIterator i = cxListIterator(index->locations); cx_foreach(char *, loc, i) { ui_list_append(settings->credentials_locations, ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, loc)); } } } ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); ui_set_group(settings->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED); } void settings_credentials_clear(SettingsWindow *settings) { ui_free(settings->obj->ctx, settings->credentials_selected_id); settings->credentials_selected_id = NULL; settings->credentials_new = FALSE; ui_set(settings->credentials_id, ""); ui_set(settings->credentials_user, ""); ui_set(settings->credentials_password, ""); ui_list_clear(settings->credentials_locations); ui_list_update(settings->credentials_locations); ui_unset_group(settings->obj->ctx, SETTINGS_STATE_CREDENTIALS_SELECTED); } int settings_credentials_save(SettingsWindow *settings) { if(settings->credentials_selected_index == -1) { return 0; } // check if the credentials list contains an element with the same id // if an index is found, it must match the selected index, otherwise // we have a duplicate identifier char *newid = ui_get(settings->credentials_id); if(strlen(newid) == 0) { return 0; // TODO: check if other fields are set } ssize_t index = cxListFind(settings->credentials_users->data, newid); if(index >=0 && index != settings->credentials_selected_index) { cxmutstr s = cx_asprintf("Identifier %s already in use", newid); ui_dialog(settings->obj, .title = "Error", .content = s.ptr, .closebutton_label = "OK"); free(s.ptr); return 1; } char *user = ui_get(settings->credentials_user); char *password = ui_get(settings->credentials_password); CxList *ui_locations = settings->credentials_locations->data; size_t numlocations = cxListSize(ui_locations); CxList *locations = NULL; if(numlocations > 0) { locations = cxArrayListCreateSimple(CX_STORE_POINTERS, numlocations); CxIterator i = cxListIterator(ui_locations); cx_foreach(char*, loc, i) { cxListAdd(locations, strdup(loc)); } } // if the user id changed, mark the list as changed to update it later settings->credentials_list_needs_update = settings->credentials_new || strcmp(newid, settings->credentials_selected_id); if(settings->credentials_new || strcmp(newid, settings->credentials_selected_id ? settings->credentials_selected_id : "")) { settings->credentials_list_needs_update = TRUE; cxListRemove(settings->credentials_users->data, settings->credentials_selected_index); cxListInsert(settings->credentials_users->data, settings->credentials_selected_index, ui_strdup(settings->obj->ctx, newid)); } // if the pwdstore already contains this id, remove it first if(settings->credentials_selected_id) { pwdstore_remove_entry(settings->pwdstore, settings->credentials_selected_id); } pwdstore_put(settings->pwdstore, newid, user, password); pwdstore_put_index(settings->pwdstore, strdup(newid), locations); settings->credentials_modified = TRUE; settings->credentials_new = FALSE; return 0; } void *keylist_getvalue(void *data, int col) { DavCfgKey *key = data; return key->name.value.ptr; } void settings_edit_key(SettingsWindow *settings, DavCfgKey *key) { if(key->name.value.ptr) { ui_set(settings->key_name, key->name.value.ptr); } const char *key_type; switch(key->type) { default: key_type = ""; break; case DAV_KEY_TYPE_AES256: { key_type = "AES256"; break; } case DAV_KEY_TYPE_AES128: { key_type = "AES128"; break; } case DAV_KEY_TYPE_UNKNOWN: { key_type = "unknown"; break; } } ui_set(settings->key_type, key_type); if(key->file.value.ptr) { ui_set(settings->key_file, key->file.value.ptr); } } void settings_clear_key(SettingsWindow *settings) { ui_set(settings->key_name, ""); ui_set(settings->key_type, ""); ui_set(settings->key_file, ""); }