UAP Common Extensions
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cscstr_tThe UCX string structure for immutable (constant) strings
 Csstr_tThe UCX string structure
 Cucx_memchunkCapsule for destructible memory chunks
 Cucx_regdestrCapsule for data and its destructor
 Cucx_stack_metadataMetadata for each UCX stack element
 CUcxAllocatorUCX allocator data structure containing memory management functions
 CUcxArrayUCX array type
 CUcxBufferUCX Buffer
 CUcxKeyStructure to publicly denote a key of a UcxMap
 CUcxListUCX list structure
 CUcxLoggerThe UCX Logger object
 CUcxMapStructure for the UCX map
 CUcxMapElementStructure for an element of a UcxMap
 CUcxMapIteratorStructure for an iterator over a UcxMap
 CUcxMapKeyInternal structure for a key of a UcxMap
 CUcxMempoolUCX mempool structure
 CUcxPropertiesUcxProperties object for parsing properties data
 CUcxStackUCX stack structure
 CUcxTestListStructure for the internal list of test cases
 CUcxTestSuiteA test suite containing multiple test cases