DavUtils documentation

dav info

dav info [-pc] <url>

Prints some information and lists all properties for the resource specified by url.

Example 1: info of a collection

In this example myserv is a configured repository with the base url https://example.com/webdav/. Because the collection is not encrypted, the url in the info output is just the path appended to the base url.

$ dav info myserv/col/
name: col
path: /col
url:  https://example.com/webdav/col
type: collection
size: 28

namespace: DAV:
  creationdate: 2017-06-14T09:32:43Z
  getetag: "1000-551e83bebc19c"
  getlastmodified: Wed, 14 Jun 2017 09:32:43 GMT

Example 2: encrypted resource

With encrypted resources, the url in the info output looks different. The real resource name may be disguised, but the name used by dav is stored encrypted and base64 encoded in the crypto-name property. Read the encryption documentation to learn more about the davutils encryption feature.

$ dav info -c myserv/crres
name: crres
path: /crres
url:  https://example.com/webdav/wsIwbLxuJQTGtgiMAD1KGeaY
type: resource
size: 48 bytes

namespace: DAV:
  creationdate: 2017-07-09T16:18:09Z
  getcontentlength: 48
  getetag: "30-553e4cfecd170"
  getlastmodified: Sun, 09 Jul 2017 16:18:09 GMT

namespace: http://apache.org/dav/props/
  executable: F

namespace: http://davutils.org/
  crypto-hash: fm4zstp/FevTs1aoUXc3+mqTmAf2Go+zQ34rSp8/ixDlGLQJXR74Je+WMl1zxZKbS/+5VwDhyZ9pT3gInsq2SA==
  crypto-key: mykey
  crypto-name: ZU+lZtFi3dprBz44714plYwfRnhyI/apYq46Sk/B6QU=