DavUtils documentation

dav list

dav list [-altdepcR] [-u <date>] <url>

Lists child resources of the specified collection. Without any option it shows only the direct children and hides files beginning with a dot. The behavior is quite similar to that of the unix tool ls.


-a don’t hide files whose names begin with a dot .

-l show additional information for resources


--     4.2 KiB  Oct 11  2015  somefile

The first column contains to fields for flags.

  1. Field: d- indicates a collection
  2. Field: -c indicates an encrypted resource

Encrypted collections are also possible, but only the collection name is encrypted, the content may be unencrypted.

The second column in the list -l output is the resource size. The number has always a suffix (bytes, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB). To get the exact content-length in bytes you can use the dav info command.

The third column is the date of the last modification. The strftime format is %b %d %H:%M if the year is the current year. Otherwise the format is %b %d %Y.

The last column is the resource name. If the -R option is specified, the resource path is shown.

-t this options only works in combination with -l and it adds the resource content type to the output (after the flags)

-d order resources by their lastmodified date

-e similar to -l, but with 6 flag fields. Currently only the first 4 fields are used. The last two are reserved for future use.

  1. Field: d--- indicates a collection
  2. Field: -c-- indicates an encrypted resource
  3. Field: --l- indicates a locked resource
  4. Field: ---x indicates an executable resource (executable property with http://apache.org/dav/props/ namespace)

All combinations of these four flags are possible.

-p disable file name and path decryption if enabled

-c enable file name and path decryption

-R recursively show all resources in the collection and all child collections

-u <date> show only resources with a lastmodified date after the specified date. Uses the HTTP date format.

Command alias: ls